Hearing this sentence, the little demon duo suddenly felt a big rock fall in their hearts, but they felt a little emotional. I didn't expect Lin Fei to be kind enough to let them go at a critical moment.


"When the cannon fodder is a bit wasteful, the Shenshi should need young souls to replenish themselves and make them bait." Lin Fei determined.


The two devil heads almost cried when they heard Lin Fei's words.

What the **** is the bait?

That's not as good as cannon fodder!

Cannon fodder can still struggle a few times, and the bait cannot escape ...

Zhao Minghai didn't care about this, these were just small things for him, and then looking at Lin Fei's eyes became solemn, saying: "Next I will open the passage for you, that is where the Shenshi body is."

Lin Fei also knew that at this time he could not retreat, took a deep breath, and nodded.

Followed by, Zhao Minghai quickly produced several handprints, a wave rippled out of his hand, ripples in the space in front of Lin Fei, a black hole that accommodated a person's height appeared quietly, and a cold road came out of it. Breath, it seems that there is a peerless ghost ...

Lin Fei didn't enter immediately, but looked at the little devil and devil.

Zhao Minghai also glanced lightly, but with only one glance, they let the two chill out, looked at each other, and walked tremblingly, as the black hole rippled away, their figure disappeared into it ...

Lin Fei waited for a while, then exhaled lightly and stepped in.

Lin Fei only felt that he walked into a strange space channel, with a burst of colorful wave illusions in front of him, and a channel surrounded by Dao Fuzhuan.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly opened up.

"I depend?" Lin Fei looked around, quite surprised.

Here the sky is overcast with clouds, the ghosts are everywhere, depressed and deep, the corpses on the ground are stacked one after another, all the eyes are pale and dry, very gloomy, this is very similar to where he came ...

The difference is that there is no figure of Zhao Minghai, and the location of the Shenshi is slightly different.

In the dense dark clouds of the sky, there is a beam of silver-white light penetrating out, that is a round of bright moons hung high ...

"Damn, I was lying to me." Lin Fei's face suddenly became ugly. This bright moon replaced the position of Guimenguan. That is clearly the real **** stone!

Compared to the broken divine stone simulated by Zhao Minghai, the divine stones here are all turned into a bright moon. It is impossible that only the appearance has changed, and there must be differences in strength.

Fortunately, the doll in Lin Fei's arms seems to have played a role now, a black light diffused out, enveloped Lin Fei, and temporarily avoided the moonlight ...

"But where did those two guys go?" Lin Fei glanced a few times, and saw the bones not far away, two hidden figures ...

It has to be said that the two demon heads are indeed worthy of the Xiemen together, and they are almost integrated into the bone pile, and even Lin Fei can't see it at a glance ...

The question is what's the use? How can the level of Shenshi only look at your figure, the breath of living people is very conspicuous here, I am afraid that as soon as the two enter this place, they will be sensed by Shenshi!

"Are you okay?" Lin Fei asked strangely.

The little devil and the devil heard Lin Fei's interrogation, and suddenly looked awkward. The little devil hesitated a little, and then lowered his voice and said: "Brother Lin, we said you should not be angry, I think that the **** stone should be aimed at You, we have been in for a while, then the God Stone is not interested in us ... "

Lin Fei was a little speechless, and this Shenshi was really cautious enough, and did not know whether the guy Zhao Minghai had used this method ...

Suddenly, Lin Fei's face changed.

Despite the fact that there are dolls hiding in the sky, this method is gradually failing. Moonlight sweeps across the ground and sweeps closer and closer to Lin Fei. Lin Fei is about to be locked.

It seems that Zhao Minghai has the means to restrain the **** stone, and the **** stone is also capable of countering!

"Fuck." Lin Fei sighed, and could not hide it anyway, it would be better to show up on his own initiative.

It's just a pity that two baits were prepared in vain ...

and many more……

I almost forgot, besides these two baits, there seems to be a big fish ...

"This is what you asked me to call ..." Lin Fei said to himself, but there was a little misty light on his fingertips, and he communicated to another space in the Black Mountain ...

Following that, the aura quickly expanded and exploded in the space, but a large black ripple burst out in the space, and the black void cracks spread like a spider web.

The breath belonging to another space penetrates through the cracks ...

A surprised old voice pierced through the crack: "Well? The smell of God Stone, can this kid really come to this step? Wait, what is this!"

At the end of the day, the old voice became frightened. It turned out that under Lin Fei's operation, the moon in the sky was immediately noticed, the moonlight quickly swept over, and Lin Fei exposed himself.

Moonlight clustered into a beam, powerful and icy, like a censure, bursting down towards Lin Fei.

It happened that the crack replaced Lin Fei in front of the moonlight.

Moonlight penetrates without holes, and suddenly penetrates into cracks ...

Scorn ...

A bitter voice came from the crack, and at the same time accompanied by the old man's unexpected exclamation sound, it seemed that there was a fierce battle ...

"Get out of me!" Just listening to a roar from the crack in the space, the power of the space fluctuated, and countless moonlight burst out of the crack, but was driven out ...

Then, the black space crack slowly healed. At this moment, two hands were stretched out of the crack. The hands were covered with wrinkles, skinny, and looked old and weak. To make it unable to heal, tearing with his hands, the space suddenly cracked, and a white-haired old man came out of it.

This is the old man of Guifang ...

"I brought you in accordance with the agreement, and I will leave the rest to you." Lin Fei was not surprised, taking a step back while talking, obviously to stand by.

"Did your kid dare to use me to stop the disaster?" The old man glanced at Lin Fei, sneered, but his attitude was somewhat condescending.

It's no wonder that his attitude changes. The reason why he treats Lin Fei as an equal before, and even seeks to fulfill, but because Lin Fei can influence the Dao Realm, he has planned for thousands of years to the Shenshi, and he can't tolerate any accidents at the last moment. ...

But now, Shenshi is at his fingertips, as long as he can fuse it, then he will be able to recover the Tao! You can also climb to the sky in one step, at least you can achieve the peak state of the Fa.

At that time, Lin Fei no longer threatened him, and even killing him with his backhand was just a trivial matter, and naturally no need to be polite to a Jindan monk ...

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