Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1237: No coincidence

"It's coincidence?" Unlike the tension of the little devil, Lin Fei looked at him slightly, and looked at him a few times, thinking it was not a coincidence.

After all, Foe is so big that if they can be hit so easily, how fate are they?

The Dragon Ghost Domain sent him from the forefoot, and the little devil came with his head and heel, no matter how they looked, it was a bit of a mess.

This guy also came to check the mysterious place?

"Oh, you just wanted me?"

Lin Feiluo thought about it and didn't know how much Gu Yuezheng told the little devil, so he asked casually.

However, this casual question was heard by the little devil, but the effect was completely different ...

"No, I'm just passing by, yes, passing by." The little devil suddenly came down in cold sweat, and he exclaimed a smile on his face as he explained.

Suddenly, I saw Yu Hua with a blank face, and suddenly I moved, and took my hand and said kindly: "Haha, I have long seen this teacher's talent, strange bones, and thought which disciple is this, so I want to call it back. A friend is here, it doesn't mean anything else ... "

Yu Hua looked at the little demon who seemed to be performing a face change, and some unconsciously withdrew his hand: "I'm protecting Master Lin, so that these monsters are not allowed to come near. Since Brother Lin is here, you can prove it to me ..."

"I depend!"

Hearing this short sentence, the little devil's eyelids jumped and blamed himself for what was blood mold.

This kid could actually call Lin Fei a brother, what a close relationship is this, and Lin Fei also assured him to protect the Fa, what kind of trust is this?

Then these demon kings are easy to explain. Lin Fei has a lot of treasures, and one or two pieces of it leak out of his breath, which is enough to make many demon kings rush, losing their doubts, it is really a dog ...

On the surface, it did n’t change his face. He pulled Yu Hua ’s hand back and patted it. The enthusiasm of laughter and kindly said: "Haha, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings, we are all ourselves. Prove what, in the future, I will meet you with an open eye, even if you report my name. "

"..." Yu Hua looked at the little devil with a big change in attitude, but he didn't dare to speak casually ...

"Oh, why are you here?" Lin Fei looked at the little devil and suddenly asked.

"This, in fact, it doesn't matter ..."

"Oh, even if it's inconvenient to say." Lin Fei smiled, and didn't seem to mind.

"No, no." Seeing Lin Fei smiled, Xiao Mo's head giggled, and quickly explained: "In fact, it's not a big deal. Now the catastrophe is about to start, and people are panicked. Many people with ulterior motives come out to make trouble, just happen A monk of evil Dao wandered here, and I hunted down ... "

"It turns out that way." Lin Fei nodded and thought for a while, said: "I'm passing by here too, if necessary, I can help you."

"That's not necessary." The little devil refused without thinking, and suddenly felt wrong, and quickly explained: "I mean, this is just a trivial matter, I can do it myself, yes, I have to be busy hunting down That evil repair, look ...

Lin Fei seemed to be polite, but he did not persevere and nodded: "Then you are busy first, I won't give it away."

"No delivery, no delivery." Little Devil said quickly, but he was relieved in his heart. After a few politeness, he turned and turned away quickly.

At this time, Yu Hua was also looking back at the little devil, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time ...

What happened just now is really exciting for him ...

As soon as the Law Enforcer of the Three Demon Sects appeared, he nearly frozen thirty monsters into ice to rescue himself from the crisis of life and death, but before he thanked himself, he suddenly turned his face, even more Hold on to the Three Demon Sects ...

But what happened after Lin Fei came out made him feel a little unbelievable.

After seeing Lin Fei, the messenger, as the gatekeeper of the Three Demon Sects who dominates the world, was like a mouse and a cat, not to mention the picket identity, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

Even the previous eyebrows were cold on oneself, and the next one was called brother and brother ...

It's incredible ...

Yu Hua asked herself, if such a huge attitude change happened to him, it might be that he met Master's beloved **** during law enforcement ...

It seems that during the time when he was trapped, Lin Fei had already made such a prestige in Fuli, and even the disciples of the Three Demon Sects were afraid of him by three points.

After trying to understand, Yu Hua couldn't help but sigh ...

This kind of traveling around the world, killing demons, is not the way to practice the sword fairy in the records of Zongmen classics?

Fortunately, she was wise, not only resolved her grievances, but also embraced the thighs of the future sword immortal. If you are lucky, maybe you will have a history in the future ...

For example, it can be recorded that Yu Hua, the first elder of the Changsheng Palace, asked Jianzong Lin Jianxian's life confidant, the two accompanied them to travel through the world, deterring the demons, and retreating on the day of success.

The younger disciples would admire themselves when they read this.

It's cool to think about it.

"Hey, what are you stupefying there?" Lin Fei wondered if Yu Hua was smiling plainly for no reason, if he was stupid by a few demon kings.

"Nothing, nothing." Yu Hua wiped his mouth and said very diligently: "Brother Lin, where are we going now?"

"This is probably the southern end of the Barbarian Mountain Range, and now we should cross all the way north ..." Lin Fei took out the jade jade, compared with the map recorded above, and then looked around, probably recognized his position, and finally he Collapse: "Come with me."

When the words fell, Lin Fei turned into an escape and galloped away. Yu Hua did not dare to neglect and went away.

The two walked away in light, and the speed was not slow, but after flying for half an hour, the mountain was still undulating at the foot, and the scenery did not change at all.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry, he was ready in his heart.

According to the information given by the owner of the Dragon Ghost Domain, this mountain range is huge. The body of the mountain range and the surrounding forests occupy a lot of Ephesus, which is well-deserved the largest mountain range in Ephesus.

In the practice world, it is also called the barbarian mountain range.

As the name implies, this is a mountain range occupied by barbarian tribes and various monsters, which can be traced back to the history of the descendants of the monks who descended from the world.

The ancestors have been defeating many races in the countless years. After the defeat of those races, some still have a trace of blood, and they fled to this mountain range away from the spiritual world to hide.

At that time, the monks wanted to kill them all, but some pioneers for some reason did not know why, but they continued to pursue the killing. Instead, they defaulted on the survival of the descendants of the defeated aliens ...

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