Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1177: Demon King Fit

Long Xiao, Feng Ming, Thunder Roar, Ice Dance, and Sunshine Shadows on both sides of the day, all kinds of visions are entangled in one, like the magnificent scene that only appeared in the ancient floods, condensed into a mysterious and glorious singular picture, protecting Lin Fei about!

This is not over yet, the life and death sword domain containing Wan Jian emerged in an instant, the positive and negative sword lakes turned into giant mills, and the grinding movement exudes monstrous force, rumbling, following him to kill all the demons in front of him!

Suddenly, on this unknown mountain, an amazing battle broke out!

After the collision, the most violent momentum erupted, directly becoming a battle of life and death, the two sides do everything they can!

All of a sudden, the momentum of this war overwhelmed everything. The demon abandoned the target and roared into the battle. All the disciples turned pale and watched this terrible war.

Not far away, Gu Fei swayed a dozen demon around him with a pale face, gasping for breath. When he next wielded the sword, he was suddenly stunned. The pressure on this sword seemed to be weakened a lot ...

He was stunned for a moment, if he took time to take a look, he suddenly changed his look.

I saw only dozens of monsters around him. More monsters were at the top of the mountain, participating in the battle of the dazzling vision in the air.

As I watched more, the ancient non-look became shocked.

That is Lin Fei!

He dragged thousands of demons with his own strength?

And looking at that momentum, it seems to have a tie, even faintly gaining the upper hand?

With this combat power, is he really Jin Dan?

Recalling that the younger brother had blown up his smallpox, Gu Fei's face was a bit unnatural, and he was reluctant to deal with dozens of monsters, but Lin Fei attracted the attention of thousands of monsters by himself.

I simply don't have the qualification to compare with it ...

But soon, his face changed again. Although a large number of monsters were attracted by Lin Fei, the pressure on his side was reduced, but it was only reduced. The side was still surrounded by monsters and kept killing.

Gu Fei's shocking gaze became focused again, and the long sword in his hand lit up again, fitting himself into this dangerous battle.

On the other side, Li Beixing was hiding in the mountains, but he was much quieter, but he looked up at Lin Fei's battle, and his expression became more and more tense.

After a moment, he swallowed quietly, don't look at Lin Fei's momentum now, if this stalemate persists, Lin Fei can't help it no matter how strong ...

However, they basically offended all those who could offend. Where else can they find someone to help?


Li Beixing's eyes lit up suddenly.

And the little devil!

In order to find an opportunity, Lin Fei made an excuse to throw away the little devil and asked him to go back to ask for help.

Now, in terms of time, the little devil has been walking for a long time, and the message should have been passed back. If the little devil moves faster, he may have brought reinforcements.

Thinking of this, Li Beixing suddenly had some hope in his heart. In any case, Gu Yue was more reasonable than the demon, and it was better to fall in his hand than to die in the demon.

But then, he looked at this war with a worried face, before that, Lin Fei had to hold on ...

However, at this time, the three demons, outside the ancestral hall, the little demon head was scorched.

As expected by Li Beixing, he had already returned to the Three Demon Sects. However, when he met Gu Yue, he encountered resistance.

After hearing the news, he had been waiting here for more than half an hour. The real person of Gu Yue didn't seem to know that he had come, and there was no response.

The more he waits, the more anxious his heart is. If the time is too long, Feng Mo Gorge will definitely be completely broken through. If it is not good, a big disaster will be brewed in Fuli.

What's more serious is that if the demon generals in the demon world feel that this is an opportunity, a big attack will even make this big robbery break out in advance!

However, no matter how anxious, the little devil only dared to wait honestly, and did not dare to complain at all ...

Since Gu Yue lived out of the customs, the whole person has become more indifferent, giving the little devil a cold and dangerous feeling, even if the little devil is the closest true disciple, he will never dare to talk.

Suddenly, the little devil's head shook, and a familiar figure of robe appeared in front of him. Looking up, Gu Yuezhen stood in front of him and looked at him calmly.

The little devil only felt that an extremely cold breath enveloped himself, as if the blood was frozen, he suddenly hit a spirit, and quickly knelt down and prayed: "The disciples worship Master."

"Waiting for anxiety?" Gu Yue real nodded slightly, looked at the little devil's head, and suddenly said.

"The disciple didn't dare." Little Devil's head suddenly burst out and quickly denied it.

"Well," Gu Yuezhen said, "I know everything that happened in Feng Mo Gorge. I'm late. I'm dealing with it."

The little devil was stunned for a moment, and suddenly it was no wonder.

Taking the practice of Gu Yue real people as an example, maybe I just walked back and forth just now to control the situation, and this never happened.

In this way, the situation of Feng Mo Gorge must calm down, and it seems that Lin Fei also got out.

However, the real person of Gu Yue seemed to know what he was thinking and said: "I need to sit in the center, but there are thousands of nodes like Feng Mo Gorge. I didn't go in person. This matter has been handed over to a devotion to cook, you Don't worry about it. "

The little demon was stunned for a while, but it was almost a monster formation. Even if a dedication could be solved, it must be extremely difficult. In this way, it is difficult to say whether Lin Fei is alive or dead ...

Thinking of Lin Fei's luck, the little devil found himself not so happy as expected.

After all, Lin Fei had the ability to escape, but at the last moment, he was actually sent back. Between life and death, this relationship is too big ...

But he didn't dare to say more, he had to respectfully, but his heart was a little complicated ...

Gu Yue, a real person, didn't seem to know what Xiao Mo's head thought, but just glanced at him, and suddenly said, "How is your progress?"

The little devil was stunned. I didn't expect Gu Yue to be concerned about his cultivation at this time, but following it, his face showed a sense of self-confidence.

The name of the first person of his younger generation in the Three Demon Sects is not in vain, and he is really not afraid of anyone compared to Xiuwei entering the country.

Except for Lin Fei.

"The disciple has cultivated the bone bone element demon path to the realm of the demon king, and within ten years, he will surely be able to cultivate the demon king's fit!" Xiao Detou's tone is quite proud. After all, the demon fit has already been comparable to the beginning As long as the combat power of the realm is maintained at this speed, within fifty years, he will surely be able to truly achieve the Fa!

At that time, by virtue of the bone bone magic path, it can also be called a strong man in the initial phase of the Fa phase!

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