Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1106: Desperately

The treasure gourd is like taking a big tonic. The surface of the earthy yellow gourd is shimmering, and the stripe road is lit, as if formed naturally, and it is like a certain seal, flowing a mysterious atmosphere.

Then, the surface of the treasure gourd was completely transformed into glass, and only the mysterious lines could be seen, and the sword light in the middle of the lines was trembling, like an ancient fierce beast awakening.

Even the Yinlong was suddenly stagnation, the brave dragon raised its head slightly, and the dragon eyes stared at the strange sword light that stood in front of them. For a moment, the two were immobile, as if two fierce beasts confronted.

In the next moment, the two broke out at the same time without warning. The Yinlong swinged his tail and twitched his claws. Every strike could easily open the Golden Crack Mountain. However, Jianguang did not answer the trick, but flew around the Yinlong dexterously. I can't even touch it, and I cut it from time to time.

Only the sound of clang sounded intensively, and the broken scales flew in the air, causing the Yinlong to roar again and again.

Bao Hulu is so spiritual, it actually entangles the Yinlong, and it seems that it does not need to be controlled by Li Beixing.

However, Li Beixing looked uncomfortable. In a short moment, his face became paler, and even blood shed from the corners of his mouth.

This is no way. Li Beixing, as the owner of Bao Hulu, will repulse Li Beixing every time he cuts, which means that he has suffered hundreds of shocks in a moment. Even if Li Beixing was transformed by Phoenix's real blood Can't bear it, the skeleton was almost shattered.

What made Li Beixing the most collapsed was that the 30 breaths that Lin Fei said were only ten breaths away!

"Don't you say you want to help, hurry up!" Li Beixing screamed at Zhao Shu after spitting out congestion.

However, after shouting for a long time, Zhao Shu did not respond. Li Beixing was immediately angry, and the kid said that he was unreliable, but he took the time to turn his head to look, and there was a despair in his heart.

Zhao Shu really did not escape, but his situation is not much better than Li Beixing.

At this time, Zhao Shuzheng's sword stood in front of the Shenshi.

When he wielded a sword, it was the birth and death of hundreds of swords, forming a stunning array of swords around the **** stone, constantly rubbing the body of the **** stone.

This hand is amazing, enough to prove Zhao Shu's amazing talent in Kendo, but the effect seems not so great.

The **** stone just suffocated the yin gas, and then corroded away the numerous sword arrays, and even corroded Zhao Shu itself. The forced Zhao Shu had to lay more sword arrays to resist. .

"Damn, fight." Li Beixing turned his head, knowing that he couldn't count on others, and gritted his teeth, holding on to his scalp.

In this constant shock, Li Beixing suddenly found that in addition to the pain of bone carving, a tingling and itchy feeling came from the bones and flesh.

It's like the bones are constantly being squeezed, gradually exuding the fiery power of the road, and as soon as the hot power appears, Li Beixing repairs the damaged body.

Li Beixing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the legend he had seen in the school.

Some rare spirits between heaven and earth are extremely powerful, but for monks, it is difficult to carry. If they want to use them, they must be refined to maximize their effects.

For example, if this phoenix real blood is swallowed directly, limited by human constitution, only part of the power can be absorbed. Although it can greatly improve the cultivation, there is still a part of the power deeply buried in the body of the monk. Special means, I am afraid it will be buried here, but in the end it is just to prolong life, which is a waste to monks.

Li Beixing knew that he had encountered this kind of situation, but he was blessed by disasters due to this constant shock. The deep power was constantly stimulated.

However, at this time, Li Beixing would rather waste a little.

After the severe pain of his physical damage, he had to endure the itching that came from the depths of his bones. These two feelings appeared at the same time, which was almost a mental breakdown.

"Lin Fei! Are you alright!" In this feeling of immortality, Li Beixing almost cried, desperately calling Lin Fei to save his life.

However, Lin Fei was calm and unmoved. In front of him, a longan-sized pearl floated, the surface was delicate and clear, but inside the pearl, there was a lingering misty mist.

If the old man in that realm is here, he will surely recognize it at a glance. This pearl is part of the realm space he gave to Lin Fei, but it seems to be a little different. This pearl seems to be more powerful.

In fact, this is Lin Fei's refinement of the Daojing space, and then splits part of the nether space and re-condenses it.

The **** stone has existed for many years, and some powerful people want to surrender it.

In these tens of thousands of years, some people may be able to detain the Shenshi, but they have never been able to surrender.

Although Lin Fei has mastered many methods, he also has self-knowledge. He can't do so much with so many things that he cannot do.

Simply choose the one with the highest success rate, which is to trap it around and try to find out the news of Lin Banhu and the old man.

And this pearl is the cage that Lin Fei prepared for Shenshi!

With the investment of Lin Fei at all costs, the pearls in that space became more solid, and even the space around the pearls began to be disturbed, as if the two spaces converged, and the voids rippled in layers.

"Not bad." Lin Fei held the bead and looked at it a few times, feeling the power of the thick space inside, and was quite satisfied.

"Don't be bad, hurry up, I really can't hold it anymore ..." Li Beixing followed Lin Fei at all times. When Lin Fei finally spoke, he quickly got up and asked for help.

"Got it, let's take a rest." Lin Fei smiled, moved slightly, and took a step forward. Next moment, he appeared beside Li Beixing, holding his shoulder, and followed him to bring the gourd and throw it together Out of the game.

The pressure of the dragon on the opposite side suddenly lost the enemy, but did not lose vigilance at all. It seemed to perceive that Lin Fei was more difficult to deal with than Li Beixing. He first stared at Lin Fei cautiously, as if he was trying.

Lin Fei also looked at the Yinlong called out by this **** stone, and he was quite satisfied. Li Beixing did not waste his so much investment. This time it really played a role.

I saw that the body of the Yinlong was pitted, and the original fine scales became scattered, all of which were cut by gourds.

Yinlong was originally an extension of the power of the Shenshi, and now it is hurt, it is also indirectly striking the Shenshi.

Lin Fei exhaled, suddenly burst without warning, and flew away like lightning.

Yinlong roared, and then greeted him, and then he was surprised to find that there was no one in front of him. Looking back, Lin Fei bypassed it directly and chose to pounce on the God Stone.

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