Zhao Shu, who was breathless, saw the miserable situation of the two little devil heads, but he watched the nose and nose, and did not dare to say a word. He felt that after Lin Fei disappeared, Zhao Minghai seemed to have some changes. I feel unclear and unclear, but it makes Zhao Shu feel very upset.

He gave Li Beixing a subconscious look, and he looked like a dead dog.

Along the way, Zhao Shu understands that Li Beixing's strength is mediocre, but he is quite outstanding in knowing the current affairs.

In this situation, it really is the same as him, it is better to pretend to be deaf ...

At the same time, in the Shenshi space, the moon is still falling firmly, and the moonlight is also dazzling.

Lin Fei only felt that there was infinite pressure on his head. Although the moon was only transformed by the **** stone, it seems to be a real moon in the present. If there is no accident, I am afraid it will be crushed to the ground.

Lin Fei was not unprepared, he held the doll in his right hand, and a burst of heat came from his palm, as if the doll ’s small body looked for the hidden great power, and the method of urging was when Lin Fei entered this space. Already known.

As long as Lin Fei urged, Zhao Minghai's ability to hide in this doll would explode immediately.

However, Lin Fei looked up at the vast moon, and he hesitated a little, but put the baby away, but urged the real element of the body to move, and the heavens and swords tactics were instantly pushed to the extreme.

In the sword domain of life and death, Qi Daoqi seemed to feel the pressure, just like the seven-headed restless living dragon, trembling in the sword lake, and may fling out at any time.

When this restlessness was pushed to the extreme, Lin Fei decisively released Jianhu, and the seven swords suddenly burst into the sky.

At this time, the bright moon in the sky is almost less than a thousand feet away from the ground. The huge pressure is substantive. Mountain peaks ca n’t bear this pressure, and they collapse directly. The countless dry bones on the ground are crushed into powder, even the original The cold moonlight also turned into countless swords, destroying everything.

The wind was roaring, the clouds were gathering, and Lin Fei seemed to be in the end of the world. However, he only stood upright under this pressure, his face did not fluctuate, and it turned into the ultimate true element. The wind roared and formed a barrier around him.

At this time, Lin Fei only had the bright moon in his eyes.

Qi Daoqi's qi is as fast as thunder, and finally when he is about to pounce on the moon body, Qi Daoqi's qi trembles, suddenly changing its trajectory, bypassing Mingyue's body, and converging in the air.

For a moment, except for the violent wind, there was only the trembling sound of sword roar between heaven and earth. After a while, under the shadow of the huge moon, seven sword qi disappeared, and a huge white sword qi replaced it!

The giant sword also carries the qualities of seven sword qi at the same time, condenses into a glorious force, far better than any one of the seven sword qi, only a slight movement in the air, as if with a tear that can tear the sky and move the space. Terrifying power.

At the next moment, the white light on the giant sword suddenly burst into light, and the vast clouds in the air disappeared.

Following that, the giant sword moved slightly, the incandescent sword's qi rose, and the tip of the sword slanted, but it actually touched the surface of the moon.

However, the moon still fell slowly and firmly, as if thousands of mountains were pressed together, Lin Fei was the first to feel the tremendous pressure.

Lin Fei seemed to be unaware, his gaze remained focused and calm, and the true elements around him roared into the wind, and they were used to control the giant sword. Eventually, the sword tip reached the moon, followed, and began to move slowly.

He didn't attack the moon with a great sword, but sketched something on it!

If Li Beixing is here, you will find that the sketched trajectory is exactly the nine seals that have appeared many times along the way.

But the difference is that these nine seals are not drawn in the sky, but carved directly on the surface of the moon with a giant sword.

As the rumbling sound rang, the giant sword swept in and out, leaving deep nicks on the surface of the moon. No, it was not so much a nick as it was a deep gully.

"Don't let me down ..." Lin Fei looked at the sky, looking at the complex nine lines on the moon's surface, his face pale, and a sense of weakness in his body.

At the same time, the incandescent giant sword seemed to run out of power, and gradually dissipated, and as the giant sword dissipated, the countless gullies on the surface of the moon burst into countless incandescent light!

After a while, the gully was connected with the gully, and a piece of it quickly formed. Then, in the glistening light of the gully, a golden light burst out.

It was only a little bit at the beginning, but only for a moment, the golden light burst suddenly, filling the gully, and on the surface of the moon, nine huge seals appeared, and for a moment, countless clouds on the half of the sky were illuminated by the golden light. The penetrating power is tremendous.

The incandescent and golden colors intersect, and an extremely horrible wave ripples out of Fu Zhuan, as if it can decompose everything. Under this great power, the slowly depressed moon has paused for the first time.

"Sure enough!" Lin Fei was slightly relieved to see this scene.

The nine mantras are left by the ancient people. The level is incredible, and they can almost overcome everything.

Although the Shenshi is a bit weird, but it is only too high level, within the restraint of the nine-character mantra, Lin Fei's realm is too low. If it is shot with common law, I am afraid that even a wave can't fight.

But with seven swords and qi in one, it was carved directly on the surface of the **** stone, and it really worked.

In this way, under the continuous refinement of the nine Taoist seals, it should be able to drag the **** stone to death.

Only in this way, the true yuan spent must also increase greatly. Lin Fei calculated a little, and knew that he would be squeezed out again today ...

Squeeze it out. Fortunately, a lot of immortals have accumulated in the head of the Black Mountain, and then slowly grind down, it should be enough ...

Lin Fei changed his face just now.

In the intertwined white and gold on the surface of the moon, a torn roar suddenly sounded, and then, the surface of the moon was filled with countless ghosts and ghosts, dense and dense, one countless at a glance, and one by one, with a terrible appearance, it continued to bite Eating platinum light.

Lin Fei glanced away and saw several familiar faces in it, without exception, all of them were the disciples of the Xuanyin sect that he saw in the illusion.

Their souls have been absorbed by the God Stone, and they have been retained to this day! And it was turned into its own use!

It seems that Zhao Minghai was right, his brother's soul should be in it, but he didn't know where to hide it.

However, now those souls have completely lost their minds, leaving only infinite destructive power, and under the constant nibble, the light of the nine Daozhuan began to weaken.

Lin Fei was standing on the ground, his face was not good-looking, and his state was too low after all, and he was still somewhat reluctant to deal with the Shenshi. When the nine Fuzhuan disappeared, I am afraid he could not protect himself.

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