You know, this black water dragon is the appearance of the true dragon water trick, just like the life and death sword lake represents Lin Fei's cultivation as the road foundation. This black water dragon is also Yuhua's unique road foundation.

If you have reached the realm of dharma, this black water dragon can go further, with horns on its head, four claws, and transformation towards the black water true dragon ...

Even in the real body realm, it can be turned into a black water dragon body, whether it is combat power or supernatural power, it can be comparable to the real dragon.

It can be said that the so-called true dragon water recipe is a unique method of turning dragons.

This is Yuhua's method of pressing the bottom of the box, but now it is hurt. Even if Yuhua can support it for a while, in the end it will not escape the defeat ...

However, Yu Hua did not intend to defeat these demon kings on his own ...

As long as I hold on for a while and wait for Lin Fei to come, all this is not a problem ...

After all, the real dragon water recipe is the top grade recipe. After being hurt, the black water dragon still struggles to rise, screaming, and rushing past ...

The demon kings were even more brutal. It was hard to avoid seeing the defeated men who would dare to fight again.

All of a sudden, several tree demon gave birth to countless vines with thick waists, and held the black water dragon dragon to death. The black pattern and white tiger's claws were sharp, leading the remaining demon king, and then tore toward the dragon ...

The black water dragon dragon swallowed the black rain, corroded everything, and the vines quickly lost their vitality ...

The two sides fell into a fierce battle, almost splitting the cliff.

Just between this stalemate, a black mist suddenly fell from the sky, and suddenly, as if the cold winter came, here suddenly fell into the extreme cold.

The black water dragon slowly slowed down, and even turned to the trend of freezing.

After all, the black water dragon was made by the exercises, and the situation was better. Those demon kings were even more embarrassed. They were frozen in an instant, and they still maintained the appearance of slamming.

Hei Shui Jiao Long couldn't resist after all, and suddenly collapsed at the last moment of being frozen, and returned to Yu Hua.

Then, I saw a fat young man in a black robe walking from the mist. He glanced blankly at the monster, followed by extending his hand and holding it in the void.


Numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the frozen demon kings, followed by, and in the crisp sound of cracking, they became full of blood clots ...

After glancing at his victory, the little devil frowned, but didn't find what he wanted ...

Then he stared at Yu Hua for a while and asked, "How long have you been here, have you seen a suspicious monk passing by?"

After hearing the question, Yu Hua recovered from the shock. He thought that the most suspicious monk here was you, but after all he swallowed the words and said quite cautiously: "I just happened to pass by here, nothing. see……"

"Passing?" Little Devil sneered: "You can provoke so many demon kings by passing?"

I rely on!

Blame me?

Yu Hua's face is almost black, shit, do you think I want to meet these demon kings? Do you mean envy or what?

"That ... was met suddenly." Yu Hua held back for a long time, after all, he didn't dare to talk back, just responded dryly.

"Suddenly met?" Little Devil stared at Yu Hua for a few moments, apparently unbelief, sneered: "Now the big catastrophe is present, you don't have to mess around here, please tell me back to the three demons. "

"Three Demon Sects?" Yu Hua just froze for a moment, and then reacted violently.

The Three Demon Sovereigns who ruled the king in the world of Fuli?

Yu Hua suddenly burst into his heart.

Compared with the ten factions in the North Realm, the Three Demon Sects rarely expand in other small worlds, so their reputation in the realms is not too great. , The background is very profound, faintly exists as a leader from the world.

When this kind of two-world war is about to start, the Three Demon Sects say one thing or another, depending on who is not pleasing to the eye, and cut it with a knife in the name of quelling civil strife, there is no place to reason ...

Now this young man wants to go to this behemoth to explain himself?

Yu Hua suddenly felt bad ...

I really want to say that I am a monk in the Luofu world. If someone is considered to be sent by the Changsheng Palace to investigate the situation, I really can't tell a hundred words!

At that time, it is light to be imprisoned, in case it gets killed ...

With deeper and deeper thoughts, Yu Hua's forehead exuded cold sweat and asked for mercy: "This fellow, I really just happened to pass by. By the way, I still have a companion here, you can prove it to me."

While Yu Hua was talking, she quietly observed the terrain and took two steps backwards. If things didn't go well, he wouldn't be able to catch him even if he ran ...

"Oh, there are still companions, so call out quickly." The little devil sneered. Since the three demons have swept away from the boundary, he has seen more of this guilty situation, and nine out of nine are in his heart. Ghost, catch a standard.

Although the little devil talked, he didn't stop at all in his hand, and a burst of black gas erupted, radiating a chill, and surrounded the surrounding Baizhang.

All of a sudden, Yu Hua had no way to escape even if he wanted to escape.

"You ..." Yu Hua suddenly felt cold.

"What are you stupefying there? You haven't called your companion yet."

The little demon head was pressing hard, and was about to go to search for the soul, and a sudden sound of footsteps came ...

"You, Lin Fei?"

After seeing the person coming, the little devil's head froze for a moment, followed by a change of complexion. Under the incredible shock, Zhenyuan was momentarily disorganized, and the black mist was cast into the body and poured into the body.

If it were usual, the little devil would never make this kind of mistake, but now, after Zhenyuan chased around in the body for a while, he had just reacted.

Damn, Lin Fei?

Foe is so big, how could he run into him?

For a while, the little devil was extremely guilty except for a while.

After all, when he was in distress in Fengmoxia, he was kicked by Lin Fei to the teleportation array in order to have the opportunity to return to the Three Demon Sects to move rescuers.

This is the opportunity people use to fight for themselves ...

As a result, the rescue did not move in, nor did he go back ...

Really speaking, in fact, Gu Yue real people are not loose, and have little relationship with themselves, but, Lin Fei will listen to explain this?

Therefore, the devil has always been very concerned about Lin Fei's whereabouts. Even before going out this time, he first inquired about Lin Fei's ghost in Tianwuling before dare to go out ...

Who knows that this cause and effect can't hide, and he is so careful that he can still meet.

Is it God's will?

The little devil was a little bit confused. He looked at Lin Fei step by step, but didn't know what to say. He just stood there helplessly until Lin Fei was near, he blushed with a red face: "Again, it's a coincidence again ..."

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