Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1061: Huang Quanshi

The little devil patted the devil on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't worry, even if it's really a trial this time, I'll just break into it. I'm very interested to see what the legendary things look like."

Seeing the confidence of Xiao Motou talking and laughing, the devil was a little ashamed. He immediately noticed that he was unconsciously disturbed by the traces left by Li Beixing. He thought too much and lost his past. Invincible and confident.

In fact, he and the little devil were the top disciples in the head of Montenegro, so there is no need to pay too much attention because Li Beixing is outstanding in some aspects.

Anyway, the two now join forces, not to mention Li Beixing, even Zhao Shu can't resist.

When the time comes for a dead person, no matter how loud the noise is, it should be gone ...

Thinking of this, the devil suddenly relieved, his heart calmed down, and his complexion regained calmly: "Hehe, it's my confusion. You and I join hands, not to mention Li Beixing, even if we meet a real ghost emperor, we should be able to cope with it. ... "

The little devil glanced at him and nodded and smiled, apparently aware of the old opponent's state change in this moment.

This is also a good thing. At least now, the opponent of the two is Li Beixing. The devil is in a better state, and it is easier for them to win ...


The devil begs for benevolence ...

Soon after, the two encountered a black mist, but it was nothing. Some non-influential ghosts were good at relying on the black mist to spy on strangers. No longer caring, he waved his hand straight forward, and the ghost dragon suddenly coagulated and rushed in as usual.

Then, there was a scream ...

The black mist in front of him was a tumult, and there was a roar of ghost dragons, and then a thousand dragons rushed out and hovered around the little devil's head. There is fear.

The little devil's face suddenly changed, his ghost dragon's strength was not weak, but on the contrary, it was still very strong. Even if compared with the pseudo ghost emperor who relied on the power of the mysterious Yin outside, it could easily be over the head, which can be said to be the real ghost. Compared to Emperor, it is only half a step away.

But now, he was defeated in the dark mist.

At the next moment, the black mist was dispersed, revealing the scene behind ...

It was a huge ghost relief, the size of a cow, the shape of a tiger, and wings on its back, and there were uneven bone spurs on its back. The roots stood up to the sky, and the brave breath almost came to the face.

The most important thing is that this ghost opened its mouth wide at this time, and the infinite ghost gas screamed, swarming into its mouth. With the continuous injection of ghost gas, the kind of breath that belongs to the ghost emperor, also Waking up quietly!

In the spirit consciousness of the little demon head, the ghost carved out of the stone in front of him opened his eyes, and the vicious spirit also overflowed.

The devil swallowed hard, and the breath of recovery alone made him feel horrified. This is truly a real ghost emperor!

"I said ..." The devil turned his head hard and looked at the little devil head: "I don't remember the ghost emperor moving just now, Li Beixing they should not have met this big guy ..."

At this time, the little devil stared closely at the relief, his face gloomy and said: "Of course not, there are so many ghosts condensed, someone intentionally awakened the ghost emperor!"

"You mean this is Li Beixing's left hand?" The devil was startled.

"Condensing the boundless ghost spirit and turning the ghost emperor's spiritual return, these methods are not something he can do with his disciples, but in any case, this ghost spirit is related to him. After I found Li Beixing, I wanted him to die at Wan Guipha Under my heart! "The little devil finished his vicious talk, and there was a trace of flesh pain on his face, but he didn't hesitate anymore, and squeezed Huang Quanshi hard in his hand. A crack appeared on the hole-filled Huang Quanshi.

The ghost dragon roared with a loud voice, and the momentum suddenly rose, even surpassing the peak state. Under the command of the little devil, he actually carried the violent momentum and rushed towards the relief.

However, at the moment when the two were about to collide, a shocking roar suddenly broke out, and the relief was unsealed, the spirit of the ghost emperor broke out completely, and a tiger-shaped ghost emperor with bone spurs took a step and opened the mouth of the blood basin. Exposing fine fangs, he inserted it into the neck of Ghost Dragon, and bit the Ghost Dragon in one bit.

However, regardless of how the ghost dragon is tumbling, it is impossible to break free from the tiger's mouth.

On the contrary, the ghost emperor still has the spare power while biting the ghost dragon. A pair of vertical pupils looked at the two little devil heads. With the kind of indifference and scrutiny in their eyes, both the little devil head and the devil retreated involuntarily. One step, because they found out that this ghost emperor is different from the ghost thing just now, it was born with spiritual wisdom!

The little devil gritted his teeth, knowing that it was time for life and death, his five fingers slammed hard, and the yellow spring stone in his hand suddenly shattered.

Huang Quanshi turned into powder in the air and drifted towards the ghost dragon. When the ghost dragon's breath gradually weakened, the powder fell into the ghost dragon's seven tricks. Then, the surface of the ghost dragon's body showed a real dragon scale. With a crackling sound, there are bones in the body quickly!

The ghost dragon's breath almost rushed to the level of the real ghost emperor in an instant, and the ghost emperor did not expect that the enemy would die at his lowest point, and at the last moment, it would be able to die and be resurrected. Unexpectedly, some great strength came, and was flew out.

After the body of the ghost emperor's limbs supported the pillars, he really looked at his opponent, and his teeth shouted. Next moment, the two huge figures collided violently, and even the channel trembles three times.

The two demon heads avoided the battlefield from the beginning. Looking at this intense battle, even if they were to intervene, they must be prepared for serious injuries.

Now, fortunately, there is a small devil who has directly sacrificed Huang Quanshi, so that the ghost dragon can resist for a while, and when the two are defeated, they can take advantage ...

At this time, the little demon head was in the distance, squinting at the two giant beasts who were fighting endlessly, and then looking at the devil and asking: "This kind of **** is supposed to be guarding the mansion, how come he came here?"

The devil's face was pale, and he smiled bitterly: "After the destruction of the ancient mansion, nothing broken happened, and some powerful people took advantage of the opportunity to pick up leaks in the mansion, and it is not uncommon to imprison a big ghost here."

"I don't think it's that simple. Forget it, I don't care about those ..." The little devil saw the distance, and the battle seemed to be the most intense. He frowned slightly, and suddenly decided: "The ghost emperor spawned by Huang Quanshi It won't last long. If the ghost emperor persists for a longer period of time, it will be troublesome. I'll do it together later! "

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