When the young demon king heard this, his heart fluttered, and then he saw Yu Hua's white mouth and white teeth.

Secretly thinking that the legend within the clan is indeed true, the humans under the mountain are all cruel, and even the monsters are not as cruel as they are. They were still a little unbelieving, and they were naive and stupid.

At first glance, ancestors are ancestors, and indeed what they say is true.

From time to time, these two people want to eat themselves. They are more like monsters than monsters. You have to be careful ...

The young demon king wiped his cold sweat secretly and quickly pointed the way: "Understand, yes, the man is not far from us, only a thousand miles away, I will take you here."

After talking, it shook and turned into the original form. A giant python with black scales on its head appeared. The top of the head was faintly raised, the eyes were golden with vertical pupils. The scales were grim, flashing black gloss, there was a kind of From the fierce atmosphere of the ancient wilderness.

However, now it is extremely docile, afraid of burying his head obediently at Lin Fei's feet.

"Well, let's go." Lin Fei smiled, so that the two of Yu Hua walked up to the back of the python and sat down quite wide, patting it on the head and said.

As the voice fell, the giant python misted up and rose into the air.

Although this demon king's own state is not too high, but the snake blood vein is good at traveling through space. On the way, its body is looming in the void, and he walks through the void many times. The speed is not slow.

The two sat on the back of the demon king, Lin Fei came to nothing, and also told Yu Hua more or less about the goal of this trip. After all, this trip may also require him to help.

When Yu Hua knew that he was going to arrest the disciples of the Three Demon Sects, he was shocked at the time, and when he knew that the little devil's position in the Three Demon Sects, his mouth could not be closed for a long time.

In the site of the Three Demon Sects, to capture the young Sect Master of the Three Demon Sects?

Do you want to play so exciting?

However, after seeing Lin Fei's calm performance, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. He thought that Brother Lin would dare to act like this, and he must be sure that he shouldn't mix it up.

Finally, when crossing nearly a thousand miles, Lin Fei suddenly moved his heart, looking at the valley ahead, a bit strange, and slapped the head of the python: "Speed ​​up there!"


Yu Hua froze for a moment, and then looked at it, but could not see anything. When he continued to approach, he suddenly discovered ...

Sure enough, in the circular valley less than ten miles in front, the icy black mist entangled like a Dao spirit snake, dancing all over the sky, the trees were frostbitten with a layer of black ice, like an ice whirlwind in the extremely cold north.

But in the black ice fog, there was a deep explosion rumbling, and there was a blurry black shadow, which crossed the ice fog at a very fast speed, leaving a blank trace behind each time. , Can stir up the black ice mist ...

"It's strange." Lin Fei did not seem to be right.

Here there is the smell of the little devil, but it seems a bit plausible, as if the little devil changed a kind of exercise overnight, which is unrecognizable.

The most important thing is that he is fighting against people?

It wasn't until I got close that the battle between the valleys was more tragic than it seemed.

One side is indeed a little devil. It turns out that this black mist is really his means. I saw that his figure was hidden in the thickest part of the cold black mist.

And on the other side is the black and white shadow in the black mist, which is a nine-foot-high monk, with a burly figure and a fierce air all over his body. It looks like a warrior than a monk.

Although the whole person is superb, but the speed is extremely fast, like the lightning through the void, constantly tearing the black mist, chasing the figure of the little devil, want to deal with it.

The little devil was avoiding the battle. He manipulated the black mist every time and stopped before the burly monk. When the black mist was torn, he had to change his body to avoid it.

For a while, he was actually in a disadvantage.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei froze for a moment, thinking that the so-called devil's pursuit of evil devil was just a pretext, and now it should be on the way to stealing treasure. Why did he really fight with people?

The most important thing is that it is still falling.

"That's the young patriarch of the three demons?"

Not only was Lin Fei taken aback, Yu Hua was also a little skeptical ...

Along the way, he also heard Lin Fei introduce the little devil, knowing that this is the youngest disciple of Ph.D. from the world, and is considered by the outside world as the young deity of the Three Demon Sects.

It stands to reason that he has reached the top position in the Jindan realm. Except for Lin Fei, basically no one can completely suppress him in the Jindan realm. How can he be defeated by an unknown beating?

This young master of the Three Demon Sects is a bit watery, right?

Of course, the little devil himself did not expect that he would fall into this field ...

Although he was abused thousands of times by Lin Fei in the head of the Black Mountain, he was also blessed by misfortune.

Moreover, the true law of Taishanghe is worthy of the supreme true law, which is famous for its speed. After the revision, the entry is really a thousand miles.

However, the side effects of Taishanghe naive law are also very obvious. Not long after cultivation, the little devil feels that his temperament has changed a little bit undetectable.

However, compared with the increased combat power, this flaw seems to be negligible.

After all, nowadays, he is looking at the whole Fuli from the world, except Lin Fei, everyone else is not in his eyes.

But now, he began to doubt.

The monk he chased with confidence was supposed to be able to defeat the other party in one fell swoop, but he did not expect that after the fight, the other party's combat power could overwhelm him.

At the beginning, the balance of power was maintained. With the passage of time, the other party became stronger and stronger, putting him in a dangerous place more than once ...

Fortunately Taishanghe naive law kept his mind calm, so that he could avoid the other party's attack by a slight difference every time.

With all his concentration, Taishanghe Tiannao turned to the extreme, leaving only pure reason in his mind ...

But that is because there is no distractions, he can accurately judge that if he goes on like this, he will lose within half an hour.

Unless, use that thing ...

"Brother Lin, are we going to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight?" The little devil was caught in a dilemma there, but Yu Hua was watching with amusement on the side, and had a leisurely chat with Lin Fei.

It was finally encountered once by him that he had received nothing for nothing for the benefit of the fisherman.

Lin Fei did not respond, but stared at the battle for a long time, stepped on the head of the python with his feet, and asked, "How many monks did you come to you?"

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