"Retreat!" Zhao Shu, who had been exhausted for a long time, suddenly heard Lin Fei's voice, suddenly heard the sound of Tianyin, and was very happy in his heart. He quickly laid a few sword arrays to resist slightly and quickly retreated himself.

When the Shenshi corroded all the sword arrays cleanly, Lin Fei approached him. In the face of the stormy attack of the Shenshi, Lin Fei did not panic, but just like a mortal fight, he raised his hands and spilled the sky powder.

This powder looks ordinary, but the powerful yin qi is like a natural enemy, and immediately shrinks back.

This is exactly the stone clothing Lin Fei got, but was detected by Shen Shi at that time, and shattered directly into a powder, which was later carefully collected by Lin Fei in the underworld, and now it really comes in handy.

And that **** stone seems to have some means, but after brewing for a while, in the end it just spewed out a little anger.

Seen like this, it seems a bit powerless and unable to maintain.

It's no wonder that Lin Fei's various dangers that were broken along the way were originally constantly weakening the source of the power of the Shenshi. No matter how strong the Shenshi is, the strength is not endless, and it will inevitably begin to weaken.

But speaking of it, the biggest credit goes to Phoenix.

Phoenix's seal seal is a solid method of dharma body. If there is no special means for ordinary law, it will inevitably die under that seal seal.

The Shenshi actually smashed Fu Zhuan directly, but also paid a big price, and now the consequences are showing.

It's just that the Shenshi did have a deep foundation. After being attacked by the Phoenix Seal Seal, they still have the power to force them to such a level, which is somewhat beyond Lin Fei's expectations.

However, it is time to stop ...

At this time, the weakness of Shenshi has begun to be exposed, and it seems that a stormy attack can make it fall ...

Lin Fei saw all this, but did not intend to approach the body of Shenshi, but threw the pearl in his hand into the air, followed by, and the pearl exploded.

A transparent ripple ripples through, and the space it passes through, whether it is yin or sword light, is swept away, as if it were contained in it.

Shenshi seemed to feel a fatal crisis, suddenly burst into a violent yin, even far more than in the past, the whole sky was covered with overcast clouds!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shu and Li Beixing did not worry about anything but rejoice. Obviously, this was the last blow of Shenshi. After this outbreak, they could no longer resist the ripples.

Sure enough, this wave of yinqi seemed amazing, but after being swept by the ripples, it disappeared almost completely, and there was almost no wind and waves.

However, Lin Fei's face didn't have a happy look, but instead showed a strange look, and then he waved his hand, the ripples of the continuously spreading space suddenly stagnate, and stopped in front of the God Stone.

Both Li Beixing were stunned. What does it mean? The next moment, Ripple will be able to collect the Shenshi. Lin Fei is crazy and can't do it. Why should he stop?

Li Beixing hesitated a little, and when he was about to ask, Lin Fei spoke first.

"Everything you want to see has already been seen. You don't need to make it mysterious. Come out."

Zhao Shu and his wife suddenly changed their looks and turned around to look around. The situation is now tense. Is someone watching the battle?

Just now the two of them were in a bitter battle, and Lin Fei was unable to shoot. If someone secretly calculated at that time, the consequences would be unbearable ...

While the two were nervously investigating, a smile came from the void not far away.

"I thought I was hiding well enough. I didn't expect to be noticed by Brother Lin. It was really admirable." The voice fell and the devil followed the devil behind them. The two of them came from the void not far away and followed the experience Compared with the hard-working Li Beixing, they seem to be unhurried.

Little Devil's head was bright, first he nodded politely to Li Beixing, and then faced away with Lin Fei with a smiling face.

This is polite and polite, but Li Beixing couldn't help but see this scene.

Now that they have consumed each other in order to deal with the **** stone, they are no longer in full bloom. After using the real blood of Phoenix, North Star has fallen into a state of weakness.

On the other hand, the two little demon heads are obviously waiting for their work, with their mental calculations and unintentional, this situation is hard to say ...

The little devil looked confident, but now he looked at Lin Fei, but his heart was not as calm as the surface. It was a lot of emotion and a thousand words.

Do you have today?

The little devil looked back at his experience a little, and he felt unbearable.

After receiving the order from the teacher, he and the devils followed him compulsively. There was no calmness along the way, but he was cautious, lest he would be discovered by Lin Fei.

When Lin Fei passed through the fog, he also experienced some entanglement before deciding to follow up.

Especially when the Shenshi appeared, if he wasn't worried about being noticed, he almost ran away.

Although he has not been discovered from the beginning to the end, as a top disciple of the younger generation of Fuli, he felt a sense of trepidation once. This kind of mental journey is really hard to say.

Fortunately, nowadays, it is finally hard to come, and the few people facing each other are experiencing the most difficult time.

As long as you can bring the Shenshi back to the school, all the effort in front is worth it.

Although his master is impersonal, he also rewards and punishes clearly, and will certainly reward himself several times.

Thinking of the few things in the Treasure of the Three Devil Sects that he couldn't move lightly, the little devil's head suddenly became hot. If he could get those things, he might be the youngest promotion in the past ten thousand years The monk of the world.

Now there is only one thing left to take the Shenshi from Lin Fei.

But this is also easy to handle. Now that the situation is clear, Lin Fei is not a fool. As long as he persuades himself, maybe he will voluntarily give up in exchange for other benefits ...

Thinking of this, the little devil said confidently: "Brother Lin, I think that the **** stone's mortal blow is bound to be very powerful, it is better to help me ..."

Halfway through, Xiao Motou had to stop, because he found that Lin Fei didn't even bother him, but frowned and glanced around, seemingly looking for something.

If no one is too arrogant, Lin Fei is the winner.

The little devil's face sank. If Lin Fei was in his heyday, he did have the strength to suppress him, but now Lin Fei and Shen Shi fight for both defeats and are at a disadvantage. Why dare to despise him?

Little Devil sneered: "Brother Lin, I advise you to see the situation better. You also know that God Stone needs hundreds of ghost king spirits to open. I think Brother Lin, I am afraid there are not so many ghost king spirits."

Hearing the spirit of the ghost king, Lin Fei finally responded, raised his head, glanced at the little devil head and said: "Here's something to deliver? Leave the thing, you can go."

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