Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1149: Ancestor inheritance

What he did not expect was that the Lord of the Blue King not only did not reprimand, but suddenly smiled and said: "Punish you, why should you punish you? This treasure fan has extraordinary potential, a little tempering, and also a chance to become my treasure of the Qing King City. There was no God Stone on this trip, but it is not a loss to have this treasure fan. "

"Ah?" Zhao Shu looked surprised, and said strangely: "Dad, are you mad? This is a ancestral thing. Is it really okay?"

"Oh, the ancestral thing?" The Lord of the Blue King shook his head and smiled: "That's the view of the pedantic people. In the spiritual world, no ancestral thing is as important as strength. Even if our Blue King City, if it is Give enough benefits, it is not impossible to change. "

Zhao Shu listened dumbfounded. He didn't expect his father to be more radical than he thought. If there are enough benefits, even his hometown can be sold.

But when I think about it, I have to agree with this statement. Indeed, if there is not enough strength, it is impossible to retain the huge foundation of Qingwangcheng. Conversely, if there is enough strength, then nothing can be robbed. ?

Moreover, as far as Zhao Shu knows, the construction process of the foundation of Qingwangcheng does not seem very glorious ...

Thinking of this, Zhao Shu immediately convinced, sincerely said: "I understand."

"Well." The Qing Qingcheng nodded with satisfaction, and his face was full of gratifying expressions that the child could teach, but suddenly said: "But there is an ancestral thing, but you must pass it on, no matter how many benefits are given. Never go wrong. "

"Huh?" Zhao Shu suddenly froze: "What is so important?"

The Lord of the Blue King City laughed and said, "I am the blood of the Zhao Family in the Blue King City."

"This ..." Zhao Shu was stunned for a while, but it also seemed a bit reasonable. If he had laid a huge foundation, if he was inherited by the next king, it might be that the ancestors of the past had to jump out of the grave to kill.

The Lord of the Blue King said with a smile of unknown meaning: "So, don't go out during this time, first complete the inheritance of the ancestors and then talk about it."

"Ah?" Zhao Shu hesitated a moment, and always felt that there were other meanings in this sentence, but he was not sure in his heart. Although the father was good-tempered, he would not discuss the topic with him.

But the Lord of the Blue King didn't say much, and Zhao Shu had no choice but to resign with a look of puzzlement.

As Zhao Shu left, only the king of the blue king on the throne, and the vast palace, became empty again.

The smile on the face of the Lord of the Blues slowly converged. He picked up the Phoenix Fan and played with it a few times, but he was a little careless.

At this moment, the shadow under the throne was twisted, and suddenly a figure emerged.

The man was covered with shadows and seemed to be in darkness forever. When the light hit him, he seemed to have entered a black hole, making it difficult to see his specific face.

In the empty hall, a smiling voice suddenly sounded: "This kid knows cultivation, but in this respect is naive, it is not like you when you were young."

The Lord of the Blue King was not surprised by the appearance of the shadow, and he was still playing the treasure fan in his hands. When he heard the shadow, he just nodded casually.

Black Shadow was slightly silent, and suddenly his tone changed: "You are anxious to let Zhao Shu leave blood, do you have a hunch?"

"I don't have a hunch, it's just a little uneasy." Qing Wangcheng lord sighed softly: "Compared with several other houses, my blood of Qing Wangcheng is too weak, this generation is only Zhao Shu alone, if he is in After the fall of this catastrophe, I'm really no longer a successor, so I have to leave him some blood, just in case. "

Black Shadow strangely said: "Can't the fall fall away? The seven factions are different after all, Gu Yue should focus on care."

"Gu Yue?" Mentioning the name, the Lord Qing Wang became dignified: "I'm worried about him. Over the years, this guy has become more and more wrong, and even made me feel strange. This time I reject the dragon. The ghosts were drawn to just watch the fire from the other side, but unexpectedly, after the three guys of the dragon and ghost were pierced, Gu Yue didn't move at all ... "

Black Shadow hesitated and said: "Maybe it's for the bigger picture ..."

"The big picture?" Lord Qing Wang sneered: "If it is for the sake of the big picture, he should come up with the covenant of the ancestors and severely punish these three talented pairs, but now he has let it go lightly, and he does not know what idea he is playing.

Hearing the four characters of the Ancestor League, the shadow was silent for a while. After a long time, he said: "When necessary, I will protect Zhao Shu from escape."

The Lord of Blue King sighed, "I have no choice but to do this. The catastrophe came too suddenly. I haven't prepared it yet. If I'm unlucky, I'm afraid I will be killed in it. is you."

When the words fell, he stretched out his hand and handed the Phoenix Treasure Fan in his hand to the Black Shadow, apparently entrusting the Treasure Fan.

Then he turned his head again, took a deep look at the hall, sighed, and the figure disappeared into the hall.

The black shadow stood for a while holding the treasure fan. After a while, the figure was twisted and suddenly merged into the darkness of the shadow, disappearing.

In the hall, it became empty again, and there was a hint of desolation in the openness.

At the same time, the three demons.

Today is the day when Gu Yue real people go out of the customs. The three demons are busy together. As the undisputed first gate of Ph.D. from the world, it is also a great momentum to greet the head of the gate. As many as three thousand people.

In addition, there are also elders at all levels, and they are close to a hundred people. The worst among them is Jindan who has more than seven turns, and he must have special skills, such as alchemy, alchemy, and magic star. Feng Shui and so on, are all momentary choices.

The combination of these talents together constitutes the first major gate of the powerful and powerful Fuli.

Nowadays, these monks with prominent identities in the outside world are gathered on the small main peak of the leader, arranged in order, and jointly greet the three demons, the ancient Yue real.

The disciples stood respectfully and in order, but the atmosphere among the elders was quite delicate.

In fact, this is no wonder. Recently, the suzerain did not know what was going crazy. He actually issued an order during the retreat, bypassing the elders directly, and snatching many small martial sites from the world.

Although the elders are backed by the Three Demon Sects, their practice resources are not unlimited. Many elders will have some martial arts regularly offering sacrifices in exchange for some protection and convenience. Many martial arts swept this time have touched a lot The interests of the elders.

Gu Yuezheng was so arrogant, but he made some taboos.

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