But Lin Fei doesn't seem to be joking, does he say something else?

But before he could think about it, he suddenly saw that the flame that trapped Qi Yue suddenly collapsed.

The figure of Qi Yue also emerged from the flame.

It seemed that Qi Yue was still in a daze, and looked at her side in shock ...

At this time, I saw beside Qi Yue, there were actually thousands of sword lights, blooming at the same time, among the sword lights, there were countless strange seals flowing.

This scene is as if Qi Yue is in a world formed by sword light ...

Qi Yue, who is in the middle of the world, is a shocked expression, but surrounded by countless sword lights, she also gave rise to an unprecedented power ...

"This is your starting hand ?!"

Fang Duan suddenly gloomed down and looked at Lin Fei fiercely, only to find that Lin Fei had a good look, which seemed to have been expected.

At that time, I also knew that it would be useless to talk more, and then looked at Qi Yue coldly, but Qi Yue was still in a dumb face, and opened his mouth, as if preparing to say something.

However, Fang Duan could not hear anything.

Waving his hand at that time, suddenly, a large mass of flaming magma flew up.

It is like a long river of magma, surrounding Qi Yue to Tuan Tuan, burning Qi Yue's world of sword light.

At the same time, Fang Duan didn't mean fighting.

At the same time as the attack, he seized the time and continued to follow the escape path he had opened up.

All of this was done extremely fast, Qi Yue didn't even have time to react, and I saw that a large piece of magma had arrived ...

If this is just Qi Yue himself, I am afraid that he will have to deal with it in a hurry, at least for a long time.

But this time, it was significantly different ...

When Fang Duan was about to leave, the world of Jianguang around Qi Yue actually took the initiative to respond.

In an instant, thousands of swords and knives came out vertically and horizontally, and countless slashes appeared at the same time, just like a very gorgeous and gorgeous performance.

It was just behind the gorgeous scene that the huge piece of magma was shattered into nothingness.

The infinite expansion of the world of sword light came directly to the feet of Fang Duan, and countless Tao Run seals appeared, forming a chain, tangling towards Fang Duan's body, wanting to keep Fang Duan in this world forever .

"Dare you count me?"

Fang Duan glanced at Lin Fei, but he didn't pay any attention to Qi Yue.

As long as this matter is not blind, anyone can see that this Qi Yue's shot must be arranged by Lin Fei, otherwise, by virtue of only one Qi Yue, it is impossible to leave himself.

No wonder Lin Fei was not in a hurry before, he had already arranged the cards, so he was not in a hurry to take the shot, because the cards arranged on Qi Yue before could solve the problem for him

"I said long ago ..." Lin Fei just smiled: "I believe Brother Qi, what can solve the trouble is that you just don't believe it."

Fang Duan's face was overcast, and he remembered that Lin Fei did say this before, but when he heard it, he did not believe it.

At that time, I really couldn't believe it.

How can a Jin Dan disciple stop himself from shooting, let alone leave himself behind.

It's an elephant-like joke on ants.

Ten people heard Lin Fei, nine people would not believe it, the remaining one may ask Lin Fei did not have a fever.

But now, who can think that Lin Fei really did not lie.

He put the most important bargaining chip on Qi Yue ...

"Do you think that you can really keep me?"

Fang Duan sneered when he was getting tighter ...

Following that, I saw Fang Duan's hand pinching the Fayin seal. Suddenly, a large piece of magma, like a sword, came from all directions, like a beast and a tide. The sound of "boom" hit the world of sword light ...

Suddenly, I saw the magma of the sky and these countless sword lights, violent collision, resistance, and ablation.

The whole world seems to be like a world collapse, flames and sword light go through the world, leaving traces ...

Under such a collision, it turned out to be a turning point.

I saw the Fuzhuan chain wrapped around Fang Duan's body, and they all trembled slightly.

A peculiar rune permeated out of it, and the diffused sword light was also crushed a lot ...

As for Fang Duan, it was not humanoid anymore, and even faint scales appeared on his face. Several swords lightly broke through the blockade and touched the body, leaving a few scars on his body.

As the blood in the wound dripped, it would turn into flame in midair ...

But the more so, the more Fang Duan did not hesitate, fighting the injuries he had just suffered, as if regardless of ignoring it, he headed towards the outlet that had not yet been fully opened, and hit it ...





After several collisions, they all collided against the stone wall, each time heavier ...

Under this kind of almost lifeless struggle, the chain that wrapped around itself started to fade, and the runes flashed on the surface, as if it would dissipate at any time ...


At this time, a burst of sword light broke through the flames of the body and flashed in front of Fang Duan ...


At this moment, Fang Duan suddenly burst into a terrible roar.

Followed, I saw the chest and abdomen on the side of the square, I don't know when, there was a fierce sword mark, slowly emerged.

It was as if the sword light started too fast, completely unclear, even after the shot, the scar had time to react, and the power contained in it suddenly burst out.

More than a dozen sword lights burst out of it, carrying broken flesh and blood, which was cut apart and fell into the magma below.

When Jianguang dissipated, Qi Yue, who was the initiator of change, still didn't feel a little conscious.

He even looked around in a dazed look, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

As for Fang Duan, after experiencing the scar just now, his face became pale, and when he was fighting with the remaining Jianguang in his body, his body was a bit unstable ...

"I'm underestimating you, another magic weapon of the heaven order ..."

Fang Duan stared at Qi Yue, and with his knowledge, he suddenly understood why Qi Yue could resist the immortality in his own personal confrontation ...

This kind of power is a magic weapon of the heaven order, and only this level of magic weapon can protect Qi Yue ...

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