Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1091: Seven bird fans

"It's dangerous ..." Lin Fei was slightly relieved to see that there was no movement in the depth of the magma, but he looked at the little devil with a bad look: "Don't see things in the future, otherwise we may be killed. "

Then the little devil was not angry. At this time, he was staring at the mountain peak. A face was full of fear and shock. After a long while, he turned his head hard and looked at Lin Fei: "Is this ... Ghost Emperor?"

"Nonsense." Lin Fei snorted coldly: "If it weren't for the ghost emperor's still sleeping, I calmed it with the ice spirit **** crystal, do you think you can still stand here?"

"This ..." The little devil smiled and said, although Lin Fei's tone was rushing, it did make sense.

Before the ghost emperor woke up completely, he scrapped him a necromantic charm. If he was truly awake, he consumed too much, and in this magma fire, it would be hard to say if he could get away at that time ...

Lin Fei shook his head and ignored it. It seemed that the ghost emperor was also arranged by the Shenshi, but for some reason, he had never been awake.

Fortunately, it calmed down, otherwise it would be really difficult to end, just want to cross to go, but suddenly a move in my heart ...

Something is wrong ...

"Rewind!" Lin Fei only had time to remind, and then backed away.

Unfortunately, it's a little late ...

I saw another vision of the magma that was originally calm. The monstrous magma rose out of thin air, ignited the fire and rain of magma, and smashed his head towards several people.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shu's face was pale, and at this time, he couldn't hide his clumsiness, and quickly threw out the fragments that had never been collected. People wrapped up.

At this point, the magma was smashed down, and with the sound of "chirping", the space trembles violently, finally keeping the magma out.

However, this is not the end. I see that the magma seems to be emerging from the bottom of everyone's feet, continually tumbling outwards, and then it has been spreading outwards for a while, and then expanded a lot ...

And the originally visible end point disappeared again ...

The little devil suddenly froze, with a desperate look on his face, and he was almost half-waste now. Finally, he could see the end point, but the magma could still grow?

Is this fire playing me!

Lin Fei sighed when he saw it, it was not that simple ...

Although for some reason, the ghost emperor at the bottom of the magma has never shot, but these magma should be the preparation of the **** stone. As long as it is close to the end point, the magma will grow once, and it will be the day of the monkey in the monkey year ...

But seeing the speed of the awakening of the Shenshi accelerated, more and more methods were used. How could they have so much time?

"Then there is no way ..." Lin Fei shook his head and looked at several people with the same ugly face: "I can take you out, but you must protect me first. Within three days, you can't do anything. disturb me."

After speaking, I didn't wait for several people to respond. When I took a step, I stepped on the three-footed mountain.

"Hey!" Little Devil's head suddenly screamed, watching Lin Fei walk up the mountain, and the whole person was stunned.

You said that you can't go up, what do you mean now? Go up to death?

"You whisper, who is the ghost emperor?" Lin Fei turned to frown as he stood on the mountain's peak.

"You you you ..." Little Devil's head pointed at Lin Fei, wanting to say how safe you were, but he didn't dare to speak loudly, fearing to wake the ghost emperor.

"Your ice spirit **** crystal has some effect, enough to let the ghost emperor sleep for a few more days." Lin Fei explained casually, and told him: "After three days, I will appear, and then you will naturally be able to out."

After speaking, no matter how many people reacted, an inexplicable breath suddenly spread, covering the whole mountain, and also blocking the eyes and consciousness of several people outside.

"What the hell?" Zhao Shu muttered beside him.

"Anyway, there is no way to go, just wait three days." Guizi said.

Zhao Shu and Li Beixing glanced at each other, humming and separating the two sides.

And at this time, among the peaks.

There was a feather floating in front of Lin Fei, and every tiny feather on it showed a golden light, as if it were cast in red gold, as if there was a sound of clank when it bounced.

And as soon as this feather came out, a faint coercion pervaded, as if it were an ancient fierce beast, Lin Fei's expression was cautious.

After all, the owner of this feather, but the phoenix ...

Originally, when Lin Fei was in the Dragon Bone Realm, he was frightened by the Fire Phoenix. He was forced to squeeze the Phoenix's natal Fire Feather. Fall into the ancient jade coffin, ruining Qing Zhi's elaborate plan.

Lin Fei was relieved when the fire feathers left. Although this thing is infinitely powerful, it is one of the seven basic life feathers of the Phoenix. When it is carried on the body, it is equivalent to bringing a Fire Phoenix clone. Once the oversized time bomb exploded, Lin Fei dared not imagine the consequences.

It didn't take long for the result, Huo Yu found it again ...

Lin Fei was hesitant for a long time at that time, but he didn't dare to take the risk of offending the Phoenix and directly throw it away. He could only accept this "favor" ...

But now, this fire feather can be used ...

"Should it be almost the same?" Lin Fei looked at the boundless flames at his feet, somewhat uncertain.

This is Lin Fei's method. The magma underneath is accumulated by the Shenshi for thousands of years. Even if they work together, it is difficult for them to pass, but the fire feathers in front of them are left by the phoenix of the body level, and they are still one of the seven basic life feathers. This level is enough to fight against this sea of ​​flames.

The most important thing is that once successful, Lin Fei can make a unique magic weapon, that is the seven bird fans in heaven!

According to legend, when the ancient heavens were in existence, all kinds of gods and birds were still alive, and a cultivator madman had a whimsy. If you collect all kinds of gods and birds' real life feathers and become a **** fan, how powerful is it?

However, this madman can only think about it. Although the **** bird was not rare at the beginning, any one is a realm above the demon emperor, and the phoenix among them is the existence of the dharma body realm.

Not to mention pulling their feathers, ordinary people will be treated as a snack for the gods once approached.

However, that madman of refining treasure was enough. After figuring out the refining method of the seven-bird fan, he did not cherish the broom, and directly dedicated this method to heaven ...

It has to be said that the Heavenly Court at that time was indeed so ridiculously strong that it suppressed the eternal wilderness and ruled over all the creatures in the world of heaven, even the Lord of the Realm had to give face.

For Long Wangqing's **** and confusing goods, when the heaven was full, it was just a dish on the banquet of the cents.

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