Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1139: Unspeakable

At that time, he sat under the eyes of everyone, and later appeared in the Black Abyss. Is it that the corpse is not successful?

And after being slashed by the sword light of Lin Banhu, why did he suddenly go crazy?

Having said that, what's going on with Lin Banhu? What kind of existence war is he fighting against? Even the Galaxy Sword Immortal has no time to ignore it, so he has no time to slash a sword.

Everything seems to be covered with a mist, making it difficult to see clearly. It seems that under the choppy history Lin Fei has experienced, there is still a hidden undercurrent.

Lin Fei had no idea for a long time, but shook his head helplessly. After all, it was all a matter of strength ...

In that great disaster of that year, from time to time, there will be a world-destroying war, even destroying a small realm, Lin Fei is only a mortal body, and the layout for Yuan Huang has exhausted his mental strength. Some wars are really incapable of participating in person.

For the situation of some wars, Lin Fei can only use many magic weapon layouts. As a visual observation, although this method is safe, it has great limitations. Lin Fei cannot participate in some major events in person, and some hidden things are not known. .

However, these things are too far away, at least I have some clues in my hand, and I can slowly explore, and Lin Fei can practice in this life. Whether it is a magic weapon or a practice, Lin Fei has almost reached the limit.

As long as Lin Fei is getting stronger day by day, these will be resolved in the future.

Now, let ’s get things done right now ...

Lin Fei looked at Zhao Minghai and suddenly said, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Zhao Minghai didn't speak, but just glanced at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei suddenly vigilantly said: "The immortality has long been integrated with me, don't think about it."

Zhao Minghai said with a sneer: "I'm not greedy for what the guy left. I mean, you should make good use of that stuff, and don't waste it."

Lin Fei said strangely: "That's nature. Is that what you said?"

Zhao Minghai hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have something to say, but it was difficult to speak.

This is a bit rare ...

Do n’t look at Lin Fei ’s average attitude towards him. In fact, Zhao Minghai is a real-life character. It ’s placed on the outside, but it shakes people from all directions when he appears. Look?

If this is seen, it is enough to shock a group of Fas

However, Zhao Minghai was quite hesitant, and then said if he pointed out: "I mean, if there is any change in the immortality in the future, you must cultivate it well, which is of great benefit to you and the world. , Even if you really have any worry about your life, do n’t explode it. "

Lin Fei was stunned for a moment. If the immortality can grow up, then naturally it is of great benefit to itself, but that is also his own business. What does it have to do with the world?

As for the self-destruction, the eighteenth layer of **** is the final hole card. If it is actually detonated, it means that Lin Fei is also going to fall into a realm, and even become a mortal ...

However, what does this have to do with Zhao Minghai? His unexplained concern is too weird ...

He looked at Zhao Minghai suspiciously, and then suddenly said: "I said, is the story you just told not quite complete, what else is hiding from me?"

Zhao Minghai seems really embarrassed: "It's not that I don't tell you, some things are mysterious and mysterious, and they can't resort to words. Once they speak, they may change something."

Lin Fei contemptuously said: "It's mysterious ..."

Although this is the case, Lin Fei actually believed a little.

The path of spiritual practice is to go against the sky. When it comes to the real body level, it will even involve the source of Taoism and law.

It's just that this kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, and Zhao Minghai has just been promoted to the real body. It's hard to imagine that he will be contacted immediately.

But if this is the case, then Zhao Minghai is utterly excused ...

After all, the negative example is there.

The most famous is the rare master of death, the old man of heaven ...

The old man of heaven machine is extraordinary, able to peep through a ray of heaven machine, it was originally nothing, but he was still spread out.

In the end, the old man had a big mouth for a lifetime. Although he had gained countless scenery, he was finally condemned by the world, and almost destroyed.

Zhao Minghai also had to be more cautious with this lesson.

However, Zhao Minghai seemed a little uneasy, hesitated for a while, and finally seemed to have made a major decision. He suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Fuck.

When the words fell, he reached out and touched Lin Fei's forehead.

Speaking of Zhao Minghai's movements are not fast, it seems quite random, and there are flaws everywhere, but Lin Fei was completely unable to dodge before this one, so he was touched by Zhao Minghai.

However, Zhao Minghai was obviously not malicious. The moment he touched Lin Fei's fingertips, he suddenly flashed a pure white light spot, followed, and immediately integrated into Lin Fei's forehead.

Lin Fei felt that his forehead was cool for a while, and then found that a pure white light spot appeared in his soul, wrapped in it, slowly floating in it, emitting a faint white light, and enveloped the soul.

But beyond that, Lin Fei didn't feel any change ...

However, Lin Fei is not an ordinary golden pill. In a flash, dozens of methods are swept from that spot.

"It turned out to be this thing ..." After a while, Lin Fei's face was a little surprised.

This is the true immortality of the true monk, which has Zhao Minghai's traits. As long as Lin Fei encounters a real crisis, when the soul is about to collapse, this light spot will detonate.

Zhao Minghai will immediately notice that he can follow this guide and appear to save Lin Fei's life.

After Lin Fei was accepted as a disciple by the old man, a similar seed was planted.

However, that was a privilege that was only available to the disciples of Jian Zongzhen's true biography, specifically for the purpose of protecting the disciples.

Zhao Minghai and Lin Fei actually have no close relationship. In the final analysis, they are just allies who once fought side by side.

But now Zhao Minghai is willing to use this method?

It's not easy to say, even if Lin Fei went out to swindle and cheat. After being found this spot, he would think that there are real monks who unconditionally carry Lin Fei's bottom, and Zhao Minghai will bear the blame ...

But Lin Fei not only did not feel happy, but frowned ...

There is no free lunch in the sky, and there is such a thing as a pie in the sky. Lin Fei did not believe it in his life. The question is, what price do I have to pay?

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