One seems to be to melt all the power, and in that big day, it is raging unscrupulously in all directions.

Under the scorching of this big day, it seems that the entire space is controlled, the rocks are baked into off-white powder, the space seems to be able to see the hidden heat waves, and the air is like a flame flowing.

Even Tang Tiandu had to maintain the peak state of the indestructible sword body at all times. The whole person could not be changed between the sword light and the human form, so as to evade the omnipotent hot power.

But this can't last forever. After all, the pinnacle of the indestructible sword body consumes real elements and energy every moment, and it can't be maintained for long.

After a long time, I am afraid that I will be alive again ...

In this whole space, the only thing that can resist the power of this big day is the galactic sword domain under Lin Fei ...

The Galactic Sword Field surrounds Lin Fei and becomes a circle, with the power extending from this big sun, creating a tit-for-tat confrontation.

No matter how strong the day is, the galaxy is like a moat, and it is still. Even as the galaxy flows faster and faster, a complicated and vast sword is brewing in it.

Under this confrontation, the ground fire that burned on the surface of Dari was all suppressed by the faint and could not fully exert its power.

"It seems that Brother Lin is not dead, Ha ha, then we will see you in the future!"

Fang Duan was in the air, carrying a big day, looking at Lin Fei and staring for a while.

The gentle temperament of the past disappeared, giving a rather gloomy feeling.

Originally, Fang Duan was thinking of relying on the power of inheriting the fire from the ground to give Lin Fei to Tang Tiandu, and at least hit him seriously.

The worst, let them be underground, suppressed in the fire veins of this place, eternal life must not turn over.

But now it seems that in accordance with the expectations, the idea of ​​quick battle and quick decision is difficult to achieve.

Even because of the existence of the sword field galaxy, even the permanent suppression is difficult to achieve ...

Fortunately ...

Permanent repression can't be done, and it's always possible to repress for a few months ...

Half a year later, the matter of asking Jianzong had already settled. Even if they rushed out of this place and wanted to find someone to take revenge, it would be very difficult to do.

Unless, they are willing to be hostile to the upper forces of the whole Luofu world ...

After making a decision, Fang Duan is no longer entangled here.

With a wave of raising his hand, the big day behind him suddenly collapsed and slowly shrunk, it seemed that he was forced to retreat step by step.

But in fact, as the big day shrank to the size of the slap, it was already condensed to the extreme, and a terrifying and vast force was quietly brewing in it.

Even between the radiant sprinkles, there was already a light sword like a substance, which directly penetrated the surrounding space and appeared a dark crack.

The magma on its surface is condensed to the extreme and suppressed, as if it cannot be touched ...

This is after all the essence of the earth fire ...

Although compared with that fire demon emperor's arm-like control, Fang Duan has nothing to worry about, but Fang Duan is better than having a sober consciousness.

After giving up the idea of ​​defeating Lin Fei, the power of the local fire element was not wasted at all, and it was completely united ...

This is the real power of heaven and earth ...

Even if Lin Fei and Tang Tiandu are here, if they cannot be resolved suddenly, they must be wiped out a little bit ...

In this way, Fang Duan naturally has no master ...

Scanning the two trapped Lin Fei, Fang Duan no longer has the slightest nostalgia.

No matter how strong Lin Fei and others are, there are so many treasures on his body. Compared with the whole Wenjianzong outside, they are only dwarfed.

After going out, it will be a wider world ...


Fang Duan turned around, and the magma of the sky opened a way for him, and he was about to fly away from here ...

At this time, Tang Tiandu's complexion became a bit gloomy.

If the other party is allowed to go out, the only one who is able to fight Jianzong is Luo Luozhen and his master.

At that time, Luo Yuzhen, who had no helper, must have used Zong Jian. At the point where he opened the final card, he asked Jian Zong that he could not bear the second blow anymore.

Even Fang Duan may take the opportunity to kick Luo Yuzhen and occupy the position of the head of Wen Jianzong.

Although these results are clear, but now, with the repression left by the other party, he simply cannot escape.


Speaking of it, from the beginning, Tang Tiandu got Lin Fei's prompt and prepared for Fang Duan, even pretending to fight on the way. Try to test Fang Duan, will he take advantage of the disagreement between the two sides Show more horses.

But in my heart, there was always doubt, why did Lin Fei take such a risk, from the beginning, he could not fight with the other party.

Even if the loss is larger, I am afraid it is better than this situation ...

It's just that along the way, Lin Fei is in charge, and he has no chance to ask more.

Now, I have to ask ...

However, before Tang Tian asked the exit, Lin Fei glanced at Fang Duan and smiled and said, "Brother Fang, you may not be able to go anywhere ..."

As the voice came out, Tang Tiandu was shocked.

Fang Duan, who is leaving, is also a meal.

"Oh." But then, Fang Duan just sneered: "I am still so confident at this time, and I will slowly pack you up later ..."

The voice fell, and Fang Duan didn't pay any attention to it anymore. With a wave of his hand in front of the return, he burst into a majestic momentum.

The large flame in front of you is directly melting the stone wall, opening a way out in front of you.

But at this time, there was another leisurely voice from below ...

"Brother Fang, have you forgotten that there is one person you haven't dealt with besides Tang Tiandu and I."


Fang Duan was stunned for a moment, there was another person? who is it?

But when I was thinking about this, I saw a familiar figure, but almost laughed.

Qi Yue ...

To be precise, he is really a manpower. In terms of the outside world, his combat strength is not bad. At least in the future, he has the opportunity to take over the position of Elder Tianxuanfeng.

But to be honest, in this place, he has not yet qualified to intervene.

Along the way, Fang Duan has never put his own younger brother in his eyes. More, he just used it temporarily.

I just shot it without hesitation ...

Looking at it again now, it was found that Qi Yue had not yet got rid of the trouble of the fire mass and was trapped in it, struggling.

How could it pose a threat to yourself.

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