For ordinary people, Jin Yuguo may be an inexplicable treasure refiner, but for him, it is not in his eyes.

He didn't come here for the sake of Jin Yuguo, but for the possible self-existence map here.

Before tens of thousands of years ago, before breaking through the realm of dharma, Lin Banhu once traveled through the world with a single sword. Once he traveled to a wild land, and he felt the sight of the setting sun of the yellow sand, and then he closed down on the spot.

This retreat is three years. In those three years, the supreme sword swept across the earth, and the giant rock Gobi, which has remained unchanged for 10,000 years, shattered into powder.

But three years later, the side of Lin Banhu was already covered with golden jade fruit.

Each one is a rare gem in a century.

However, Lin Banhu didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing. After his swordsmanship became great, every sword would have the strength to be urged, and it would be useless to ask for gold jade fruit.

After returning to ask Jianzong, he mentioned this matter to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was quite curious at the time. As we all know, one of the reasons why Jinyuguo is rare is that it cannot be cultivated by humans, but Lin Banhu seems to have been inadvertently cultivated?

At that time, he was an idle man. He had read the classics of the Tibetan sword pavilion cleanly and had nothing to do all day, so he studied this strange thing.

After effort, Lin Fei finally found something.

Jin Yuguo is not uncultivable, but there are many restrictions.

First of all, naturally, the seeds of golden jade fruit are needed.

But the most important step is to irrigate this kind of sword with extremely high level. According to the strength of sword, it must be irrigated for at least a few years.

In other words, this kind of spiritual fruit grows by eating sword.

It ’s just useless to find it. First of all, it ’s difficult to find the sword. Lin Banhu was only reluctant to retreat and realize it at the time, and it was not worth the time to waste the golden jade fruit with limited effect.

However, ordinary sword repairs have insufficient strength.

However, this discovery is not completely useless. Lin Fei found that some places that can stably produce golden jade fruit must hide the treasures of Kendo.

When he was in the Great Tribulation, he dug many times, and really dug out several famous swords that have disappeared in history, as well as two or three long-lost swordsmanship.

But that's in a world where sword cultivation is extremely prosperous, and this situation is normal.

However, in the history of Phyllis, there has not been a famous sword cultivation, and their cultivation methods are more biased towards the witch, and they are good at demon blood sacrifice.

Coupled with the fragmentation of his free array at the beginning, the fragments scattered everywhere, Lin Fei suspected that one of them might have fallen here, exuding infinite swordsmanship to provide golden jade fruit for growth.

Moreover, it may be a more important part of the debris.

Of course, these are all speculations by Lin Fei.

If you dig to the end and discover that it is another Kendo treasure, it is not impossible.

However, after the clues were cut off, this was already Lin Fei's most confident guess.

It now appears that the vitality of the sand and soil here is extinguished, and it should be affected by the sword.

Such a long-lasting strong sword intention, in Fo Li's out of bounds, it seems that only his free array can achieve this degree.

"Huh?" Lin Fei just started to excavate, but suddenly found that the sand under the golden jade fruit is not completely lifeless, but there is a kind of water vapor, showing a very light vitality.

what's going on?

His sword-style dominance in the free array is unmatched, how can he still leave a very weak vitality?

Could it be said that the growth of Jin Yuguo is not his free array, but the legacy of another Kendo master?

Lin Fei's heart sank, although it was definitely a treasure, but for him, it was far less than his free array.

"Not quite right." At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly discovered that the extremely weak water vapor in the sand was rapidly and powerfully.

After a while, the dry air was full of moisture, and after a while, the air almost became humid, and even a few drops of water condensed on the surface of the golden jade fruit.

The most important thing is that this suddenly strong water vapor gives Lin Fei a very familiar feeling.

Lin Fei was remembering where he had seen it, and suddenly his face changed and Zhenyuan started to run.

Suddenly, a fierce air suddenly broke out from under his feet, but Lin Fei first backhanded a sword light and penetrated into the yellow sand under his feet.

Then, under the yellow sand, there was a scream.

However, as this scream came, the yellow sand surged, and dozens of black shadows blasted from the underground.

Each head is a scaly carapace, with wings on its back, and most importantly, the two curved corners of the top of the head are raised like blades.

A fierce yin rushed across the face.


Lin Fei glanced at it, and suddenly remembered that the Dragon Ghost Domain had mentioned it. There seemed to be sporadic monsters hiding in this place.

Moreover, these demon can hide for so long, must be sneaking under the yellow sand thousands of feet, this powerful body, comparable to Jin Dan monk.

Of course, Jin Dan has various spells and magic weapons, and its combat power is more than a demon than a demon.

But even so, when it comes to fighting alone, these monsters can also fight the low-level Jindan.

Unfortunately, I met Lin Fei ...

He is now in Jin Dan's nine-turn situation, and can easily suppress all monks of the same rank, let alone demon.

If there are hundreds of monsters in front of you, Lin Fei may be cautious, but dozens of them are just a matter of time.

Lin Fei had just shot, but suddenly stopped, looking up in surprise.

I don't know when, the sudden water vapor has soared to the extreme, the space within a radius is like being wrapped in a huge blister, and every action is subjected to heavy water resistance, very sticky.

At the next moment, the water vapor condensed into rain and poured down.

Each drop of water is extremely dark and contains a strong force of water spirits. The falling momentum is extremely heavy, and it immediately covers the nearby area.

As soon as a group of demons appeared, they sensed a great danger, and the uneasy roaring sounds followed one after another, and several of them ran away without hesitation.

It's just that the raindrops had already fallen before they could escape, first hitting the grimace armor covering them.

It stands to reason that their bone armor strength is not lost to the Yang Run magic weapon, let alone the raindrops, even if the sword is added, it cannot be damaged.

However, after the drop of black raindrops fell on the body, the bone armor could not resist every minute, and a large hole was corroded in an instant, just a face-to-face, and two or three weak demons were corroded into black blood.


The shrill roar was overwhelming. No demon could escape the black rain erosion. For a while, they could only watch their bodies slowly corroding, like being tortured.

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