Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1243: Situational magic weapon

"I really only saw one ..." The python's low voice was a little wronged.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, his eyes turned to the burly monk, without a word, thoughtful in his eyes.


Here Lin Fei and the two are still watching the battle. In that battle situation, when the little devil faced another crisis, he did not resist, but suddenly took out a **** scroll, the surface of the scroll was dark red, The rich blood encapsulates it, as if soaked in blood for countless years.

The most important thing is that as soon as the reel came out, a powerful wave erupted, and when it met the burly monk who swooped in, it was lifted out of the sky.

In an instant, it passed through the place where Lin Fei and the two were.

Yu Huaxiu was a little weaker, and now it is just the state of Jindan's seven-turn. He was directly lifted off under this fluctuation. After climbing up from the back of the python, he could not care for himself, but looked at the war situation and showed his surprise. : "This is a magic weapon? This grade ... Profound Realm?"

"It's not just the mysterious realm." Lin Fei protected the demon king, standing on the back of the demon king like a mountain, but looking at the scroll, frowning slightly: "The scroll has not yet unfolded, it should be the situation."

"Situation, wouldn't it ..." Yu Hua's complexion changed greatly, and then looked at the little devil's head, it was already incredible.

How can this be?

You know, although the magic weapon in the world is divided into three, six, nine, etc., in the top ranks, there are only a few.

Innate magic weapons are completely legendary things. They only appeared in the days of the most prosperous heaven. They were accompanied by several powerful people from all over the world. They left all kinds of legends in history, but they also followed. With the passing of the strong men, they disappeared.

Until now, their legends can only be seen occasionally in the classics.

And the magic weapon of the realm of the realm is the real reliance of the major schools, and the treasure of the town school of the ten major schools of the north is here.

No matter what, the greatest role of that kind of fetish is not to deal with specific enemies, but as a symbol of deterrence and martial arts, unless it is a catastrophe of the crisis martial arts, otherwise it will not be born.

In an age when there is no congenital, and the realm is hidden, the magic weapon is the absolute overlord.

However, even if it is the ancient inheritance such as the Changsheng Palace, the magic weapon of the situation must be in the hands of the elders who are in charge of the teaching or the top rankings. How can it be possible for a disciple to take out the world and wander around? Who is it in case of an accident?

Now there is a magic weapon in the hands of the little devil?

If it were not for his own eyes, Yu Hua could not believe it.

"Then what should we do now?" Under the prestige of the magic weapon, Yu Hua's heart tightened, and his voice was lowered. The effects of magic weapon were different, but without exception, they were extremely powerful, and some were terrifying. Yes, it can raise the monk's combat power to a big level.

Don't see that they are sitting on the hill and watching the tiger fight. If they are not careful, they will be able to feed the tiger in the next moment.

"Don't worry, wait and see." Lin Fei was a little surprised, but not nervous.

"I'm not greedy for life and fear of death, but this little devil is holding a magic weapon in the situation. Let's catch him ..." Yu Hua's face was embarrassed.

"Little Devil won't necessarily win." Lin Fei shook his head suddenly.

"Ah?" Yu Hua was stunned, and hesitantly wanted to refute, but still didn't dare to say more, but felt that Lin Fei also looked down on the little devil too much.

Not to mention the cultivation of the little devil itself, just relying on that magic weapon of the situation, it is already a rare enemy in the realm of Jindan.

Moreover, now that the magic weapon of the situation has not been fully unfolded, the monk will be lifted out and the situation will be reversed in one fell swoop. Once the scroll is fully unfolded, how can he lose?


Just like Yu Hua thought, after being flied off by the Scarlet Scroll, the burly monk didn't die, but he seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries.

He struggled from the ground with some difficulty, covered in embarrassment, his clothes ripped.

However, the little devil did not let him go.

With one shake of his hand, he unfolded the scroll in his hand. In an instant, endless blood spewed out of the scroll, paving the sky into a layer of intense blood.

For a moment, the earth was covered with a **** shadow, as if it were in the blood pool hell.

The little devil holds the scroll, but it seems to be the master here. He is enveloped in blood, and with one hand, the unrolled scroll will rise up against the wind, and it will soon spread to the nearby thousand feet.

At this time, it can be seen that the scroll is not blank. In the blood of the river, the landscape of the rivers and mountains is painted. It is very realistic. This is truly the real landform of Fo Li.

At the same time, a **** and powerful breath swept through the mountains and rivers, sweeping in all directions.

"Shanhai Jiangmo!" The little demon shouted these four words with his teeth clenching his teeth, and in an instant, the sound shook the world. At the same time, his face became pale, and the whole person died down at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if he had just called out These four words have absorbed all his spirit.

But the blood-colored mountains and rivers in this scroll are like the real world spreading out, and the blood-colored pressure is shocking.

All of a sudden, heaven and earth lost ground.

And the burly monk was almost drowned in the blood of the sky, and turned into a black shadow that was invisible, struggling insignificantly.

Seeing the power of the magic weapon of the situation revealed, Yu Hua's face had turned pale. This magic weapon of the situation was a re-engraved mountain and river, used to detain the infinite power of people.

He hid far enough away that he was not caught in the scroll, but when the scroll covered them, he could not escape.

"Brother Lin, let's leave first. When the little devil runs out of this magic weapon, we will exhaust it. Then we will come back ..."

The **** mountains and rivers were approaching. The feeling was like seeing a world pressed down, which made people tremble, and Yu Hua couldn't help turning around to advise Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei didn't seem to feel the coercion of the magic weapon of the situation, shook his head and said, "Wait and see."

"..." Yu Hua was anxious in his heart, but he didn't dare to refute it. In his anxiety, he could only start to observe his surroundings and plan which direction would be better to escape later.

But halfway through, he felt a little wrong.

What use is it even if you plan well? Lin Fei was so confident that he might not agree to run away.

Even without mentioning Lin Fei, this magic weapon would not give you too much time to prepare.

What should I do?

Damn, it's really annoying.

Lin Fei ignored the anxiety in Yu Hua's heart, but squinted his eyes and stared at the burly monk in the battle. A kind of doubt rose from his heart.

Somehow, the longer you watched the battle, the more this burly monk gave him an inexplicable feeling, but if you think about it carefully, you have never seen this person ...

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