Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1092: Phoenix treasure fan

With the order of the heavenly court, in just a hundred years, they gathered the feathers of the seven gods of Phoenix, Qingluan, Dapeng, Peacock, Siberian Crane, Honghu, and Owl ...

Later added countless rare treasures, and then refined with the heavens and the floating slayer, the treasure-making maniac had been making treasures for a hundred years before he achieved a heavenly seven-bird fan!

As soon as this fan became tenacious, the light of the gods broke through the heavenly courts, and the vast divine power spread all over the world.

Later, this treasure disappeared with the heaven, but Lin Fei felt that the gods would not be destroyed, and they might be hiding somewhere.

Now, Lin Fei does not have the manpower and material resources of the ancient heaven. The seven-bird treasure fan dare not think about it, but the magma accumulated at the foot of the feet, plus the Phoenix fire feather in his hand, is enough to make a Phoenix treasure fan ...

At that time, a magic weapon with great potential was obtained, and this piece of magma was dried up.

I just do n’t know what would happen if Phoenix knew that taking her natal fire feather to practice treasure ...

"Regardless of his result, it is what you forced me to do, then don't care how I use it." Lin Fei immediately determined that since Phoenix wants to monitor him all the time, he must be prepared to pay the price.

The opponent he provokes in his last life is much more difficult than Phoenix, but in the end it is not the same, and now that he has accumulated a lot of hands, he is also sure to deal with Phoenix one or two ...

And if it can be successfully refined, it will be a strong weakening of the God Stone, and the next road will be much smoother ...

Lin Fei didn't hesitate anymore. His shot was to sacrifice the sword energy of the sun, extending towards the magma, stirring the vast yang of the deep underground, and leading to the mountain peak.

Following that, the Futians of the heavens were also running, and the sky was full of fuzhuan flying, and they rushed into the phoenix fire feathers. A moment later, a violent breath of magma came out from the mountain ...

"Lin Fei ... What the **** is he doing inside?" The little devil saw the magma surging, and there was a horrible atmosphere among the peaks.

A ghost emperor could just sleep underneath. Lin Fei made some big moves. If the ghost emperor woke up, let's not talk about any law protection. It would be good to escape alive.

Li Beixing was full of confidence, and his face didn't care: "It's just a ghost emperor. It scared you so much. Brother Lin didn't say anything. What are you worried about?"

"..." Little Devil stared at Li Beixing, unable to speak for a long time, wondering if he was really ignorant and fearless, or was too confident in Lin Fei.

What is a ghost emperor?

You still have a golden dragon in every corner!

Even if the weakest ghost emperor shows off his powers, it is enough to kill ten Golden Pills!

Who gave you the courage to despise the ghost emperor and dare to laugh at us?

Li Beixing didn't seem to think about it at all, and even sneered at the little devil's speechless gaze, a summer insect's expression.

Zhao Shu did not speak. He saw the scene of Lin Fei killing the ghost emperor in Lei Hai. Now he looks at the mountain with some uncertainty. Is it true that Lin Fei can really create a miracle?

But unlike Li Beixing's thinking, Lin Fei's situation is not good ...

Neither the Phoenix Fire Feather nor the Ten Thousand Years' Molten Melt is anything ordinary. Although Lin Fei has such means as the Heavenly Buddhism, yet his skills are sufficient, but his strength is insufficient.

At this time, the first plume of magma yang gas was brought up, and the Phoenix Fire Feather was trembling. It actually swallowed the yang gas directly, followed, and it suddenly twisted ...

Lin Fei originally turned the heavenly floats to the extreme and hid deep into the magma yang, but at this time they were crushed by fire feathers!

"Oops!" Lin Fei was suddenly in chaos. If there was a hammer in his chest, he almost spit out blood.

The fire feathers are fierce and unwilling to be refined in this way, this is counterattack!

Although the yang below is vast and can be tamed slowly by time, it can also tame the fire feathers, but it takes a lot of time.

The time set by Lin Fei for himself was only three days.

After three days, the Ice Spirit Divine Crystal may fail. If the ghost emperor deep in the magma wakes up and finds that someone is refining treasure in its old nest, it will definitely pursue it endlessly.

"Damn it, fight!" Lin Fei stared at the Phoenix Fire Feather, suddenly bit his teeth, opened the Nether Earth directly, and swallowed the Fire Feather.

The nether earth was originally from one of the nine Yin, and recently got a few chances, has already faintly the weather of the prototype world, is one of Lin Fei's important cards, now Lin Fei with the power of the entire nether earth, suppress the fire feather!

There is a **** sky in the dark earth sky, and a **** sword light blazes in the moon, and it is cut towards the fire feather. At the same time, the Western Buddha soil sounds the sound of chanting. A huge golden Buddha mark is toward the fire feather. Cover it down ...

Under the overwhelming oppression, Huoyu appeared to be weak, but somehow, Lin Fei had a kind of uneasy uneasiness in his heart. Under the wave of his hands, the gods of the mountain, the gods and the gods of the river appeared vain, bowing to him Following that, the mountains and the river capsized towards the fire feathers ...

And Fire Feather looks nothing different, just the surface is bright, the red gold is bright, then ...

A red gold fire phoenix flutters its wings!

Unlike the fake blood of the Huofengzi, this phoenix in the underworld is truly noble, and it can't help but want to worship, spread the wings, the wings of the fire flap, the fire and the sky Sprinkled all over the earth, countless ghosts screamed in the fire.

"Oops!" Lin Fei was shocked. He didn't expect this fire feather to be able to turn the river in the dark ground.

Followed by, countless bones protruding, set off a monstrous ghost spirit, a brave ghost dragon soared from the bones, the pair of fierce blood-red giant eyes, it was against the phoenix.

Lin Fei did not dare to neglect, so he urged the bone map to the extreme and rushed towards the phoenix.

For a time, the dragon roar and the sound of the phoenix sounded through the underworld. Under the battle of the two fierce beasts, the flock of ghosts fell and shivered.

The two fought to the most terrible point at the beginning, but the ghost dragon came from the bone pattern, and it was supported by the underworld. The background was very deep, and the ghost gas was like a sea wave.

However, the flaming phoenix breathed out the flames to extinguish a large area of ​​ghost gas, burning a terrible high temperature in the underworld, the roasted earth cracked, and the ghost gas evaporated.

Lin Fei's face gradually became difficult to look at, according to this is just a phoenix fire feather, he is also a dark earth and a bone map, he should have the advantage, but the real fight, it turned out that the fire phoenix has the upper hand.

Although it is not clear yet, if this continues, I am afraid that the bone map will be unsustainable.

The fact that the eighteenth floor **** stays still for a long time shows that Xianxi also believes that this fire feather is difficult to deal with.

The most important thing is that no matter how you win or lose in the end, your underworld must be in disarray.

In this moment, the battle situation became worse, Lin Fei frowned ...

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