Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2023: Control a world

"Is this really the power of the world?"

When the words fell, it suddenly caused a lot of people to shake their hearts, and suddenly looked at Lin Fei's gaze, as if he had seen a ghost. The method Lin Fei is now exerting is really for mobilizing the entire world for his own use ...

But why ...

Lin Fei has a real body, why can he mobilize the power of the whole world at will, not to mention that this world is still a hostile place, and the old real body of the Dragon Emperor has been operating for thousands of years ...

After this uproar, everyone also reacted a little, and Lin Fei's realm was a bit beyond everyone's expectations ...

Although it is impossible to be a dharma body, it is not comparable to an ordinary real body. Just being able to mobilize the power of the world has already made him far beyond many real bodies in the same row ...

In the void, Dragon Emperor also looked at this scene, but at this time, he had recovered his surging mood, a face became expressionless, but just turned around and looked at Lin Fei, said coldly : "It's very early to enter the country very quickly, but I didn't expect you to reach this level ..."

"Unfortunately, it's just a touch. It should be the limit to mobilize these auras? How can you mobilize more auras? After all, you can't help the emperor."

Lin Fei smiled, but in that smile, it seemed that he didn't care about the words of the Dragon Emperor. He just said lightly: "It's useless, but it's not useless, just try it. ... "

As this voice fell, Lin Fei suddenly raised his hand,

Suddenly, I only heard a "chirp" sound. In Lin Fei's hands, suddenly there were several swords spinning out, like living creatures, circling in Lin Fei's palm constantly, as if I wanted to break through the restrictions, go Fight each other.

There are only a few sword lights, but one of them has a vast sword meaning, which is unforgettable, because it reveals thousands of swordsmanship sword styles, these numbers are vast, and even many of them conflict with each other. Jianyi, at this time, is integrated in a very harmonious way.

It has also formed a stable state, many swords are superimposed, forming a very complicated and vast unique sword ...

This is exactly the mature swordsmanship of the heavens. At this time, after all, it is completely accomplished, and the power is also truly revealed. The unique swordsmanship cultivated by this swordsmanship is definitely not lost to any cultivation method in the world.

At the moment when these sword lights appeared, there seemed to be a faint sound of abrupt sound in the whole world, which seemed to favor the sword out of the sheath.

Suddenly, the whole world was faint with the sound of sword roar, and a cold and solemn meaning filled it. It seemed that there was sword light everywhere, letting people be in an invisible sword forest, making people's skin cold ... …

"This kind of dragon meat that is close to the real dragon, I haven't really tried it. It seems that I have a good luck today!"

As Lin Fei said this with a smile, he saw only a few sword lights, which suddenly came out into the sky.

These sword lights rose in the wind, and turned into several huge sword lights, across the void, that is, toward the void where the other party is nearby, all covered in.

Suddenly, I only heard a boom!

With the rapid slashing of the sword lights, I saw that near the area where Li Qingshan and the Dragon Emperor were located, there were suddenly a lot of demon spirits coming from all directions. These demon spirits seem to be due to the hasty relationship , The gathering is quite thin, but in fact contains the breath of the two, seems to be able to stop everything in general ...

Lin Fei also continued to shoot at the same time, and I only saw it immediately. This time, he was directly chopped out of several natal sword spirits.

These natal sword qi belong to different gods and gods of iron, each with its own rhyme, but now, these sword qi are entangled with each other, they seem extremely harmonious, and a very terrifying power is blooming It was towards the piece of void where the two were, and he fell heavily.


As a voice fell in Lin Fei's mouth, and several sword qi swept away, the void along the way was violently shaken.

Obviously he is the two real bodies here, and he once again made some cruel words, but Li Qingshan and Longhuang, when they really faced Lin Fei's shot, they both adopted a defensive attitude in a tacit understanding.

The enchantment like a copper wall and iron wall keeps rolling, blocking the approach of Jianqi and Jianguang, but the effect is not very obvious ...

However, with Lin Fei's whole body becoming more and more tyrannical, the obstacle was eventually broken.

In the end, when the two met, an indescribable sense of pressure swept through the sky and spread between heaven and earth.

An indescribable sense of pressure suddenly emerged, and instantly affected everyone ...

Under this kind of pressure, all monks, even Hong Yitian, have their peaks in their physiognomy, and their faces have changed dramatically. Under such strong pressure, they suddenly become somewhat difficult to breathe, let alone Moved a little.

Among the monks, there was only Zhou Xiangfu, who seemed to be able to resist without any setbacks.

However, in contrast, Lin Fei is very calm from beginning to end, but just raises his hand slightly and seems to be controlling something.

And then, everyone was staring at Lin Fei's every move, and I saw that with the wave, the ground seemed to vibrate.

Under this earth-shattering movement, the pressure of the monstrous aura came into madness again.

At this time, in every place of Wanlong Realm, almost all creatures sensed this change in general.

Countless creatures all felt, and looked up blankly, looking in the direction of Lin Fei.

Feeling this extremely powerful coercion, the rest of the monks were completely relieved.

Lin Fei is now showing such strong coercion. In contrast, the opposite Dragon Emperor and Li Qingshan are not so irresistible ...

In this desperate on the verge of death, Lin Fei's arrival is undoubtedly the dawn of life for everyone ...

And countless monks between heaven and earth, at this time of rejoicing, in this void, the faces of Dragon Emperor and Li Qingshan naturally became extremely unsightly ...

Especially looking at the vast and condensing monstrous aura, the dragon emperor's face is extremely gloomy. Lin Fei is now controlling the aura of his dragon world. This means is really beyond his expectations ...

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