Huo Fengzi wanted to remind me again, but Lin Fei walked too fast, he didn't even have time to remind him, Lin Fei had already walked in.

"It won't happen."

Lin Fei's figure disappeared into the mist instantly, and Huo Fengzi looked worried.

He remembered what he faced when he just entered.

As soon as he entered, he had just seen the surrounding environment. Without saying anything, the little devil attacked with a sneak attack.

Moreover, the attack was still unexpectedly powerful. He even felt a pressure from him when facing him ...

I don't know if Lin Feiding can stand it ...

At this time, Lin Fei did not know what Huo Fengzi thought.

After stepping into this layer of mist, everything in front of me changed.

Surrounded by strange stones, the cliffs and cliffs, and then look to the distance, you can see the mountain tops covered by clouds.

However, after entering here, the sounds of roaring monster monsters all around disappeared, and the sound of swaying vegetation was suddenly cut off.

Even the existence of Huofengzi can't feel it anymore, the surrounding silence is terrible.

The feeling is as if this layer of mist is some kind of enchantment. After walking in, it isolates everything ...

The only conspicuous thing is a bloated figure wearing a black robe, standing in this mist, with a pair of eyes looking at Lin Fei without any emotion, as if waiting for a long time ...

"Little devil?"

When he saw the little devil, Lin Feng also understood at once. The so-called change of a person in the name of Huo Fengzi means ...

Lin Fei's dealing with the little devil is not that small. However, after close contact, the little devil in front of him gave Lin Fei an unusual feeling.

In the past, the fat face with a smile on the face was cold, and the whole person showed a taste that no one could enter, just like Huo Fengzi said, the little devil in front of him was just a different person.

This is a bit strange ...

Such a big change in temperament may be normal in mortals, but for monks of the height of the little devil, they have always been seeking the way, and the temperament has rarely changed.

Once changed, it will affect the future path ......

And before I came to this ancestral hall, I met with the little demon head. I chatted at that time. Although I haven't been in contact for a long time, I can see that the little devil head has not changed so much.

Is this change too big now?


Before waiting for Lin Fei to ask, this former opponent's body burst into a terror.

The powerful Zhenyuan fluctuations spread out, such as the cold wave swept the Quartet in an instant, the little devil still expressionless, the robe sleeve suddenly flicked, and a shadow came in an instant ...


Lin Fei frowned, but did not expect the little devil to move his hands so decisively.

Lin Fei did not dare to care about it now. When he was outside the Ancestral Demon Hall, he saw the scene of the little demon's head, and he knocked over thousands of demons.

This kind of combat power has surpassed all Jindan.

The opponent's state is a bit strange, and Lin Fei must also be up and deal with it carefully.


This dark shadow came out of the air, carrying a sharp scream of tearing air. It was extremely fast and almost blurred in the air, making it impossible to see.

Obviously it is just a black shadow the size of a human head, but it seems to be coming with thousands of horses and horses, the momentum is fierce and powerful ...

Just an instant, he approached Lin Fei ...

"No, this is ..."

Lin Fei felt a somewhat familiar breath when this shadow arrived, but while feeling this breath, Lin Fei had no time to think about anything, because the shadow had already carried an amazing momentum , Rushed over.

Tai Yi's sword spirit Jin Guang Da Sheng, fell down towards the shadow.

Although the shadow is fast, Lin Fei's sword light is faster, unbiased, and just hit.

In a loud bang, the two collided, but only stalemate for a moment, and the dark shadow was the power of Taiyi's sword gas, and he flew back ...

At this time, Lin Fei can clearly see the appearance of this shadow ...

It was a human head with a wide-mouthed forehead, which looked rather fierce, but a pair of eyes were closed, sewn by a golden thread, and there was a certain pattern on the face, which seemed very mysterious.


Lin Fei recognized it at first glance. This is the head of the blood sacrificed by Huo Fengzi. The lines on this head, Huo Fengzi has painted himself ...

After a glance, Lin Fei did not have time to think more.

At that moment, after the head and sword qi were fighting hard, only a slight sword mark appeared on the surface of the skin. In addition, it was as if there was no damage, and it flew out a few feet, but it stopped. Attacked Lin Fei again.

Lin Fei knew that the head was hard, and I was afraid it was beyond imagination. He simply took back Taiyi sword gas, and Moire sword gas swept out, chasing toward the head ...

The cold air suddenly filled the nearby space, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, as if some snow fell in the air.

The head of the person who was pointed straight away by the moire sword was quickly stained with a layer of frost. As time passed, the more frost accumulated on the surface of the head, the slower the speed ...

However, when this head was struggling more and more difficult, the head that had been frozen suddenly opened his blood basin and screamed loudly, showing his mouth full of sharp teeth.

Followed, there was a sudden loosening of the eyes sewn by the Dao gold thread, and the eyes opened a gap slightly, revealing a black light flowing out ...

A breath of terror suddenly erupted, and the roar of the roar became more and more violent. The frozen head shuddered as if infinite power was brewing in it, and the surface ice layer was shaken down ...

The black light in his eyes was so intense that it seemed that there was a bottomless abyss hidden in the bottom of the eye, and even the surrounding space was soaked into the night by this black light ...

All of a sudden, that person's head was like a small black sun, and its momentum had more than doubled, carrying infinite power and falling towards Lin Fei.

"what's going on."

For a time, Lin Fei was shocked. Was this head transformed?

This head is really like a round of small sun, as if infinite power is brewing in it, and the black light spills down, which makes Lin Fei feel an extreme smile love you ...

Although it was only a feeling, Lin Fei did not dare to carelessly.

Monk Jindan's feeling is not illusory, but a battle intuition, as if he was approached by this head, I am afraid that he will encounter some terrible blow.

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