Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1328: Fierce battle

However, this light fell down, but it was inevitable. Lin Fei's seven sword qi came out together, and the infinite sword qi was vertical and horizontal.

All of a sudden, there was a vortex of thousands of swords, which surrounded the human head. There were countless swords in the vortex, and the black light was firmly wrapped, and there was no need to reveal it.

It seems that Lin Fei seems to have the upper hand ...


Lin Fei knew that his situation was not optimistic, and if he was not careful, he would fall into a defeat ...

This head of evil is too much, do n’t look at the so many sword slashes, it seems that you ca n’t get out of it, but in fact, the surface of this head has just added a few light and heavy sword marks. What is the real harm ...

On the other hand, from the beginning, I tried my best on the side, but it may not be able to maintain for a long time ...


With the passage of time, when the two sides came into contact with Hanzhu, Wanjian Whirlpool paused for a moment, and the head suddenly gave a long suppressed roar, the gold slit in the eyes Above the line, a gap appeared again ...

Lin Fei even just felt the flower in front of him, and didn't feel it clearly. What happened just now, in the vortex of Wanjian, there was a terrifying momentum ...

This momentum was like a tide, so powerful that it was suffocating. In an instant, Wan Jian was suddenly surrounded, and Lin Fei did not persist for long, and his face changed, he could not face this terror momentum, and quickly retreated. avoid……

Lin Fei's reaction at this moment was fast enough. While still in the air, a looming violent dragon roar came suddenly.

The bone pattern that was suppressed in the sword lake of life and death was suddenly awakened, and the bone pattern swept out. The world of bones that covered the sky suddenly spread out, blocking this head ...

Lin Fei also landed on the ground, his face slightly pale, but his shoulder, but he did not know when, there was an extra wound.

"Sure enough."

Lin Fei urged Zhenyuan to heal the wound quickly, looking secretly at the head wrapped in the bone pattern, and was secretly scared.

Just now the head was too fast. In a flash, I was too late to stop it, and I was eroded by a black light.

A powerful and sharp force penetrated in an unstoppable way, in an instant, it broke the flesh and caused a wound ...

The most important thing is that this black light is extremely strange. As soon as a wound is created, it follows the wound and penetrates into the body, which is actually dissolving the true element ...

And all this went on quietly, Lin Fei did not even feel the pain, this force has eroded into the body, but fortunately Lin Fei quickly reacted, and countless sword lights suddenly wiped out this force.

However, although Lin Fei can be freed, when he looks at the head, he also knows that if the head is a witchcraft, it may be of the highest quality, which is higher than the stone spear in his hand.

It is no wonder that so many monsters are helpless to the little devil. This kind of power is really difficult to guard against ...

After finishing this blow, the man's head was even more violent, and he wanted to open his eyes wildly. The golden thread in his eyes became more and more loose. The expression on the head became more and more fierce as the head roared So a gold thread was struggling more and more loose, and his eyes were half-open and half-closed ...

The black light soared again, covering all the squares, and enveloping the little devil's head, for a moment, it seemed that the world was filled with this black light.

"It's not over to get up?"

Lin Fei frowned, hitting now, and knew that the gold thread on the man's eye was a certain restriction. The harder he forced himself, the looser the **** of the gold thread.

Only by taking advantage of the fact that the ban on the head has not been completely lifted, it will be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will consume so much, and at the end, I do n’t know what monster will become. .

Almost as soon as the head rushed again, seven different sounds of swordsong sounded at the same time.

Followed, I saw seven sword qi, blazed from the sword lake, quickly closed in the air, facing the increasingly fierce black light, slammed through ...

In an instant, in this mist, countless colors of mixed light burst out ...

The man's head was instantly wrapped in this light, no matter how he roared, he was entangled by these seven sword qi and he was constantly annihilated ...

The strength of both sides is extremely strong, intertwined with each other, fighting desperately, the colorful lights continue to explode, and the frantic aura spreads to the four sides and sweeps out towards the distance.

For a moment, the entire misty space was occupied by this mixed light ...

"I depend, what is Lin Fei doing!"

At this time, outside the mist, Huofengzi, who was waiting anxiously, was suddenly shocked and caught off guard. He felt a strong wave swept through.

All of a sudden, Huo Fengzi didn't have time to urge Zhenyuan to stop it. The whole person was lifted out, followed by slamming down on the ground, and falling down.

However, after Huo Fengzi got up, he was too late to care about himself, but looked at the grotesque mist, his face stunned.

What is the aftermath of this battle?

This layer of mist, which I have personally entered, is actually a very powerful prohibition, which can almost divide the space and isolate everything.

The high level and the exquisite means almost surpass all the prohibitions I have seen.

Not to mention yourself, even if you are your own master, the Sovereign of the Xuan Yao Sect is personally approached, and it may be difficult to crack it.

But now, the power of this engagement is actually unable to stop this layer of mist?

Is this still Jindan?

It's a monster ...

"Damn, fortunately, I'm witty ..."

Seeing that the forces in the mist are fighting, there is no sign of stopping, and it is getting more and more fierce. While the Fire Phoenix is ​​startled in the dark center, he is also somewhat afraid and happy.

Fortunately, he saw the plane quickly and got on line with Lin Fei in time.

Otherwise, it ’s really dangerous to wander around alone in this place ...

Moreover, it seems that Lin Fei can actually burst out with such a strong momentum, I am afraid it is the rhythm to win ...

Just thinking of this, Huo Fengzi looked at the thinner mist, and was secretly startled.

At this time, the sound of the sword in the mist became more intense.

An oppressive sword spirit came out of the mist. If it was real, the black light began to weaken, as if it would soon be buried by the sword intention.

Under the sweep of the infinite sword, this mist is difficult to limit. The mist that surrounds the four sides is constantly stirring, becoming thinner and thinner. Standing in the position of the fire phoenix, you can even see the battle scene in the mist indistinctly. .

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