Li Beixing snorted coldly, one-handed seal, a strange Fuzhuan flew away, and blended with Bao Hulu, this is one of the nine-character mantra.

Suddenly, the treasure gourd shone brightly, of which ten thousand lights stopped, but the gourd mouth spit out a small sword light, fluctuating, seemingly inconspicuous, and fell towards Ye Yuan as soon as it appeared.

Ye Yuan suddenly felt a great danger in his heart, too late to think, the whole body was infused with a long sword, and the horizontal sword blocked.

The Huangjing magic weapon is not idle. Generally speaking, it is in the hands of the elders of the martial arts. The disciples are rarely qualified to contact. Now the treasure gourd has a blow. It is powerful enough to be comparable to the monks of Jindan nine turn. Sideways.

Ye Yuan was equally extraordinary, practicing mortal swordsmanship from an early age, and then embarked on the path of cultivating the real fairy. Without being optimistic, he walked out of a mortal sword, and was hailed as the most promising for the past 100 years from the world. Swordsman Swordsman Wizard.

Nowadays, it is only a simple horizontal sword blocking, and it is only a common trick in the world, but Ye Yuan exhibited it and instantly entered the situation where the sword and man were united, and the whole person was like a mountain.

If Li Beixing wants to defeat, it is simply to shake a mountain.

Seeing that the two were about to collide, it seemed that even the thunder of the storm had depressed a few points, and everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

Jin Dan's Jiu Zhuan is very rare. This kind of fighting scene is extremely rare. Anything you learn from it is a great benefit.


Just when the gourd light fell, and three feet above Ye Yuan's head, it seemed to enter another space, so it disappeared silently in the air, without setting off a wave ...

Li Beixing froze on the spot, looked up at the treasure gourd floating in the air, still familiar.

Did not get dropped ...

Li Beixing was a little messy, but this was the magic weapon of the Yellow Realm. Even if Jin Dan turned around nine times, he had to wait with solemnity. How could it disappear inexplicably? Is it haunted?

Everyone on the scene was also baffled. They were looking forward to seeing a rare decisive battle. The result ended before they even started. What is the situation?

Lin Fei looked at one place, and some unexpected whispers made Li Beixing not to act rashly.

Sure enough, in the next moment, in the confrontation between the two, a figure emerged ...

It was a young man, twenty-seven or eighty years old, in a green shirt, with a long sword hanging loosely around his waist. He was quite handsome, with a gentle smile on his face, which looked completely harmless, not so much The monk is more like a wise man.

However, just after this young man appeared, Lin Fei immediately focused his attention on him.

This young man has been hiding here for a long time, and even Lin Fei has concealed the past. It was not until the young man used his methods to resolve Li Beixing's attack just now.

Although Lin Fei did n’t pay attention to it from the beginning, and the thunderstorms gathered here, the space was unstable and easier to hide, but it is undeniable that Lin Fei can be concealed. Gao Ming may even surpass the two demons and devils.

As for why it was hidden in the beginning, it should be to test Li Beixing. It seems that now it is safe to deal with Li Beixing. Only then did he decide to appear ...

Sure enough, after the young man appeared, he looked at Li Beixing and nodded and smiled, "Zhao Shu of the Green King City, good luck."

As a place of concern for many monks, after the young man reported his name, everyone suddenly exclaimed in the field, all looking at the young people as if they were strange.

It's not that the monks are making a fuss, but Zhao Shu's reputation is really a bit big.

Zhao Shu and Ye Yuan belong to the same Green King City, but unlike Ye Yuan, this Green King City's genius is unruly and unrestrained. Since he entered the top of the Black Mountain, he has wandered all over the place. Who knows that there will be a sudden involvement in the fight ...

The most important thing is that if Zhao Shu did not resolve the attack for Ye Yuan just now, but chose to take the opportunity to attack Li Beixing, I am afraid that the battle situation has been decided ...

In the eyes of everyone, Li Beixing is evenly matched against Uehara, and the outcome is unknown.

However, now that Zhao Shu appears, there will be no suspense ...

As one of the top three with the same name as the little devil and the devil, Zhao Shuneng lightly dispels the magic attack of the Yellow Realm, and naturally can easily crush Li Beixing ...

At this time, some people even eagerly tried to take the opportunity to blend in and drop Li Beixing.

Despite all the attention, Zhao Shu did not show any arrogance. Instead, he smiled at Li Beixing who was waiting for Yan Zhen: "My brother is stupid and may not have made it clear. In fact, your brother's business has nothing to do with him ..."

But Li Beixing sneered: "Isn't he kidnapped? Is it you?"



After Li Beixing froze for a moment, he looked at Zhao Shu more and more badly.

But Zhao Shu was very kind and sighed helplessly: "I can't help it either. Speaking of it, I also wanted to redeem Huo Fengzi from the beginning. Who made you ask for too high a price, although I came from Qingwangcheng, But even the inheritance rights are lost, how can there be so many treasures? The most abominable thing is that even my brother-in-law didn't help me, so I had to do something. In the final analysis, you have to blame you ... "

Zhao Shu's remarks were reasonable and well-founded. Unfortunately, Li Beixing didn't believe a word.

Not only Li Beixing, everyone who is present knows that Zhao Shu is talking nonsense ...

As we all know, the reason why Zhao Shu did not become the master of the city was not because he could n’t, but because he did n’t want to.

Only then did his younger brother catch the duck on the shelf, and if Zhao Shu changed his mind one day, he would have to be ousted from the seat immediately.

And Zhao Shu is still persuading: "So, why don't you just leave Huofengzi and bring your brother back? Of course, all the magic weapons you have robbed must also be left, and I have to give them a bit. Go back. "

Although this was a tone of discussion, it did not give Li Beixing the choice.

Li Beixing sneered, just about to speak, but suddenly his face changed.

Because a coercion of pressure rose from Zhao Shushen's body, sharp like a sword, and pointed directly at Li Beixing's eyebrows. If the treasure gourd bloomed and covered Li Beixing under it, this coercion almost stabbed him Soul.

Li Beixing's heart tightened, and he just felt as if he was facing a human, not a human, but a peerless beast that roared the world.

Under this coercive pressure, Li Beixing did not respond, and pressed the blood and swelled in his body to do his best.

"Why didn't Brother Li speak? Since that is the case, can I assume Brother Li by default?" Zhao Shu said with a smile, his clothes moved slightly, and he was going to take Huofengzi directly.

But at that moment, Lin Fei took a step forward and stood in front of Li Beixing, blocking the coercive coercion.

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