The devil was able to take a breath, and the true spirit of the ten thousand ghosts was running to the extreme, constantly repairing the flesh, and the power was returning bit by bit, and even had the ability to watch the current battle situation.

Bone Element Demon Road is worthy of being the highest true method of the Three Demon Sects. The little demon head just walked a few steps into the threshold and was able to confront the real ghost emperor. At this time, the two actually competed equally.

But after watching it for a while, the devil was still involuntarily shocked. Although the bone bone magic path is powerful, at least it must be the state of the law to be able to use it calmly. The little devil is only forcibly driven now, although now the wind is rising, But I don't know how long it will last.

On the other hand, the ghost emperor is completely in its territory in this passage, and the ghost spirit is almost endless, and will not be exhausted at all.


Under the violent endless offensive of the Ghost Emperor, the pale white flame that remained unchanged on the small devil's head also began to weaken, and the bone behind him was roaring again and again, and the palm of the bone shot the Ghost Emperor's offensive time and time again, but the body The shape was also extinguished by the shock.

When the devil saw this, he felt a little cold in his heart. They had entered the top of the Black Mountain for too long, and it was still too careless. They were paralyzed by the so-called ghost emperors outside.

The real ghost emperors, one of the world's most extraordinary creatures, roared from thousands of ghosts and experienced countless killings. That is enough for the Fa to take it seriously. How can it be like those pseudo ghost emperors, Let them divide ...

However, when the pale white flame shrouded in the little devil's head fluttered, the little devil's head was fighting and injured, and he had to take a claw of the ghost emperor's broken gold crack stone. Although he spit out a blood in the air, it was actually Close to the ghost emperor.

The devil exclaimed with a look, but the ghost emperor had bone spurs all over his body, no weakness, how could he get close, this little devil is crazy?

Fortunately, under the power of the Ten Thousand Ghosts, the body of the devil has been repaired, he wanted to step forward several times, but he finally hesitated to stop. It was not fear, but trust in the old opponent. The upper hand made him believe that the little devil would not give up, but must keep his hands behind.

However, the devil is still ready to go like a leopard before hunting, and the true elements of the whole body are circulating, staring closely at the battle situation, ready to respond at any time.

At this time, the little devil finally approached the ghost ghost's huge ghost body. At this time, he held a bone spur on the ghost emperor's back, bleeding at the corner of his mouth, and gave a weak smile: "Dead ..."

With that said, a complex French seal was formed very quickly in his hand. With his hands released, a whitish white seal was left on the ghost emperor, and the little devil's head touched and left ...

Followed by, a subtle wave rippled from the ghost emperor ...

The devil watched for a moment: "Is it ..."

"What a daze, follow me." White light flashed, and the little demon head appeared in front of the devil. Before the devil could react, the little demon head flashed again, and he took the devil out of here, and appeared again. It's a thousand feet away ...

Then, there was a dense and dull sound in the ghost emperor's body. Then, an extremely powerful force burst out of the ghost emperor's body ...

The ghost emperor shouted with great grief, and the great power coming from the body was like a sword of thousands of thousands of dollars, transmitted from the grim ghost body, and suddenly made the ghost emperor so scarred that even the bone spurs were broken Several ...

"Oh, dare to eat my food, how to do without making a stomach ..." In the distance, the little devil saw this scene but sneered.

"That's Huang Quanshi? You've already considered it, deliberately let it eat to detonate Huang Quanshi?" Guizi said inconceivably.

"You see clearly, I am repairing the bone bone metamorphosis, and it is not the metamorphosis of the Tianji school, how can it be so accurate, just luck ..." The little devil rolled his eyes, and then patted the devil's Shoulders: "I'm running out of mountains and rivers, and I'll see you all ..."


The devil still wanted to say something, but the little devil was coughing suddenly, and blood spilled from his mouth and nose. Obviously, he just paid a great price just now, not as easy as he seemed ...

The devil suddenly swallowed the doubts in his heart, and went straight to the past, and the little devil's face was slightly ruddy.

Next, the devil took a deep breath and went to the ghost emperor ...

The outbreak of Huang Quanshi is not a trivial matter, but it is a ghost treasure that has been nurtured in Huangquan for countless years. Once it explodes in the body, it is like an endless stream of yellow springs, and even the ghost emperor can withstand it. It's just that the breath is paralyzed on the ground, but he didn't take the initiative.

The devil did not mean anything. He took a few steps and the body was alienated again. The true law of the ghosts of the ghosts mimicked the shape of the ghost emperor. With the rising of the breath, it actually exerted its peak combat power again.

The ghost emperor roared weakly when the devil was photographed with giant claws, and somehow the strength came from, still struggling.

The dying ghost emperor fell into a frenzy, and for a moment, he actually temporarily resisted the devil.

Moreover, the ghost emperor still retains spiritual wisdom. In this dying struggle, it is still dragging the broken ghost body, and fighting and retreating, it is actually approaching the stone wall at the time of the fall, where his statue exists!

Although the devil prevailed, but the ghost emperor was eager to escape, he couldn't stop it for a while. Even if he left scars on the ghost emperor, he even pulled out bone spurs and penetrated the body of the ghost emperor.

When the devil tried to grasp a huge bone spur on the ghost emperor and pulled it outwards, a tired voice suddenly appeared behind him: "Let's go."

Suddenly the demon was startled, and subconsciously flicked to the side, followed by a huge bone knife as clean as jade, with unmatched power, cut from the sky!

But the ghost emperor was too late to respond, and was cut off with a knife, and a thin line suddenly appeared on the broken ghost body.

Followed, the thin line split, silently, the huge body of the ghost emperor separated in half ...

The devil looked back in amazement, and saw the little devil plopped and collapsed on the ground ...

After a while, the devil took a breath and smiled bitterly: "You are ruthless ..."

After the pressure disappeared, the devil was unable to maintain his body shape, and turned into a human form, his face pale as paper.

Although the true law of the ghosts of the ghosts is not as perverted as the bone bone magic path, but the consumption is also extraordinary, and the devils exploded twice, and the body also reached the edge of collapse ...

Although he managed to win in the end, the devil remembered everything just now and was still afraid for a while.

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