The devil nodded his head and agreed. As Zhenyuan shipped, the temperature around him suddenly dropped by three points. There were ghosts around him condensing and forming. The whole person was suddenly shrouded in ghost images of layers of ghosts.

However, what they did not expect was that the ghost dragon was defeated too quickly. Under the violent attack of the ghost emperor, the ghost dragon that had just absorbed Huang Quanshi started to maintain its balance for a short time before it began. Falling downwind.

Once unsustainable, he immediately failed to form an army in front of the ghost emperor, and finally, like a ruin, he had no more resistance.

Only with the dragon body just obtained, he desperately resisted the bite of the ghost emperor, but the ghost emperor was more and more courageous, and finally the ubiquitous bone spur pierced the body of the ghost dragon and tore the dragon body into pieces. Swallow it.

Then, the pair of cold vertical pupils looked at the two little devil heads.

The little devil took a deep breath, his body suddenly rose into a pale white flame, the phantom of a white-bone demon flickered, and the breath of the little devil climbed to the top, and he went all out with one shot.

And the devil rushed up from the beginning, he embodied thousands of ghosts in the air, and in this moment, hundreds of ghosts appeared in his body. This is the true law of the ghosts of the ghosts in the old mountain. .

Using this true method to capture the breath of any ghost, it can be transformed into any ghost, exerting several layers of power of that kind of ghost, but it is a supernatural power that meets strength.

But now, the devil is finally transformed into a big ghost in front of him, which is also a tiger with wings and bones!

Even the monstrous and mighty powers are generally the same, but if there is a real master here, you will know that this is just a matter of form, compared with the real ghost emperor, it is still far away.

But even so, the power of the devil has completely overshadowed the ordinary Jindan nine turn, and can easily defeat the so-called ghost emperor on the outside.

But on the opposite side are the evil ghosts in the ancient Hades. After sleeping for countless years, they are now awakened again, and they can still exert the power of the real ghost emperor.

Anyway, the light is the confrontation between these moments, and the devil has a deep understanding of the power of this ghost emperor ...

The true law of his ten thousand ghosts is the supreme true law of ghost cultivation, which can be transformed into the form of the opposite ghost emperor, and can master some of the power, but now, the devil feels that his power is as vast as the river, beyond Any enemy he faced before.

And that power is still rising. In the end, it has completely surpassed the dead ghost dragon in front, but the devil is not only not much excited, but a bit nervous ...

The true law of a thousand ghosts is stronger than strong ones. He only steals part of his power, and he has such an effect. One can imagine how terrifying this ghost emperor himself should be.

But now, the devil is no longer thinking about it, and when the power is at its peak, he will attack!


The devil has completely lost his human form, and the whole person turned into a ghost. With a roar, he ran into the ghost emperor in front of him.

Ghost Emperor saw the human in front of him turned into an angry look, his eyes almost burst into flames, countless protruding bone spurs moved slightly, the vicious air overflowed, the huge body was extremely flexible, like lightning, giant claws Just shot towards the devil.


In just a moment, the two fight against each other for three times, and each time is powerful, but the difference is also obvious. The devil was directly hit and flew out, and fell to the wall like mud. Blood.

His claws plunged deep into the wall, barely keeping his shape, and turned his head to look at the little devil who shouted: "Are you **** well, I can't hold it anymore."

"Don't quarrel! Give me three more breaths!" The little devil's face was equally gloomy. After he had a fight with the ghost emperor at the beginning, he left the ghost emperor's side and was put on top by the devil, but he did not look at the lively Meaning, on the contrary, as his face gradually became pale, the pale white light on his body became stronger and stronger, and a white bone shrouded in the light gradually appeared behind him ...

Feeling the coercion gradually coming from the little devil, the devil did not say much. At this time, the ghost emperor seemed to feel wrong, and turned into a vague shadow and attacked the little devil.

The devil gritted his teeth and walked away. The huge body stood in front of the ghost emperor, and he resisted the ghost emperor's blow, but the price he paid was huge. The ghost body transformed into a ghost was blasted out again.

However, this time only passed, the devil was too late to heal, and he welcomed him again without hesitation.

The ghost emperor was stopped one after another, and was suddenly irritated. He simply abandoned the little devil and pressed the devil on the ground. Numerous bone spurs suddenly extended and penetrated deeply into the devil's body.

Even if the devil is guilty of the true way of the ghost, he can't stand this kind of ravages. The ghost body is suddenly full of holes, and the blood flows out of the place. If it is not talented, it will have died in the hands of the ghost emperor.

In spite of this, it was almost several times that the body collapsed, almost unable to maintain the true spirit of the ghosts, almost revealing the human face.

However, when the devil's breath gradually weakened, or even disappeared, the ghost emperor suddenly stopped and stopped, because in his perception, there was a breath not inferior to it ... …

The little devil's head was full of black hair and no wind, since the chubby, quite happy figure appeared a kind of burly and majestic, and an unclear white bone phantom stood quietly behind him, looking fuzzy The unclearness is rather weak, but it has its own momentum!

The Ghost Emperor lifted his claws on the devil's body, turned his head to look at the little devil's head, and threatened to growl, as if it was not a human being, but a wild beast.

"Damn, what is three breaths, obviously three and a half breaths, and I will die later in a little while ..." The devil fell on the ground and was moaning, and he also groaned, looking miserable, but his body was crisp and crisp. The sound is actually repairing the bone quickly ...

The little devil glanced at the devil: "Forget it, just treat me as if I owe you a favor ..."

When the words fell, the little devil completely turned into a bleak streamer, with a heavy momentum, and slammed toward the ghost emperor. At the same time, the white bone phantom behind him expanded infinitely, and suddenly, it seemed that the white bone devil was coming!

The ghost emperor faced this opponent with the same caution. The bone spurs suddenly rose a dozen feet, as if the roots were flying into the sky, and the action almost cut through the void.

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