Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1208: I'm leaving

Every time in the past, Wang Lingguan's danger will be one more point.

If Li Qingshan was trapped inside, Lin Fei would not take a glance.

But Wang Lingguan is different.

When I asked Jianzong, Wang Lingguan, a disciple of Heavenly Criminal Peak, took care of Lin Fei. This time it was to save Lin Fei that he would be trapped.

How is the problem saved?

Wang Lingguan was trapped in the dilemma of space, which was equivalent to a space interlayer attached to the keel world. If there is no power to break the void, don't even think about it.

Although Lin Fei said that he entered the country quickly and was invincible among the disciples of Jin Dan, he never got to the point of smashing the void.

At this time, Lin Fei suddenly remembered the little light spot in the soul of the soul. Zhao Minghai had promised himself at any time that he could shoot for himself at any time. Perhaps, he could use this opportunity to invite him to shoot.

But a moment later, Lin Fei shook his head secretly, giving up the idea a little helplessly.

It was not Lin Fei stingy, but Zhao Minghai would never agree.

The place of the Dragon Bone Realm is a reserved place for the old dragon. Even if the Dharma is close to this world on weekdays, it must attract the attention of the old dragon, not to mention the real body. Set foot in the keel world.

Especially after the first battle with Phoenix, Lao Long will have some rumblings. Lin Fei estimates that once Zhao Minghai is slightly closer, Lao Long will be vigilant.

With Lao Long's temperament, he repelled at the slightest shot and endlessly at the worst.

Zhao Minghai only promised to make one shot, but there is a big gap between his desperation and effectiveness.

If Lin Fei made this request, I am afraid that Zhao Minghai would think that Lin Fei was deliberately making things difficult for him.

Seeing Lin Fei frowning and thinking, Yu Hua felt much better.

Originally, he did not feel bad about Lin Fei, but he is trapped in this harsh environment, and it is not his fault that he is suffering all the hardships.

Whenever struggling in this harsh environment, I always think that this is completely affected by Lin Fei!

At the beginning, the serious injury fell here, and now it has become a hegemony here. Only Yu Hua knows how much suffering has happened in the middle.

In fact, if it hadn't been enough to bring the magic pill, he would have fallen.

But even so, after the Elixir was exhausted, he simply relied on eating the inedible golden jade fruit, squeezing a little bit of aura from it, and between his life and death, his teeth were slowly raised to improve his practice.

But these are nothing.

The worst part is that geniuses are gathered in the Palace of Longevity and the competition is so fierce that outsiders can't imagine. After leaving these few years, he must have missed many opportunities. Maybe his true discipleship was replaced by his master.

Whenever dreaming back at midnight, Yu Hua can imagine the ambitious students who have been suppressed by him, one by one surpassing his own scene.

It's almost ruined.

If Lin Fei had a miserable experience, he might have a little balance in his heart.

But just now, he tried to find out that the black rain technique he had realized between life and death could not hurt him!

Now I have a closer look. Where does this guy Lin Fei seem to have experienced the hardship, but it seems that he has experienced some kind of opportunity.

Looking at myself again, I practiced in nine deaths and reached the stage of Jindan's seventh turn. I can imagine how much I have fallen behind in this year.

Fortunately, God has eyes, and this guy Lin Fei finally had a bad luck!

The dunes of the North Wilderness are turbulent throughout the year, and from time to time, some unlucky eggs will fall into this place for various reasons.

The final outcome is often the old death here ...

Regardless of whether Lin Fei is one of these unlucky eggs, once it falls in, it is difficult to go out again.

Perhaps it was a long time of depression. After seeing Lin Fei unlucky, Yu Hua was quite happy in his heart: "Brother Lin, I don't know how you would get out after thinking about it?"

"Get away? Are you saying leave?" Lin Fei was thinking about how to rescue Wang Lingguan. At this moment, he just got a little eyebrow, and he didn't take much care of Yu Hua. . "

"Open the space channel?" Hearing this, Yuhua almost sprayed back directly. Do you think the space channel is your home? Speaking empty-mouthed?

Why don't you go to heaven?

Every time the space channel is opened, it will consume a lot of resources. In addition, there must be a deep and powerful legal person who calculates the coordinates and determines the location.

And the distance is long, and the consumption is doubled.

The thing is opened several times, and the resources consumed can directly set up a teleportation array!

Everyone is a disciple of the ten major schools. Who doesn't know this yet, you treat me like a fool?

Seeing Lin Fei's unfalsified appearance, Yu Hua sneered in his heart, but he was too lazy to expose it.

No matter how you brag about it, anyway, you have stayed here for such a long time, and you have found a way to escape. When you are left alone, I do n’t know if you can still be so calm.

"Then wait slowly, I'll take a step before I have anything else."

"Then you go slowly." Lin Fei thought out a little bit of eyebrows, and just thought that Yu Hua was a bit obstructive, and was thinking about how to pull him apart, but suddenly heard Yu Hua's farewell, and immediately sent her along the water.

Yu Hua also did not drag the mud at all.

Even after being far away from Lin Fei, there is no need to hide anymore, and there is a look of anticipation and excitement on his face.

He didn't just want to go, but to leave this ghost place completely.

He stayed in this place for such a long time, and it is not nothing. Although the place is inaccessible, because of the unstable space, it is extremely easy to become a breakthrough in the demon world, so sometimes monks come here to check.

And this is his chance to leave.

Over the years, he will pick a few pieces every time the golden jade fruit matures, and now, he has accumulated dozens of them.

Even in the Palace of Longevity, it is a great fortune. He is ready to bribe the monk who came here to see him and let him take himself away from this place.

As for the remaining golden jade fruit, it was left to Lin Fei to slowly nibble, let him also experience the pain he had suffered ...

However, the time for those monks to come was not fixed, and he had to wait hard. Until just now, he only noticed a little spatial fluctuation in the distance.

Only then did I find it nearby.

It's just a little weird. Why haven't I found a monk who has been here for so long?

Unconsciously, Yu Hua had reached the place where Lin Fei came. He stopped, his face full of doubts, the wave of space did not cut off, but after arriving here, the direction changed.

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