Huo Fengzi is so powerful, it is the end after provoking Li Beixing. They are still tolerant to get some of these little fish and prawns robbed. Don't go up and find it unpleasant.

But Li Beixing was quite surprised. According to his estimation, he would definitely be attacked by the group when he came here. At least he had to experience one or two stand-up battles, but now he ca n’t avoid him. ?

But soon, he ignored the eyes of the people around him, but was attracted by the landscape in front of him.

At a glance, the sky seemed to have broken a hole, and a sturdy storm gushed out from it, and then the earth came down, as if a bridge was built between heaven and earth.

In the storm, there were still thunder snakes rushing, the higher the height, the more frequent thunderstorms, and to the highest point in the sky, only to see a continuous thunderstorm raging.

This momentum seems to be falling.

Under the thunder cloud storm, there are hundreds of peaks surrounding the forest.

These mountain peaks are quite bizarre, all thin and tall, like a giant sword standing upright, spurting the sky.

The shortest one is hundreds of feet tall, the highest one is at least ten thousand feet, straight into the depths of Thundercloud.

This is the place closest to the storm center, so most of the peaks are occupied by monks to rest, but the three soon discovered that the peaks are also divided into three, six, and nine.

The peaks of a few hundred feet are the lowest and the least dangerous. You do n’t need to worry about the threat of lightning and storms, but you are also the farthest from the center. When you are really fighting for the **** stone, the monk in this position may have no chance ...

However, most of the monks here didn't want to compete for the God Stone, more came to see a lively, of course, it would be better if they could pick up the leak.

The higher the mountain, the higher the level of the monk who is at rest, and the better the chance to take advantage of the competition.

It's just that the peaks are torn by the aftershocks of the storm from time to time. Some of the extremely high peaks are directly integrated into the storm. If you want to stay there, you need to be prepared for thunder ...

Therefore, for the sake of safety, most monks only stay on the mountain peaks of about 3,000 feet, and then monks are extremely rare. The monks who dare to station at 5,000 feet are already undoubtedly strong, at least Jin Danqi. Turn the above, but also have to form a team.

The three people who have received much attention, Li Beixing, have swept all the way up to two or three thousand feet.

Everyone was not surprised. Although Li Beixing did evil, but that cultivation practice was also widely recognized and qualified to occupy the peak.

Speaking of which, on the sixth turn of Jindan, if it is not particularly powerful, a mountain around 4,000 feet is the most suitable place to station.

This position is still some distance away from the thundercloud storm. It is not very dangerous, but it is also high enough. What a chance, it is a good opportunity.

However, the number of peaks of this height is not large, and they are occupied by people in groups of three or five. In the process, several battles have also occurred.

Therefore, when Li Beixing passed this high mountain, the person occupying the mountain was unavoidably alert.

According to Li Beixing's temperament, it is not surprising that the shots are taken. Many people are entangled in it. At that time, they really want to shoot.

But when they were relieved, Li Beixing did not stay here, but continued to move upwards. When the 5,000-foot mountain peak was reached, everyone was surprised. There were only a few people left here. The big faction in the world has a strong force. If you want to occupy a mountain, you have to kick a group of people. Li Beixing actually dared to come here.

But soon, Li Beixing still didn't mean to stay, but continued to move forward ...

In the eyes of everyone more and more surprised, after passing a mountain of more than six thousand feet, Li Beixing finally stopped ...

The following monk suddenly had a slight uproar, where it was already very high, almost raising his hand to touch the sky, but it was very clean, few people dared to go up, but also faced real danger.

The number of sky-thunders that have fallen frequently is ten times the number of the mountains below. It is exhausting to deal with these lightnings.

However, at this time, Li Beixing was even more surprised than the onlookers. He looked at the familiar face in front of him, and said inconceivably: "Brother, we haven't seen you for a few days. Thunder dies, and the master is afraid of going crazy. "

"It's not easy to meet, you say something nice ..." Fu Ming was a little stiff, standing alone at the top of the 6,600-foot peak, showing an ugly smile, saying: "You think I'm willing to climb It ’s so high. If it were n’t for you, I would n’t bother to come. At most, I led the students to see the excitement around. ”

"What do you mean?" Li Beixing's face changed: "Someone forced you to come? Who is it?"

Fu Ming was about to speak, but was held on his shoulder by a slender and powerful hand, followed by a cold voice: "I invited him."

A young man in Tsing Yi with a cold face came out of the shadow behind Fu Ming. He had been hiding a while ago, even Li Beixing didn't notice it.

"Yebara!" Li Beixing's face suddenly gloomy.

Fu Ming is his great brother. Although he usually taught him less, he grew up with him after all. That friendship is not fake. Now Ye Yuan has actually tied Fu Ming over.

"Actually playing the kidnapping set with me, I can't see that your thick-browed eyes are so mean." Li Beixing sneered: "Speak, what do you want?"

"Vile?" Ye Yuan glanced at Li Beixing. Although he was prepared, he was speechless for a while.

Regarding what Li Beixing did, dare to accuse him of being mean?

"Isn't it just a ransom, don't talk nonsense, bid, let's say it first, higher than the three magic weapons to avoid opening the mouth, no negotiation." Li Beixing said.

"Brother, I think I can discuss it again ..." Fu Ming said weakly.

"Hand over everything you snatched, and then give Huofengzi to me." Ye Yuan said bluntly.

"Then there is no need to talk?" Li Beixing sneered: "Come on the sword!"

"Crazy!" Ye Yuan was furious immediately, pulling his sword in his backhand, raising a sword light. For a while, the sound of wind and thunder was stirred up. It seems that he didn't wait here in vain, actually thunderstorm here. The power is integrated into the sword.

"Hehe ..." Li Beixing sneered, and the treasure gourd hung in the air, exploding tens of thousands of rays of light, and walked toward Ye Yuan overwhelmingly.

Bao Hulu has grown up to the present, and it has long been different, and Li Beixing has also discovered more ways to use it.

For example, now, each of them can be compared with a flying sword, and now Ye Yuan is almost fighting against a thousand flying swords.

But Ye Yuan is not simple, and the dripping of a sword dancing is actually a draw with Wan Daoguang.

However, people with a discerning eye can see that Ye Yuan does not seem to exert his full strength, but is sharpening his swordsmanship with Jianguang.

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