Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1071: Either promise or die

But this picture was actually recorded, indicating that Shenshi had experienced that era, and may have had contact with Lin Banhu.

However, this is the end of the picture, and I want to know more, I can only ask the stone ...

Lin Fei faintly felt that this Fo Li boundary was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. There was a black mountain head in this place, and there were traces left by Lin Ban Lake. relationship.

At this time, the beads have completely disappeared, and the growth rate of the eighteen layers of **** suddenly slowed down, and the rest is slowly digested.

Lin Fei glanced, and knew that the easiest way to see more pictures was to devour the Tao Realm. In fact, if there was a chance, Lin Fei had already done that. Unfortunately, things are not that simple ...

Although Lin Fei took control of Taoism at the first meeting, the old man had taken root there for thousands of years. If Lin Fei forced too much and the old man really had the same way to do it, it would be more than worth it ...


When I returned to his realm with the God Stone next time, I didn't know if the old man would dare to ask for it.

Lin Fei smiled slightly and took another step before his figure disappeared into the underworld ...

When Lin Fei appeared again, it seemed that Li Beixing and Huo Fengzi had finished talking ...

Li Beixing looks very happy, but Huo Fengzi is crying with a sad face, in stark contrast to Li Beixing.

Obviously, Li Beixing's happiness is based on Huo Fengzi's pain.

Lin Fei asked only a few words to know that this true disciple of the Xuan Yao Sect had signed several treaties of humiliation in the friendly consultation just now. Anyway, Lin Fei only heard a few of them and knew that if there was no accident, Huofeng Zi fears that he will work for Li Beixing all his life.

At this moment, a layer of weak waves came again. After passing through the three people, it continued to spread further, and it seems that it will spread to the top of Montenegro.

This is exactly what God Stone sent out, and it came twice within a day. This God Stone is really about to wake up.

Li Beixing was too late to relive the joy of victory, and was anxiously said: "Let's go quickly, we will really lose our chances later."

Lin Fei looked at the source of the volatility, and after a while turned his face to whisper: "This **** stone is quite cunning. In order to attract enough people, he does not hesitate to make such a big movement. Rest assured, it will not be turned on for the time being. "

"You said that Shenshi was intentional?" Li Beixing said in surprise.

"Oh, the stone has existed for many years, and even the Xuanyin Sect, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, was consumed by it. If there is no spiritual wisdom, it will have been made into scum. As for these young people ..." Lin Fei shook He shook his head and said, "Dare to dare to fight the God Stone, but not to guard against each other, and at the Stone Stone, I am afraid they are the real prey ..."

"Ah?" Li Beixing heard a little bleed, worrying: "So dangerous? Then we can't go."

"Going naturally is going to ..." Lin Fei smiled and said: "But not now."

Li Beixing froze for a moment, but soon realized that Shiyi was here with them. Now no more people are going to use it. There is no guidance. Those people may be struggling now.

But at this time, two or three meteors crossed in the sky, and more meteors passed by. Each meteor is a light escape, which can represent a monk with six or more turns of gold.

In a short period of time, there were five or six escapes passing by. It is conceivable how many Jindan monks will appear when the **** stone is truly awakened.

Anyway, Li Beixing was already sweating a lot. He had robbed most of the Black Mountain some time ago. This time the enemies gathered together and rushed into it, but it was a bit of a self-meaning.

Lin Fei frowned when he saw this scene. Although he was prepared, the number of monks in Heishantou still exceeded his estimate. If he could not be monk Jindan alone, there would be hundreds of people.

The birth of the Shenshi is extraordinary. Despite the limitations of the Black Mountain, at the critical moment, I am afraid that the old guys who are guarding outside will not be able to resist and intervene in various ways. When the most critical moment for the battle for the Shenshi, these monks are overwhelming. The last straw of the camel.

Lin Fei has been helping Li Beixing to improve his cultivation skills, and originally wanted him to act for him for a while.

But now it seems that it's really time to fall into the encirclement, Li Beixing's Jindan eighth round of repair is not to mention help, if you can protect yourself, thank God ...

Lin Fei thought for a while and looked at Li Beixing: "I have a way for you to improve your cultivation skills, so that you can quickly reach the Jindan nine-turn situation, but there will be some sequelae. When you are in the Fa phase, there may be some obstacles. ,you……"

"It's okay, Jin Dan nine turns right? Really only has an impact on the state of the French phase? Will it consume life?" Li Beixing said positively before Lin Fei finished.

"No, but when it comes to the Fa ..."

"Isn't it a little sequelae, what's so hesitant." Li Beixing waved his hand and didn't care: "I have self-knowledge. If I really have the potential to reach the realm of the law, I would have been searched by the big faction early in the morning. Worship the Lingyue School ... "

"To be honest, I did n’t even dare to think about Jin Dan ’s eighth turn. I ca n’t compare with you evil spirits. If I want to go further, I do n’t know if I can succeed for a hundred years. Now I have this opportunity. Thank you for all the unsuccessful creation. "

Looking at Li Beixing's incomparable attitude, Lin Fei was a little stunned. He didn't know that Li Beixing had no ambition, but he still knew what he knew.

Speaking of which, Lin Fei was in contact with Lin Banhu ’s first-class figures in his life. This life was hard to get opportunities for cultivation. Every step was to strive for perfection. I did not dare to relax in cultivation, but I did not expect that some people thought to themselves It's different, and I didn't care about the flaws on the cultivation path.

"That's good, but if you can get the Shenshi, you can get rid of this sequela ..."

"Those don't matter. Let's talk about it later. Now that I am promoted to the realm, what should I do?" Li Beixing looked at Lin Feidao expectantly.

"You don't need to do anything ..." Lin Fei finished, but turned to look at Huo Fengzi aside and smiled: "Everyone has been walking for so long, they are all so familiar, and I will see the truth, or I will bleed or die . "

Huo Fengzi laughed with cold sweat on his face: "Haha, why not, give it to me."

When the words fell, Lin Fei's fingertips were just a few golden lines beating, and he followed, and blazed into the flame Phoenix ...

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