Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2024: Dragon Slash

You should know that although he has been in the Wanlong Realm for many years, this place is his old nest. If he becomes a dharma body in the future, this place will be integrated into his own realm and become the foundation of practice.

But it is so, he is difficult to control Wanlong Realm to such a degree.

Now who can think of it, Lin Fei, an outsider, can control the merciless aura in Wanlong Realm almost as he pleases ...

"Lin Fei ..."

Li Qingshan even gritted her teeth, her eyes full of anger.

The situation in front of him was far beyond the plan he had set.

Originally, as long as I could hide Lin Fei's opinion for a while, and then with the emergence of the Dragon Emperor, the joint efforts of the two of them could destroy this generation of Tianmen City's descendants.

But now, Lin Fei has suddenly appeared, and the strength of this exhibition is much stronger than before ...

In these many eyes with different meanings, Lin Fei raised his eyes and looked at Longhuang and Li Qingshan from afar.

The voice was extremely bland, but when he spoke, it seemed thunderous, and it exploded between heaven and earth, echoing in everyone's ears: "It seems that your plan is going to fail, I don't know if the red hair is real, will it? It ’s heartache, you ’re damaging it ... "

The Dragon Emperor's glorious eyes, but very cold, gloomy looking at Lin Fei said: "On your own, dare to talk about leaving us two?"

"Can you stay, why not ask the one next to you ..." Lin Fei smiled indifferently, and looked at Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan was also blushing for a while, but before he was seriously injured by Lin Fei, he almost died. If he had a red-haired real person to take him away, and he would rescue him, I am afraid that it is just a wandering in the void now. The dead body is just ...

Now facing Lin Fei again, even if he still dared to fight against it, he would not have the confidence he had before.

Lin Fei just smiled faintly, and then suddenly fixed his eyes on the two of them, his face was calm, but the whole person seemed to be in a moment, showing a sense of stability like Mount Tai.

It seems that no matter what happens, the two should be suppressed.

Lin Fei didn't say any more nonsense. Now that the Dragon Emperor has just broken the large-scale town blockade, it is the weakest time that Lin Fei will naturally not give the other party any chance.

It was just one step out, and suddenly there was a violent aura that gathered together.

I only saw Lin Fei raised his hand, and suddenly, I saw only a few sword qi of different colors, which appeared in Lin Fei's hand and surrounded him.

Then I saw only these sword qi burst out, and suddenly, the magnificent light burst out, swept the world, with these sword qi burst down.

Suddenly, Jianguang flew across the world, as if the entire void, were all cut off.

At this time, Lin Fei's shot was significantly stronger than before. The power of the sword energy suddenly made the Dragon Emperor and Li Qingshan's faces for the first time. , Became dignified.

Long Huang had heard about Lin Fei's various records before. This was the first time he faced Lin Fei directly.

As the voice fell, I only saw the Dragon Emperor raising his hand and waved, and I saw the endless demons in the body surged out.

In the blink of an eye, the demon qi gradually evolved into a black dragon ...

Open teeth and dance claws, very realistic ...

In the end, he spit out a bit of blood again, and in a flash, the blood blended into the black dragon, as if in the void, a faint sound of a long dragon roaring rose, shaking the world!

"go with!"

With the integration of the blood, the black dragon that succulently swelled suddenly swelled, and in an instant, became extremely solidified, and finally turned into a real and terrifying black dragon!

This black dragon is filled with infinite demon spirit, and the eyes are full of viciousness and bloodthirsty, as if it was born at the beginning, it was born to slaughter the world ...


And at the moment of the birth of Heilong, the sword spirits were already slammed!


Followed by it, I only heard that the black dragon roared violently, but just raised the giant claws and fell hard towards the sword.

This action seems simple, but in fact it contains infinite power. It can easily kill the peak of a Fa to the point that there is no leftover ...

However, just at the beginning of this action, I only saw that the sword spirits had suddenly arrived, and I only heard a soft "chirp" sound, and the black dragon's body seemed to be instantly stiff For a moment.

Followed by only heard a very miserable roaring sound, earth-shattering!

The dragon claw that was about to fall, when it was just lifted, appeared a subtle crack, and then it fell down like that.

A flat wound like a mirror was left, and the fallen dragon claws turned into pure demonishness, dissipated ...

And at this time, the countless auras attracted by Lin Fei were like a galaxy drooping down, and the surging auras washed over the powerful body of the black dragon.

Bang ...

Suddenly, I saw the black dragon roaring wildly and roaring, seemingly experienced the most tragic punishment in the world. Under the scour of that spirit, the dragon scale on the black dragon's body was scraped like a knife Opened tragically and directly, revealing the strong demon below.

Just in a blink of an eye, this black dragon seemed to have suffered a heavy blow and became very weak, even the sound of screaming was gradually weakening ...

The fight was only for a moment, but the Dragon Emperor fell directly into the downwind and was directly suppressed by Lin Fei's means, almost cutting the black dragon directly under his hand.

Suddenly, in the void, the party of the monks saw such a scene, a burst of excitement and excitement broke out, and everyone was very excited about this scene.

Who would have thought that before they were still insecure, they would turn into grievances in their speeches, and it took only a moment for Lin Fei to be the opponent's dragon emperor who could directly suppress it, and could not lift his head!

However, looking at the monsters and the dragons on the side of the dragon, they suddenly became very silent. Those dragons and monsters who were originally fierce and roaring, under the pressure of Lin Fei, seemed to be obediently small. Like a beast, it's so quiet ...

And even Li Qingshan and Long Huang were all dreadful and dreary.

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