Seeing Lin Fei no longer questioned, Zhao Minghai continued: "Despite the extraordinary fighting strength of the dog that day, the Shenshi was not simple, especially after the mysterious and ghostly moisturization of my Xuanyin Sect's catastrophe, the ghosts of which were almost mature, At that time, it was a fight against the dog that day. Although the process was more difficult, in the end, the dog was finally desperate and the body was refined and collected ... "

"But after the war, the Shenshi was almost completely destroyed, and the ghost was seriously injured. At that time, my brother appeared ..." Zhao Minghai's face was still full of wry smiles when he mentioned the brother so far.

"Is he really involved in the war?" Lin Fei was a little surprised. He thought it was part of Luc's false story.

"He was still a dharma monk after all, it was a big disaster in the world, no one could escape, he had to join the war, and he was only one step away from devouring the **** stone, but he was summoned away by Lin Banhu. It was a chance. , He took advantage of the chaos and ignored the **** stone, no one knew. "

Mentioned so far, Zhao Minghai sighed a little: "I still have some chances of struggling in the Shenshi, but if I was swallowed by my brother, it would really be dead and dead. At that time, I was almost desperate, but maybe the Shenshi and Tengu made trouble. The movement was too great, and there was a man out of the abyss ... "

Speaking of this, Zhao Minghai still said with awe in his eyes: "I really didn't expect that I could actually see those characters. In our time, he was called the Galaxy Sword Fairy."

"Xinghe Jianxian?" Lin Fei stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Impossible, it should be some other powerful sword repair, you should be wrong."

Lin Fei's words are definitely incomparable, because although he has never met Xinghe Jianxian, he is very familiar with the name.

Because of his seniority, Xinghe Jianxianben is his ancestor, and also one of the most important masters in the history of Jianzong, Taoist Yinfeng Real Man!

Saying that he is important, that Xiuwei fell next to his seniority, mainly because he sent a crazy madness ...

In the era of Xinghe Jianxian, there was no sign of the catastrophe, and the spiritual world was at its peak.

And this galaxy sword fairy repair is incredibly powerful, and is known as the strongest dharma body of that era.

But accidents ensue, and for no reason, the most powerful body in the world sent out an inexplicable madness. Overnight, a single sword alone killed the entire Wenjianzong.

After the accident happened, the outsiders were stunned when they looked at it.

In the past, when the sword ancestors were incomparably strong, the majestic sight was no longer there. The blood flowed into the mountain gates, and the peaks of the mountains were covered with wild sword marks, and even the main peak was almost cut off by a sword.

But the culprit, Galaxy Sword Immortal, turned a blind eye to the outsiders. He stared blankly at everything he had made, and finally sat in the heart-breaking cry ...

The old man had better luck and survived the big disaster, which led to his subsequent rise and revival of Jianzong on the ruins.

But that was all afterwords.

When Xinghe Jianxian went mad, he shocked many powerful martial arts to come and watch.

And when the Xinghe Jianxian sat down, it was also under the eyes of these powerful men.

Among those people at that time, there was no shortage of top powers of ghost cultivation and demon cultivation. If Xinghe Jianxian played such methods as military solutions, they would certainly not escape their magic eyes.

However, at that time, no one doubted it, which means that at least "at that time", the Galaxy Sword Fairy was undoubtedly falling.

Perhaps it was Lin Fei who denied it too simply. Zhao Minghai looked at him oddly and shook his head. "I can't admit it wrong, that sword of stars, I will never forget it."

Lin Fei frowned slowly, suddenly silent, Zhao Minghai was so confident, is that really a galaxy sword fairy?

However, Zhao Minghai did not know what Lin Fei was thinking, but rather sighed: "Xinghe Sword Immortal is not a wave of fame, it is incredible, every sword is like a starry river. At that time, Shenshi Guitai and my brother joined hands to contend. Hard to resist. "

"I only saw a shining galaxy, covering the sky and the sun, and even my consciousness fell into ignorance. When I woke up again, I found that the ghost tire that had been suppressing me had been completely wiped out, and my brother's flesh was shredded. The Soul of God wrapped around me and fled outward, but the Galaxy Sword Immortal was unharmed and still chasing my brother. "

Zhao Minghai paused slightly and continued: "At that time, we were chased and there was no way to go to heaven and no way to go to the ground. My brother almost wanted to force me to swallow me to win the chance of escape, but at this moment, a sword light appeared Now. "

Speaking of which, Zhao Minghai exhaled, as if after tens of thousands of years, that sword light still brought him great pressure: "A sword light seems to come from the outside, it looks unremarkable, but when it falls, But it cut off the galaxy, actually caused the galaxy sword immortal. The most weird thing is that after seeing the sword light, the galaxy sword immortal did not continue to pursue us, but fell into a stagnation, and then began to go crazy. "

"I also learned later that the sword light came from the chaos outside the heavens, that is the top place where there is war, and the master of the sword light should be Lin Banhu."

Lin Fei frowned slightly. Although Zhao Minghai said a lot, he did n’t have much to do with the pictures that Lin Fei saw in the underworld. Was he the only one who was involved in Lin Banhu? He was once saved by Lin Banhu ’s sword light ?

"What did you see later?" Lin Fei continued to ask.

"Later ..." Zhao Minghai seemed to recall carefully, and then continued: "Later, I and my brother were rescued by the sword light, and fled out of the black abyss. Seeing two figures ... "

"One of them is Lin Banhu." Zhao Minghai said.

Lin Fei's eyes suddenly changed. This should be the picture shown in the fairy.

However, Zhao Minghai showed regret: "Unfortunately, that is not a real person."

Lin Fei frowned: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Minghai said: "My brother at that time escaped with serious injuries and happened to see Lin Banhu. He wanted to ask him for help. But when he approached, he found that it was only the shadow left by Lin Banhu. By using the anti-celestial tactics here, time and space are affected, and the marks left by them will last for a long time. "

"As for everything later, I do n’t say you should also know that after the ghost tire was destroyed, I completely occupied its empty shell, and my brother was injured by the galaxy sword fairy, and later escaped with the spaceship and fell to the head of the black mountain. Later, confrontation with me until now, until now. "

After listening to Lin Fei, he frowned, not only did he not puzzle, but also added a little bit puzzled.

But otherwise, what's the matter with Xinghe Jianxian?

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