Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1115: cannon fodder

"I was closed for a long time. I didn't know what happened when the catastrophe broke out, and then Lin Banhu came. He wanted to borrow the **** stone ..." Zhao Minghai smiled bitterly: "It was he who helped me achieve Dharma. , Do n’t say borrow something and ask me to help him desperately, but that ’s my key moment ... "

Lin Fei nodded and thought about what was the situation. Lin Banhu must have encountered any trouble during the disaster before he came to borrow the God Stone, which shows that the situation is really urgent and Zhao Minghai has no room for rejection.

Zhao Minghai also sighed: "I only knew that Lin Banhu had long since the advent of this catastrophe, so I would travel all over the world, looking for potential people to help him become enlightened, and I just chose him Only one of them, so I ca n’t refuse. Later, I took the Shenshi and Lin Banhu deep into the Black Abyss and fought against the Emperor Yuan, but the battle situation was more intense than I thought. At the end of the battle, I left the flesh temporarily Sealing the black abyss, leaving only the soul and many strong men in Luofu world to escape ... "

"The situation was critical at that time. In order to save the fire, the major factions escorted the seeds of each faction to escape with the peerless spaceship. Lin Banhu read my sacrifice and let me leave with the **** stone. Unfortunately, the middle was blocked by the black abyss, and the spaceship was seriously damaged. , I fell here with Shenshi, but fortunately the spaceship space also played a role, turning it into the head of the Black Mountain to accommodate me ... "

"It turned out to be this way." After listening to all this, Lin Fei was suddenly, no wonder that the head of the Black Mountain was so strange, which always found the omissions of the previous era. It turned out that it fell from the sky at all ...

Zhao Minghai said that his tone had become dull, and he seemed to be telling the stories of others. He continued: "Although the dharma body is powerful, it is not immortal. Besides, I only have my soul left at the time. I was seriously injured and it took a long time. Under the abrasion, the soul of the gods fell and turned into immortality, leaving only a ray of pure will, which is now me. "

"Wait." Lin Fei said a little strangely: "You have lived with Shenshi for tens of thousands of years, but there is no fight?"

Zhao Minghai smiled bitterly: "Why not? When I first came here, I still had the power to surrender to the God Stone, but when it came to the point, the God Stone would show the remaining will of the teacher, and I would die with me, and I would only Can stop, until now, the Shenshi is slowly recovering, but we are worried that once we do it, we will be safe. "

Speaking of which, he turned his head to look at Lin Fei: "We have faced each other for tens of thousands of years, and they are too deeply involved with each other. If I shoot it myself, I am afraid that the final result will only be the same. So, for countless years, I have been waiting for one Turnaround. "

Lin Fei was stared by that gaze, and suddenly felt a little bad, and wanted to walk away: "Then wait slowly, I have to go beforehand."

Zhao Minghai did not stop, just behind Lin Fei said quietly: "You have inherited the immortality and heard these past events, do you think that what you can do has never happened?"

Lin Fei suddenly froze and sighed. He had long known that the benefits were not so easy to take, but he was caught in a period of illusion. Somehow, he was involved in a period of ancient secrets, but now he was a bit deep.

As Zhao Minghai said, he waited for tens of thousands of years and was waiting for a turnaround. If he left easily, I am afraid that Zhao Minghai would be really crazy.

Although Zhao Minghai said that there was only a ray of will left, it was really necessary to get started. The gap between Dharma Injury and Jin Dan is really difficult to measure. Anyway, Lin Fei did not want to try.

Zhao Minghai comforted: "You don't have to worry too much, you defeated that **** stone before, but it is my deduction simulation of the strength of the **** stone, but the combat power is exactly the same as the real **** stone. , It will certainly defeat it. "

Lin Fei said with a sneer: "It's easy to say. The means I prepared along the way were all consumed in that battle. It was not so easy to get together again."

Zhao Minghai seemed to have expected it, and smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about it, I have already prepared."

With that, Zhao Minghai reached out and Lin Fei looked, because he saw that the doll that led him here came flying with it ...

The doll was originally in the shape of a puppy and looked tattered and crumbling. It felt a bit stupid. He guided Lin Fei several times along the way, but at the end, he was brought here.

It now appears that this doll is completely decorated by Zhao Minghai.

I saw Zhao Minghai's finger pointing, and the doll seemed to have been given some kind of spirituality. His eyes suddenly showed black aura. After a flash of light, it disappeared and returned to its previous state.

However, Lin Fei dared not wait any longer, and he clearly felt that although the appearance of the doll had not changed, there was a clear will on it, just like a fierce beast was awakened by people, as if it was a vicious gas from ancient times Emanating.

Zhao Minghai stroked the doll in his hand a few times and said, "At that time, the spaceship carried many seeds of revival of the martial arts. This doll was the treasure of the spirit machine door specializing in the art of refinery. In order to prevent defeat in the hands of Shenshi, I refined it again and prepared a place for myself. "

After talking, Zhao Minghai threw the doll back and looked at Lin Fei said: "My tens of thousands of years of hard work are all in it. By then this treasure will help you deal with the **** stone."

Lin Fei played with the doll in his hand a few times, and his heart suddenly moved. Zhao Minghai really said nothing. This doll showed a strange breath. Some kind of change happened when Zhao Minghai awakened, as if it was designed to deal with the God Stone. Health.

And he is the person responsible for surrendering the God Stone with this tool.

Seeing Lin Fei no longer shy away, Zhao Minghai's face also became calmer: "I'm just a lone soul and wild ghost. In fact, I have long been pessimistic about life and death. Opportunity, if my brother can be relieved, the Shenshi can be your reward. "

Speaking of this, Lin Fei refused to accept it, so he put the doll in the Qiankun bag, even if he agreed to it.

Zhao Minghai was also satisfied when he saw it. He suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the side of the atmosphere. He did n’t dare to show the little demon duo. It ’s qualified as a cannon fodder, and you do n’t take it to waste. ”

The little demon head and the devil suddenly looked white, and almost ran away, but under the pressure of Zhao Minghai, they couldn't move.

However, Lin Fei glanced at the two of them, but he seemed to hesitate a little, then shook his head and said: "Even if the cannon fodder ..."

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