After finishing the speech, Lin Feili ignored it. He was driving the space of Tao Realm and rushing outward. As for how much space can be brought out, it all depends on life ...

"It's so big when you're old ..." Lin Fei shook his head slightly, and then he reached out a hand ...

The old man suddenly stiffened, because he found that no matter how he urged, the Taoist space was motionless, and he was still constantly out of his control.

"bring it on."

Lin Fei called out, the Dao realm was like flowing water, rushing towards Lin Fei, directly into the underworld, although it has not yet been refined, but I am afraid that it has become something in Lin Fei's pocket ...

"You, you ..." The old man looked at it all in amazement, speechless for a long time ...

What does it mean?

But few days later, Lin Fei can command the Dao space so smoothly?

However, the old man had no time to think about it ...

With the loss of Daojing space, it angered the bright moon in the sky. This loot belongs to it, but now it is plundered by Lin Fei.

Followed by, the glorious glory spread all over, not attacking Lin Fei, but accelerating the erosion of Dao realm space ...

The old man suddenly discovered that he was enemies.

"Let's say we have a little friendship, you can't run away, I wish you a hand, at least I can save you a life, how?" Lin Fei looked at the omnipresent moonlight, immediately frowned, looked at the old man said.

The old man subconsciously wanted to refuse, but soon, he found sadly that he seemed to have no other way to go.

Now I am like a piece of fat meat, whether it is Lin Fei or Shen Shi, it is impossible to let myself escape, and between these two, Shen Shi is cold and ruthless, and falling in its hands will inevitably escape the end of the demise ...

On the other hand, Lin Fei seems to be familiar with each other. If he wants to choose, Lin Fei is a human being, and he must be stronger than the cold **** stone. Anyway, even if the chance is small, you will have to bet ...

"That's it." The old man gritted his teeth, no longer hesitating, actively urged the Daojing space and sent it directly to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was relieved. If he was on his own, he would be able to take at least 60% of Dao realm space, but now with the help of the elderly, then at least 80% ...

Sure enough, under this competition, Lin Fei gradually became the dominant party.

In the end, the Taoist space was like Ruyan's return to the nest, and gathered towards Lin Fei. Almost a Kung Fu effort, almost 80% of the Taoist space was plundered into the underworld by Lin Fei ...

The bright moon in the sky seems to be irritated. As the space of the Dao realm decreases, the moonlight suddenly becomes thicker.

"Save me!" Moonlight was so cold that it seemed to be able to dissolve everything, and felt the strong erosive power in the moonlight. The old man's eyes were full of panic, and he suddenly screamed.

As Daojing space was collected by Lin Fei, he almost turned into a transparent phantom. In case of being hit by the moonlight, I am afraid that it would really disappear.

Lin Fei did not hesitate, the seven sword qi burst out at the same time, quickly condensed in the air, supporting each other, turning into a colorful splendid barrier, blocking the moonlight.


The moonlight and the sword gas barrier met, as if the two fierce beasts collided head-on unreservedly, a terrifying wave burst in the air, infinite power emerged, and the transparent ripples reverberated, making the already unstable space shake.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Fei opened the underworld and swallowed the old man directly ...

At the next moment, Lin Fei was slightly surprised.

Because when the Nether Earth is about to close, two angry voices come out ...

"why you?"

"Why the **** are you here?"

"Hahaha, I see. It turned out to be the dog of the mourning family. You old clapper has this day too?"

"Bah, you still have a face to say to me? Look at your own virtue, and they will soon be cultivated as ornamental plants. Hmm? No, what is under the root of your tree?"

"Where should I look! Seeking death!"

"It seems to be an acquaintance ......" Lin Fei heard this quarrel and clamored, thought deeply in her heart, but did not expect that the two old guys who lived in a deep sketch actually knew each other, which was a bit interesting.

However, Lin Fei didn't pay much attention to the matter in the dark earth. At this time, not far away in the air, the sword gas barrier and the moonlight resisted each other, constantly passing away, the terror fluctuated, and a series of space cracks cracked around and recovered, For a while, the scene was maintained.

It seems that the appearance of the old man has some effect, which has caused a little impact on the space of the Shenshi. In order to prevent the space from collapsing, the Shenshi did not dare to do his best.

But at the next moment, the change is steep!

The moon converged, and the moon body expanded indefinitely. The vast full moon was no longer entangled with Jianguang, but chose to descend from the sky and crush everything with the body.

Lin Fei was also stunned to see the moon falling quickly. Unexpectedly, Shenshi was so direct, he could even see the pits on the surface of the moon.

And as the moon came, the whole space rumbled and shook, as if the whole sky was under pressure, and endless pressure surged like tide, repelling everything in the space.

The little devil and the devil were shaking, they were just watching the battle, but now under this tremendous pressure, they avoid the inevitable, and the ubiquitous repulsive force in the space squeezes towards the two.

After a while, the space has become extremely unstable, and a strong wind pressure suddenly occurred, almost everything.

The two demon heads are like duckweed, and it seems that the next moment will be torn by the wind in the sky. Perhaps because of the instability of the space, the black hole sent by the three people appeared for a moment. With a gust of wind blowing, little The demon two fell into the black hole and disappeared into this space.

At the same time, on the other side of the black hole, Zhao Minghai stood quietly, looking at the space where Lin Fei disappeared. He did n’t know how long this posture remained, but as Lin Fei left longer, he The eyes are more dignified.

Suddenly, his look changed.

There was a spatial fluctuation in front of me, and a moment later, a black hole suddenly appeared, and the two devil heads fell out.

"How did you come out? Lin Fei?" Zhao Minghai's face suddenly changed, and he looked at the two badly. As the voice fell, the surging pressure pressed forward.

The two little devil heads were miserable. They had just been thrown out and suffered such coercion. They suddenly turned red and could not speak. Zhao Minghai snorted coldly, too lazy to wait. Directly explore their souls.

After a moment, everything that happened in the Shenshi space was reflected in his heart one by one, and the two were thrown away, Zhao Minghai's face slightly changed, and then he stared closely at the space in front of him, but his face became cloudy and uncertain. I do n’t know what I ’m thinking about.

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