Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1178: Taishanghe naive law

However, the expression of Gu Yue's real person has not changed, and he plainly commanded: "Ten years is too long, but it is enough to renovate too much for the innocent law for five years, and the power is also not weak. Treasury withdrawal. "

After talking, Gu Yuezheng ignored the little devil, and his body disappeared as soon as he flashed.

The little devil was still talking, but before he could speak, Gu Yuezhen disappeared in front of him. After standing alone for a while, he sighed softly.

Taishanghe naive ...

This method is very powerful in listening to the name. In fact, it is indeed of extraordinary origin. This true method comes from the same origin as the bone bone magic path, and it is also very powerful.

It stands to reason that there is no regret to build a foundation. If you choose a practice method, you have to practice for a lifetime, but for monks who practice the bone bone devil, they can have a second chance before achieving the Fa.

That is to renovate this door to the naive law.

After practicing this method, it will make your heart like ice water and annihilate all the factors that interfere with your cultivation, which will greatly speed up your cultivation.

The most important thing is that you can also annihilate emotions during the battle. Every move is calm and efficient. Every blow can achieve the best effect. Every time you make the best choice, it is the supreme true way to enhance the combat power.

If it reaches the outside world, it will surely attract countless monks to rob.

The most important thing is that his master Gu Yuezheng, who renovated this practice at that time, laid the status of the leader of the seven factions in one fell swoop ...


The little devil is a little unwilling ...

Although this skill is good, the little devil felt a little shudder as soon as he imagined that all his thoughts had disappeared and was annihilated by the cold will.

Although monks have seven emotions and six desires, sometimes they hinder spiritual practice, but if they don't, what will they become?

If you truly cultivate the heavenly and innocent law to the ultimate state, and achieve the realm of heaven and humans that overlooks all beings and is in harmony with the Tao, is that perfect person without all emotions, or is he?

However, for the monks, the inferior realm of heaven and man is an unimaginable temptation, and it is worth the whole life to pursue.

Now that the real people of Gu Yue are practicing this method, they leave all the powerful people in the same realm behind them, and the whole three demons are breathless.

How powerful that is.

But the little devil also clearly felt that the character of the master was also getting colder. When he was greeted to go out of the customs, it seemed that it was not the ancient Yue from the stone room, but an ancient beast.

That feeling didn't even make my closest disciple dare to get close.

After hesitating for a long time, the little devil's face struggled. After a while, he clenched his fists and suddenly let go, making a decision in his heart.

Anyway, Master let himself practice this method, which is also a kind of value. Other disciples have n’t got such treatment yet.

Besides, the incredible speed of this true Fa entering the country seems to be the only possibility to catch up with Lin Fei ...

The little devil sighed softly, and went toward his cave house with a heavy heart ...

At this time, Lin Fei was almost in the most difficult time after going out of the top of the Black Mountain.

At this time, the disciples of the Dragon Ghost Palace fled, and died, and went away, but the demon's momentum became stronger and stronger. They destroyed the mountain and destroyed the forest.

Lin Fei originally relied on his erratic figure, and released a monstrous vision, but could barely cope with the situation.

But as time passed, it gradually became unsustainable.

There are too many monsters. If it is placed in the outside world, it is enough to kill more than a dozen small and medium-sized cities, but now it is crowded on this mountain. Lin Fei can cope with it now, it is very rare.

Now it seems that this is the end ...

At this time, there are demons in all directions, and there is no hiding place to hide, no matter how flexible you are, you have no room for it.

When the last point of space was squeezed out, Lin Fei's erratic figure suddenly flew into a cloud, and there was nowhere to hide.

However, many monsters are still words, no matter how much they cost, Lin Fei took a deep breath, first protected himself with a bone map, manipulated seven sword qi, palmed the fierce star and four swords, and then supplemented with positive and negative sword lakes, except for Underworld Not to be exposed, Lin Fei put out almost all means.


All means exploded in an instant, and Lin Fei's Zhenyuan was directly evacuated by 70%, and the effect was indeed extraordinary. With a single blow, the demon near the 100 meters was swept away, and the surroundings were suddenly clear.

However, after this, there were more monsters who rushed to death.

Lin Fei almost thought they were crazy, but all creatures will cherish their lives, but these monsters don't care about the same. Even if they fight their lives, they will leave a wound on themselves.

Lin Fei's face was ugly. If he continued, he would have to resort to the power of the underworld ...

It's just that the small **** stone was contained in the nether soil. Once it was released, I wonder if it would be discovered, or if it was a last resort, don't use it as well ...

On the other side, Gu Fei is also one of the few people left on this mountain. Even if he has the bizarre stone sword that restrains the demon, he is still in blood.

He waved his sword over and over again, and then more demon rushed up, again squeezing the few real elements in his body, so he waved his sword again and fell.

He didn't know how many times he repeated this set of movements, and it seemed that there was no end. Gu Fei almost fell into despair as he felt the sensation of pain from the squeezing of Zhenyuan.

Continue to do this, when he can no longer squeeze a little real element, it is his death.

When Gu Fei once again stiffened this set of actions, he suddenly felt a familiar breath approaching quickly. His numb and slow eyes moved, subconsciously looking up into the air, his face suddenly burst into ecstasy.


As Gu Fei shouted in surprise, Lin Fei also moved, looking up at the sky and following, the pupil shrank slightly.

I saw the sky with blue sky and white clouds, and a gust of wind suddenly broke out, tearing apart the white clouds on the horizon.

Behind the wind, there is a huge palm. If the palm is real, the fingerprint of the palm pattern is clearly visible, like a gully. At this time, this palm covers the entire mountain, with terrifying pressure, from the sky. Fall, overwhelm everything!

Lin Fei's breathing became a little difficult under the huge pressure that was substantive, and his eyes were startled.

"Dharma phase ... Dragon ghost domain master?"

There are also strong and weak points between the Fa-phases. The weak ones are like the heads of the small schools that Lin Fei encountered when he first left the border.

Only dragon ghost domain masters can appear around this.

At the next moment, the giant palm descended from the sky, like a big mountain fell outright.

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