Zangjian Pavilion ’s books are all-encompassing, and even record all major events from ancient times to the present. Zhao Minghai is also a dharma body no matter how, but there is no record of him in the books, which is incredible ...

Moreover, as one of the ten major schools of the Northern Realm, Xuanyin Sect has an unknown record about its resurgent history. It seems that some of the most critical places have been buried.

Zhao Minghai is like a figure disappearing from history ...

Zhao Minghai didn't expect Lin Fei to say it, but he slowly revealed his memories and said slowly: "Actually, you should be able to guess a few points. The reason why I was able to be promoted to the real body was the willingness of my brother Sacrifice yourself. "

"So, are you really Lu Qi?" Lin Fei interrupted, and at the same time showed his strange look: "Then you look ..."

"Why is there no cost to achieve a true body with evil demons? When I finished the sacrifice, it was already the appearance of my brother. In addition, I also inherited all the memories of my brother and always interfered with my own will, so I am In the next hundred years, I will go crazy from time to time ... "Zhao Minghai shook his head:" However, this is not important. The younger brother sacrificed for me. I inherited all the memories of the younger brother. Since then, Lu Qi disappeared, and I became Zhao Minghai. I am willing to go on, you call me Zhao Minghai. "

"And I use the Shenshi to achieve my true body, and my own life is not long. When I die, I will also be swallowed by the Shenshi, but maybe it is the endless me. In the process of revitalizing the Xuan Yin Sect, I met A distinguished person, the reason why I can become a dharma body is also thanks to his help. "

"Noble?" Lin Fei froze slightly.

"Yeah, at the time I thought I was willing to do my best. After all, those characters who looked at the world and were rare geniuses for a thousand years did not expect to help me." Zhao Minghai seemed a little sighed.

"Genius ..." Lin Fei suddenly moved, this Zhao Minghai can't even count the soul of the soul, at best he is a lone soul and wild ghost, but he also looks miserable, in fact, that is also the person who achieves the dharma body, can be qualified The person who helped him, even called him a genius, couldn't find many in those circles.

As it happens, Lin Fei knew a peerless genius ...

"You said ... wouldn't it be Lin Banhu?"

"Huh? Do you know him?" Zhao Minghai suddenly stunned, then nodded and said: "Yes, how can these genius wizards easily disappear in history, it seems that I was buried here for tens of thousands of years, the world He has not been forgotten. "

Lin Fei was speechless for a long time, but he never thought that he was here to inquire about the Shenshi, and found the clues left by Lin Banhu one after another.

First, the sword symbol in Li Beixing's gourd came from Lin Banhu's hand. Later, he saw the shadows of the old man and Lin Banhu in the fairy tale. Now, he directly meets the person he helped.

Lin Fei almost doubted whether Lin Banhu even thought he would come here.

However, Lin Fei quickly dismissed this idea. His rebirth was an accident. Even if it is a dharma body, it is impossible to calculate it so finely, it is actually accurate to tens of thousands of years later.

It seems that all this is a coincidence ...

But it's strange ...

Lin Banhu is not a hustle-and-spoke temperament, not a relative, but why should he help Zhao Minghai?

Although Lin Fei was guessing, he didn't show it on the face, but asked quietly, "What about later?"

"Later, I experienced hardships and obstacles, and finally achieved the Dharma Body, and the Xuanyin Sect was also prosperous ..." Zhao Minghai said: "The day I realized the Dharma Body, I found that my brother's soul did not completely dissipate, but was integrated into the God Stone. . "

"So you decided to try to revive your younger brother?" Lin Fei said suddenly.

"Yeah." Zhao Minghai showed bitterness on his face. It seemed that this experience was unpleasant for him: "I thought it was very simple at first, as long as I draw out the spiritual wisdom of my brother, collect the treasures of heaven and earth, and reshape it. The physical body is just that the younger brother has long been integrated with the **** stone. If I want to extract the spiritual wisdom of the younger brother, I can only choose to refine the **** stone. "

"This process lasted for a hundred years. Although I was only a first-time dharma body, the process was unexpectedly smooth. The Shenshi was irresistible, and I was greatly benefited from this refining process. Cultivation is growing. "

"Isn't this good? How could you get this look now?" Lin Fei asked with some doubt.

"It's very good, so I was immersed in it and couldn't extricate myself." Zhao Minghai said now, his face was still not calm: "But when I woke up in retreat one day, I found that my consciousness was a bit vague. At that time, I I realized that while I was refining the Shenshi, the Shenshi was also refining me through the soul of the younger brother. "

"By the time I discovered this, everything was too late, my consciousness became more and more blurred. Am I Zhao Minghai or Lu Qi, maybe the will of the Shenshi is replacing both of us? Maybe I will replace the Shenshi At the end of refining, my cultivation will rise to the peak, but is the will in the flesh still me? "

Hearing this, Lin Fei felt quite sympathetic to Zhao Minghai. While he was refining the Shenshi, the Shenshi was also refining him. No wonder there is no record of him in history. No one wanted to understand, I'm afraid he didn't go out much after he became a dharma body.

Speaking so far, Zhao Minghai's face was a little confused. After a while, Zhao Minghai continued: "Later I knew I couldn't go on like this. I took advantage of myself to have a clear line of clarity and cut my own consciousness. In two halves, half belong to the **** stone, half belong to me ... "

Lin Fei heard a few words and said it was easy, but it was an all-round drop from the soul to the state. If you were unlucky, you would collapse your mind directly, and the part you cut off will inevitably never come back. .

Speaking of it, Zhao Minghai is also unlucky enough. Other people's dharma bodies are all unparalleled characters in various realms. Zhao Minghai is so good that he can hardly keep his will.

"The bad luck is still behind ..." Zhao Minghai seemed to know what Lin Fei was thinking, and smiled bitterly: "I was slashing myself. Although the state of the world fell sharply, I still hope to recover. Who knows that critical moment, the outside world broke A catastrophe. "

Lin Fei nodded sympathetically. This bad luck was one after another. He didn't know what to say about this luck. If he didn't guess wrong, it should be the world-wide destruction that destroyed the entire Luofu Realm.

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