Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1150: Ancestral opening

Therefore, there are some elders secretly organizing now, intending to ask the public one or two later, it is best to get Gu Yue real concessions.

For a while, many elders secretly rubbed hands ...

When the sun reached the proper space, the small stone chamber in front of everyone finally opened.

Under the intertwining of many eyes, a burst of cold air rushed out of the stone chamber. Although it is the time when the yang air is the most prosperous, the plants and trees are all stiff where the cold air has passed.

Even the elders were so disappointed that the coldness was icy and cold, almost freezing their minds, or if the disciples stood a little behind, they might have been frostbitten.

Then, in the snow-white coldness, a thin figure came out, perhaps for too long, and the face of Gu Yue's real person was a little stiff, and the whole person showed a cold temperament.

His eyes were gray, Gu Jing was waveless, and he glanced at the scene lightly. Everyone bowed their heads unconsciously and dared not look at each other.

Faced with the grand welcoming scene, the real person of Gu Yue was expressionless, without saying a word, he took a step forward and actually left.

Seeing that Gu Yue was about to leave, someone in the elders' team suddenly couldn't hold back, and in anxiety, the crowd came out more boldly and asked: "Sect Master, I have something to say."

Gu Yue real person really stopped, looked at the elder.

If you dare to speak first, the elder is not a simple character, but she also has the realm of dharma, but now in the eyes of the real people of Gu Yue, she suddenly fell into the ice cave, as if being targeted by some fierce beast.

Unconsciously, there was a trace of regret in the elder's heart, but there was no escape route at this time, as long as he dared to say: "Sect Master, when you ordered the robbery of the small gates, we elders knew nothing , This, this is out of order ... "

In the eyes of Gu Yue's real person, the elder said more and more emboldened. In the end, the voice was almost unheard.

But anyway, he also made the meaning clear. Many elders looked at Gu Yue real people, obviously asking him to explain ...


"If you kill this person, you will get the elder position." Gu Yuezhen finally said, but the words were like extreme ice. The elder only felt very cold all over.

Because as the voice fell, countless unknown eyes turned to him instantly, some of them were coveted, some were malicious, and others were naked and fiery.

The elders of the Three Demon Sects are not only a kind of fame, but more, they represent the position in the world of Fuli, but behind this, there are massive resources.

However, as long as this person is killed, he can inherit his elder status, and Gu Yue real person personally admits that this elder immediately became the target of the attack!

Surrounded by this gaze, the elder was cold and sweating, and suddenly remembered something. He quickly looked at the white-haired old man standing in the first place, begging: "Great elder, I know that I am wrong. A life. "

The old man with white hair covered his face with wrinkles and described the withering, saying nothing from beginning to end, as if standing there asleep, and raised his eyelids when he heard the elder's help, but there was a trace of disdain in the old eyes .

He was somewhat impressed by this person. He usually arrogantly esteemed himself by virtue of a little cultivation. Now, even Gu Yue dares to provoke him.

However, if this person is abandoned, he is also one of the elders. If he is killed so easily, his elder elder will be dull.

In any case, in the presence of so many elders, as a great elder, he must meddle in ...

The elder's lips moved slowly, and he was about to speak. Suddenly, a cold eye cast down.

In the eyes of Gu Yue, the elder suddenly moved stiffly, as if his blood was frozen, only to feel that he was stared at by a peerless beast, and his roots were standing up, almost unable to move, let alone speak.

When he came back to God, a cold voice came from his ear ...

"Ancestral Order of the Three Demon Sects, open."

Gu Yuezhen stood alone at the top, looking down at the crowd, and spit out these words coldly. All of a sudden, both the elders and the disciples were shocked, and accompanied by a few small exclamations, but a moment later , Everyone quickly lowered their heads, stunned.

That's the three ancestors ...

Once the ancestral order is opened, it means that the Three Demon Sects have returned to the state of the pioneering period of the ancient ancestors. The whole family is highly vigilant. Sovereign order.

It can be said that when the ancestral order was opened, the suzerain lost all restraints and acted arbitrarily. Whoever dares to have doubts is a death.

The ancestral order has a great influence. Although the sect master is a beneficiary, it can not be easily used. Each launch in history represents the Three Devil Sects and even the Phaeus from the world, and will face a big disaster.

Of course, if there is no big robbery after the launch, then the patriarch who used the ancestral order will be miserable. The whole patriarch will go up and down, and he will follow his command at the previous moment, and he may turn back to the enemy at the next moment ...

However, almost every Sect Master of the Three Demon Sects is a master. This oolong situation has never happened, but the few ancestral orders have been opened, and they have ushered in a big disaster.

Looking at the entire history of the Three Devil Sects, Gu Yue real people are regarded as extremely excellent suzerains. He said that the ancestral order was opened, and naturally no one dared to question it.

After speaking, Gu Yuezheng ignored everyone and turned around to walk a few steps, his figure disappeared into the cold air.

The news that Zu Ling opened was too shocking, many people did not respond for a while, Gu Yue lived away for a long time, many disciples still kept bowing, and did not know who exclaimed, the disciples exploded the pot. , All turned into streamers, each returning to his own position.

During the opening of Zu Ling, there was a little difference in the place I was responsible for. It must be a death, and no one wanted to be the first unlucky ghost.

Not only the disciples, but also the elders did not care about their own interests. They all quickly returned to their respective positions. During the opening of the ancestral order, the real person of Gu Yue can say that he has unlimited power. Several elders kill chickens and monkeys, there is a precedent for this kind of thing ...

All of a sudden, the entire Three Demon Sects were running at full strength, and countless streams of light rose to the sky, spreading the news to the Three Demon Sect disciples distributed throughout the world, and even in other worlds, so that they could return to the Sect with all their strength.

There are also auras of light everywhere in the mountain gate, and the mountain protection array is fully operated to cover the three demons in the clouds and disappear under the sun and the moon.

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