Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1209: Space magic?

Was that kind of fluctuation looming, pointing to where you came from?

What does it mean?

Yu Hua looked back, his face blank.

What's special about where you come from?

In addition to Jin Yuguo, there is ... Lin Fei?

Didn't Lin Fei lie to himself, someone really opened the space channel to send him?

But impossible ...

Here, Feu is out of bounds, none of the ten major factions of the North Realm are stationed in. Lin Fei, an alien, is good not to be hostile. Why can he be opened for him at all costs?

and many more……

Suddenly Yu Hua thought, and he was a little bit horny. Who said there must be a space passage to enter here?

Some space magic weapons can also achieve similar effects.

He had heard of it long ago, and asked Jianzong that there is a Haoyue astrolabe, which can be arbitrarily crossed within a hundred miles, and it is just a magic weapon!

If it is a magic weapon of space, the power is bound to be stronger.

By the way, I almost forgot. Lin Fei turned upside down in the Dragon Nest, and there were so many space cracks in the periphery. Why was Lin Fei in the center of the battle safe and sound?

Thinking of this, Yu Hua felt that he had caught the key.

Lin Fei was similar to himself in being cultivated, and he was trapped in a space crack, and he was able to escape after all the hard work.

If Lin Fei had no special means, he could not escape safely.

Yes, Lin Fei must have a space magic weapon!

Moreover, Lin Fei is very confident in that magic weapon and feels that he can easily leave this dead place.

Able to cross thousands of miles, at least it must be the top of the Profound Realm, or even the magic weapon of the realm?

"The magic weapon of the situation ..." Yu Hua swallowed hard and shook her heart ...

Before the fall, Yu Hua was considered to be in an extraordinary position, but the magic weapon of this realm can only be qualified by the elders in the Palace of Longevity, and his disciples can only think about it in his dream ...

However, there are exceptions. Brother Wang Feng, who is firmly ranked first in the true biography in the longevity palace, was once promised by the head. Once he achieved the Fa, he would be given a magic weapon.

Brother Wang Feng became famous in his youth, and has always been known for his extremely fast practice speed. He will surely be able to achieve the first phase of the Fa, and then he will get another magic weapon for the situation.

The leader's move is equivalent to helping Wang Feng in disguise. If there is no accident, after the leader abdicates, he is the next leader.

However, Lin Fei actually got this magic weapon now?

Moreover, this is a magic weapon that can interfere with space and is more useful when exploring the worlds.

In the future, he will achieve the Fa phase. At that time, he will deal with him in the Palace of Longevity. I am afraid that it is the first-class person of Brother Wang Feng.

But why?

Whether he is qualified or mindful, he is not weaker than Lin Fei. Actually, it is just because of a magic weapon. Will his future status be so different?

Moreover, it was because of Lin Fei that he encountered this disaster!

If this magic weapon is your own, you can easily escape from that place at the beginning. Now you are at least Jin Dan Jiuzhuan, and Lin Fei should be caught here and struggling to survive.

Maybe I came here by accident, and I will meet Lin Fei, holding my thigh and asking to take it away.

and many more……

This does not seem to be impossible ...

Although he is weaker, after all, he has been here for a few years. This is his home field. When Lin Fei first arrived, he would say something and he would be able to play with him.

The more I thought, the more excited I was, and after roughly forming a plan, Yu Hua simply made a decision.

While Lin Fei hasn't left yet, he must seize the opportunity now and get the magic weapon!

Thinking of this, Yu Hua turned around and went towards the place.

After a moment, Yu Hua saw Lin Fei, but he was shocked: "Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

No wonder he was surprised. At this time, Lin Fei turned a blind eye to the golden jade fruit on the ground, but squatted on the ground to study the root system of golden jade fruit?

What does it mean?

Lin Fei was busy, but suddenly heard Yu Hua's voice. When he looked up, he actually saw Yu Hua, and immediately frowned, "How did you come back?"

"That ..." Yu Hua forced a smile: "I thought about it for a while, our ten major factions will be together, and we should work together to break out of this place."

"That's it." Lin Fei glanced at Yu Hua. Although this guy had a bad attitude, he fell here. After all, he had a little relationship. He also provided some news to himself. It's okay to bring him: "Wait until the space When the channel opened, you said it was my follower. "

"Following ..." Yu Hua's face was black, and she scolded in her heart.

No wonder I am!

Seeing Lin Fei continue to be busy, Yu Hua moved his heart and smiled more on his face: "What are you busy, Brother Lin, can I help?"

"Help?" Lin Fei glanced at Yu Hua and smiled: "Forget it, you can't help, wait on the side."

"Really ..." Although Yu Hua was rejected, she didn't really look around. Lin Fei was obviously looking for something. As long as he could attract his attention, then everything was naturally under his control.

When Lin Fei was busy, Yu Hua was persevering around: "Brother Lin, you just came here, you should not be familiar with the surroundings, let me introduce you."

"Well, you can just talk about it casually." Lin Fei was calculating where the array fragment might be, and he absently dealt with it.

Hearing this, Yu Hua was full of spirits: "Although this place is barren, a lot of big things have happened. Three hundred years ago, there was a big move here, and a worldly demon sprang up. Both sides died together, but the monster's bones were buried deep underground. "

"Brother Lin is not interested? It does not matter, there is another one, three hundred miles northwest of this place, and sometimes there is a vision of Bai Hongguan, the scene is like a sword penetrating the sun."

"By the way, I heard that this was the dojo of a strong French body, and it once flourished ..."

At this time, Lin Fei was coping casually while digging deep into the ground according to the growth trend of the golden jade fruit roots.

According to previous experience, the root system is where the sword magic weapon is located, as long as you continue to dig, you should be able to find it.

However, Lin Feiyue felt that it was a bit wrong ...

Not to mention that he has become a free array, and he has no sense of other sword spirits.

Moreover, no matter whether it is the ghost of the treasure hunt money, there is no response to this.

At the beginning, Lin Fei thought that the level of treasures in this place was too high, and the gods might not be able to reach them.

However, how can the fragments of his free array not respond?

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