But Li Beixing was furious: "Hey, what is your attitude, don't think that I will let you go, even if it is a bone, I can squeeze oil and come over to me!"

With that in mind, Li Beixing even dragged the Huofengzi aside with a curse, and began another round of squeezing ...

Lin Fei looked at the two people in the distance, but smiled. He asked Li Beixing to play with Huo Fengzi for a while, but he had something to do.

Lin Fei flashed in place, then appeared in the dark earth again.

The underworld is barren and the sky is gray, but a round of blood sun hangs high, making the sky dyed with a rich color of blood. Under the blood sun, it is a sea of ​​ghosts. Among the mountains and rivers, various ghosts can be seen living in them. Most of them were absorbed by Lin Fei from the top of the Black Mountain. After entering the underworld, they turned into a part of the underworld. Whether it was ghost spirit or life and death, they were all included in the underworld cycle.

But in the extreme west, it is completely different from the gloomy scene of the dark earth. The Buddha's light shines, and there is a burst of peaceful Zen singing.

When Lin Fei descended on the underworld, a large group of ghosts knelt down on the ground, daring to raise their heads and greeted the advent of the Lord of the Underworld.

Although the ghosts are fierce, but their ranks are also strict, Lin Fei, as the Lord of the Underworld, is like a **** to them.

However, Lin Fei is indeed almost omnipotent in this space.

He took another step and crossed the space to the foot of the eighteenth floor of hell.

A round bead floats in the eighteenth layer of hell, and a ray of misty and chaotic air is drawn from the bead, and the bead is getting smaller and smaller.

This was given by the old man before leaving, originally to lock the stone clothes powder and isolate the **** stone perception, but in this underworld, the space is completely controlled by Lin Fei, and it is self-contained, not to mention the stone clothes broken into the powder, even if it is floating Into the ghost sea and melted, Lin Fei can pull out.

This bead is a small piece of Daojing space. Although it is far worse than the whole Daojing, when the old man gave it to Lin Fei, he obviously did not expect him to return it.

In fact, this bead is really a tonic for 18 layers of **** and underworld!

If it were n’t for Lin Fei who wanted to study it, let ’s say that the beads would not be left until now. I ’m afraid they would be swallowed by the eighteenth layer of **** as soon as they entered the nether earth, leaving no residue left.

Now Lin Fei pinches the space beads between his fingers, and sees that the outer periphery is misty and glorious. After the ultimate condensation, the bead body is formed, and at the core, there is a faint ray of black lingering, that is the stone clothes locked in it ... …

I just watched it for a while, and I didn't find anything special except that.

Lin Fei was amazed and looked at the eighteenth floor of hell: "Forget it, eat it."

The eighteenth layer of **** seems to be understood. The overlapping eighteenth layer of the small world trembles a little. The bead just fell into the interlayer of the small world, and was immediately transformed into a misty chaotic atmosphere dissipated in the eighteenth layer of hell.

The Shiyi powder also quickly condensed and turned into a stone garment again, and remained in the eighteenth layer of hell.

Daojing space is worthy of its origin. Once it dissipates, the effect is immediate, and the rumbling sound in the eighteenth layer of **** is like a thunder that opens up the earth, which causes the eighteenth layer of **** to continue to grow.

Perhaps it is the reason why Lin Fei used the red lotus industry fire. The sixteenth hell, that is, the layer of volcanic hell, is suddenly solidified. The speed of maturity is the fastest among the eighteenth hell. The original red lotus industry fire After being used by Lin Fei, he hid in the depths and seemed to be somewhat depressed.

But now, it has recovered at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and even strengthened ...

Lin Fei looked at all this, and was quite satisfied in his heart. In this way, it lasted another ten days and a half months, digesting all the benefits, and the eighteen layers of **** could mature again.

At least Lin Fei used the red lotus industry fire again, and Immortality would not be so resistant.

Next, relying on the eighteenth layer of **** to slowly digest himself, Lin Fei was about to leave, but suddenly saw a picture, suddenly stiff and stopped.

With the continuous improvement of the eighteenth layer of hell, a picture became clearer. In this picture, he had seen two backs standing together, a straight figure, clearly looking like a young man, but with white hair, just Simply standing there, seeing no momentum, then one cannot ignore him.

And the other is a rickety old man, with his hand and green stick, like an old man everywhere.

However, Lin Fei knew that this was one of the top fighting forces of Luofu Realm tens of thousands of years ago. Asking the Sect Master Sword is also his master ...

The two men looked like mountains, just standing there, but it seemed to block everything in front of them. They could only vaguely see that they were facing a dark abyss.

Last time, this picture is so far.

However, it may be the reason for absorbing a small piece of Daojing space. This time the picture did not stop here, but continued to appear more ...

I saw Lin Banhu's figure moved a little, as if something came in front ...

And the old man wanted to take a step, it seemed to be fighting, but Lin Banhu held his shoulder and blocked him, but with such a flicker, the scene in front of them was revealed ...

It was a dark, ignorant, deep, lifeless, and it was still extending rapidly, consuming all the light and space, and covering towards the two.

At this time, Lin Banhu raised his left hand and held it fiercely, and the world changed suddenly. The darkness seemed to be held by Lin Banhu, and suddenly stopped spreading, and kept shaking, as if the whole world was pinched in the hand by Lin Banhu. .

Following that, Lin Banhu held an unpretentious long sword in his right hand, the tip of the sword was raised, and it seemed that he would wave towards the darkness in the next moment ...

Then at this moment, the picture suddenly turned black, turned into thousands of seals, and dissipated in the eighteenth layer of hell.

At this time, Lin Feicai came out of the picture, and there was some shock in his eyes ...

"Brother Lin actually made the sword?"

It is said that Lin Banhu was born and asked Jianzong, which is also a sword repair in itself.

However, Lin Fei has been with Lin Banhu for more than ten years, knowing that Lin Banhu is a man.

His good temperament is arrogant, and the bad one is weird.

He himself is a genius of swordsmanship. On the way of practicing swordsmanship, he made rapid advances. When he reached the realm of dharma, he unknowingly stepped on the top of the swordsmanship. Looking at the heavens, he was qualified to be a shorter one with him on the swordsmanship. There are only two or three people.

Perhaps it is to sharpen himself. When he is against enemies, regardless of the strength of his opponent, as long as he is not at the point of life and death, he will not easily use kendo to fight the enemy.

This is considered to have given up the advantages that he is most good at, even if he first came to the dharma body, and could not wait to ask the old man for help, he would rather lose the opportunity than use kendo first.

At that time, the old man had been standing at the top of the Dharma for thousands of years. When he met such a disciple who was not afraid of death, he repaired Lin Banhu with no effort.

But after the repair, the old man sighed aloud, saying that he might not have such a chance in the future.

This is equivalent to admitting the genius of Lin Banhu, and it is estimated that Lin Banhu will improve in the future.

You know, the old man at that time was the undoubted top-level dharma body in Luofu Realm, and he could be recognized by him. Even Lin Banhu was quite proud at that time, and he said that he would defeat the old man in a hundred years.

Of course, after he said this, he was beaten up by the old man again ...

In any case, it can be seen that Lin Banhu insisted a little.

But now, facing the darkness, Lin Banhu actually cut off with a sword without hesitation. Moreover, this is the second time Lin Banhu has reached the realm of dharma. After more than ten years of possession of the sword, the sword will surely rise again.

Moreover, there is still an old man present at the same time, the two dharma monks still can not make Lin Banhu easy, which is a bit scary ...

It is no exaggeration to say that Dharma body cultivator is the pinnacle of human cultivation in history, and it is placed in a world like Fo Lijie, that is enough to become the existence of the realm master!

Even looking at the history of the entire human race will inevitably leave its own traces.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the reason why Wen Jianzong was able to become one of the leaders in the world annihilation was because of the repression scenes of the old man and Lin Banhu at the same time.

In those days, the combat power of these two men was so precious. They could stand alone in any place, but they appeared here at the same time, and they could force Lin Banhu to take the initiative to shoot the sword. What should be in the darkness? ?

Lin Fei had no idea for a long time, so he didn't even think about it.

What was involved in the catastrophe was too complicated, not to mention myself, there are some places, even the old man and Lin Banhu may not be able to tell.

Having said that, if someone really understood everything at the time, maybe they could find a way to stop this big disaster ...

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