Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1207: Space dilemma

However, no matter how violent and angry they were, they could not find a specific enemy, and could only wave their minions in vain against the void.

In a roar, a demon suddenly looked at Lin Fei. Its pair of meat wings were corroded into countless holes, but no specific opponent could be found. His mind was completely occupied by pain and anger. Lin Fei became the target of venting his anger.


Its body with a thousand holes and hundreds of holes exploded into a powerful force, and flew straight into Lin Fei.


However, before it rushed to Lin Fei, it was stirred into powder by a sword light.

After Lin Fei killed the demon, he ignored it, but looked at the black rain falling from the sky with some puzzled eyes.

The moment Black Rain appeared just now, Lin Fei suddenly remembered who this power belonged to. He just had several ties with him. No wonder he couldn't remember it for a moment.

But it is strange that when this black rain fell, it not only covered the demon, but also included Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't care at first, and wrapped himself with a beam of aura.

But after a while, Lin Fei discovered something was wrong. The black rain on his side was stronger, as if the owner of the black rain deliberately targeted himself.

What does it mean?

I do n’t have a lot of enemies, but I do n’t include the owner of this black rain. For no reason, how can I target myself?

When Lin Fei was thinking about this, the black rain had lasted for half a scent of incense. The head of the demon was directly corroded and disappeared. The yellow sand was soaked with black blood and became sludge that was poured by the rain. It was sticky and moist, and from time to time. Several blood bubbles popped up.

When the last demon fell, the black rain retreated.

I don't know when, a young man wearing a moon-white robe appeared above the swamp of demon blood and flesh. His face was clear and handsome, but at this time Lin Fei's gaze was rather bad.

"Yuhua ..."

There was speculation in Lin Fei's mind, but after meeting at this time, he still frowned.

At the time when he represented Wen Jianzong to participate in the Northern Mobi Darby, he met each other. Yu Hua ranked fourth in the true biography of the Changsheng Palace. The natural water spirits, both in qualifications and combat strength, are in the younger generation. Both are top-notch.

However, in the process of entering the Dragon Bone Realm, many disciples were separated, which caused Lin Fei to fail to meet him again.

This is very strange.

Where do people who haven't seen each other meet for a while, hostility?

In any case, both sides belong to one of the ten major schools in the northern border, and they can be regarded as the same thing. If there is a misunderstanding, it is better to resolve it.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Brother Yu, don't come unharmed."

"Don't come unharmed?" Lin Fei just greeted casually, but Yu Hua seemed to be poked at the painful place, and sneered, "Am I looking like unharmed?"

It's no wonder that Yu Hua's tone is bad, he is indeed a bit miserable now.

A moon-white robe was contaminated with wind and sand, tearing out a few mouths. The pale white jade face was eroded by wind and sand every day, and became gray-faced, and the whole person was covered with wind and frost.

No matter who it is, it's hard to believe. This is the fourth true biography of the immortal Changsheng Palace.

Now Yu Hua is not much stronger than a beggar.

"I said, how did you get to this place?" Lin Fei looked at each other for a long time. If the breath was the same, he could not connect the person in front of him with Yu Hua in the past.

"How did it come?" Yuhua mentioned this, and a burst of anger burst into his heart: "That's not thanks to you."

"I? Are you sure?" Lin Fei was stunned. He hadn't seen him a few times before. What did he have to do with himself?

Seeing Lin Fei's inexplicable look, Yu Hua was more energetic, and asked: "I asked you, was it the person who broke into the Dragon King's lair when he was in the Dragon Bone Realm and blew up the Dragon Coffin."

"it's me."

"That's right."

"What's right, you make it clear." Lin Fei's mood was suddenly a little bit worse. Although he was also an old man from Luofujie, this guy immediately frowned when he met. Is this challenging his patience?

"Do you understand? The dragon nest you entered is the core of the whole dragon bone world. The coffin you blow up is the core of the whole dragon nest. Once shaken, the dragon bone world will be implicated. Dragon A large number of void cracks appeared around the nest in an instant, and I don't know how many people swallowed it. "

Hearing Yu Hua's angry narration, Lin Fei froze for a moment, and then understood it all.

No wonder Yuhua has this attitude.

At this point, he really has something to do with himself.

Undoubtedly, Yu Hua was also implicated in that war and was swallowed by the void crack, but compared to those who were lost in the void crack forever, he had better luck and managed to break free.

But his good luck ends here, and finally it fell into this northern barren sand dune from the cracks of the void.

Seeing his present miserable appearance, Lin Fei could probably guess what happened to him later.

Yuhua is a natural psychic body of water, and belongs to the top three among the spirits of the waterway.

However, this place is famous for its drought and poor aura, and it fell to this place, which is equivalent to a water lotus being transplanted alive into the desert.

Not to mention growth, it would be nice to die without drought.

But looking at it like this, he not only survived, but also achieved Jin Dan. This toughness and talent, even in the longevity palace where genius is gathered, is also very good.

"By the way, ask what happened to Jianzong's disciples?" Lin Fei suddenly remembered one thing. He originally participated in the Taibei Beibi with himself, but also asked Jianzong's own brother and brother, Yu Hua fell in Once Phry was out of bounds, where did they go again?

"Ask Jianzong's disciples?" Yu Hua sneered: "It's also unlucky for them to show you the same door as you. When you broke into the dragon's nest, Wang Lingguan rushed to save you, but as soon as he arrived, he appeared near the dragon's nest There are countless void cracks ... "

"He also fell into the void crack?" Lin Fei's heart sank. Yu Hua was able to escape from the void crack by a little bit of luck, but not everyone has this kind of luck.

If he is unlucky and encounters the Netherstorm, Wang Lingguan will surely die even if he doubles his cultivation.

"It's worse than that. He ended up in a space dilemma, and he didn't know if he could come out in this life."

"Space dilemma? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Lin Fei stared at Yu Hua with a ugly face.

The dilemma of space is equivalent to a cage. The problem is that this cage is made up of space barriers.

The worst part is that this temporarily formed space cage is not stable. Some space cages can exist for thousands of years, while others can't be maintained for a while.

Even if the space cage exists on the basis of the keel world, it can exist steadily for a period of time, but no one can guarantee how long it will survive.

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