However, when Lin Fei wanted to find other ways to break the ban here, he suddenly realized a familiar breath. It is the Nether Pearl that I obtained after beheading the Nether Ghost.

"Is it because the ban here requires the Nether Bead to break it?" After thinking of this possibility, Lin Fei did not hesitate to take out the black bead. After the black bead was taken out by Lin Fei, it suddenly appeared in space There was a strange energy ripple. Then, after this energy ripple spread to the forbidden land in front, the magnificent monster fire in the void suddenly disappeared.

Lin Fei looked at this scene and was very surprised. He didn't know that the original Nether Pearl still has such a wonderful use ...

"What's the matter?" Huang Wei, Zhang Lie and others were surprised for the first time, and the ghost was dumbfounded: "I obviously tried many times and couldn't open. Just opened? "

"Let's go." Lin Fei looked as expected, the first one was to walk in. After Lin Fei moved around, the other three and the ghost did not dare to delay, the chance was in sight, of course, they had to follow up.

In front of Lin Fei's eyes, there was a very huge crack. The crack looked very shocking and completely dark.

"What's this?" Huang Wei and others even took a breath, but they hadn't had enough experience and had never seen such a huge dark crack.

"It should be something like a crack in time and space. Maybe we can leave this ten dead world through here?" Lin Fei's eyes flashed slightly, speculating.

"Leave Ten Dead Realm?" After hearing Lin Fei's words, both Wang Huan, Wang Huan and Huang Wei showed an excited look on their faces. They had long been fed up with this piece of Ten Dead Realm, if they could go out there If they do n’t find any chance, they recognize it.

However, although Lin Fei's inference has a certain theoretical basis, but there is no practical evidence.

"How? Dare to go with me." Lin Fei smiled and asked the three people's opinions.

"Why don't you dare? You're all here, so you have to gamble."

This time the three people's voices were the same, even the ghost was in the same mood, and he wanted to go in to see if there was any baby he wanted.

"Since that is the case, let's go in." Lin Fei saw that everyone had no objection, and the first jump was the first one to jump into the dark crack. Seeing Lin Fei jumped in directly, this ghost also refused to fall behind , Followed by rushing in, and then Huang Wei, Zhang Lie and Wang Huan also entered the dark crack.

When Lin Fei regained his sight, he found himself and his party came to a ghostly plain, while the others fell not far from him.

"Where have we been?" Huang Wei asked Lin Fei in a trembling voice.

After looking at the surrounding environment, Lin Fei said lightly: "It seems that we have not been able to get rid of the Ten Dead Realms ..."

What appeared before them at this moment was a vast wilderness. The whole wasteland looked endless, and there was no end in sight. It seems that after they got rid of the palace, they came to another strange place.

"What the **** is this place?" Zhang Lie's face was a bit ugly, and he thought he could escape the Ten Dead Realm directly, but he didn't expect to come to such an endless wasteland.

"Hey, ghost, look in your ghost's eyes, there are no treasures around." Lin Fei did not rudely let the ghost find a baby.

I heard Lin Fei said that I would let ghost eyes blame me for treasure hunting. The Wang family brothers also came to have some interest. Although I did n’t escape from Ascension, it was a bit of a disappointment. Haze emotions.

Although the ghosts were somewhat reluctant, due to Lin Fei ’s mighty power, it had to follow suit, and Huang Wei was not as jumpy as the brothers of the Wang family. It is a bit difficult to understand why such a powerful ghost, just like a little sheep in front of Lin Fei.

"Is there a free repair in Linfei District, really hiding some means to surrender this ghost?" Huang Wei couldn't help but a lot of questions came up, thinking that Lin Fei had just taken a step ahead to break the trap on the road. They took a step first, and they were clearly taking advantage of Lin Fei along the way.

how could be? How did that happen? Huang Wei felt more and more wrong when he thought about it, but he always thought that Lin Fei was nothing more than an ordinary strength repair, otherwise he would not be trapped in these ten dead circles like several others.

Huang Wei was thinking there, but he did not know that Lin Fei did not want to go out, but found that there might be some secrets hidden in the Ten Dead Realms, and he did not want to go out for the time being. Otherwise, by virtue of Lin Fei's strength, he had traveled eastward all the way and met directly with one of the four ghost kings, the Oriental Ghost King ...

And even with the king of the Ten Dead Realms, Lin Fei has this absolute confidence to win the battle.

Huang Wei apparently underestimated the terror of the Ten Dead Realms. Even with his strength, even one of the Ten Fangs will be invincible, and Huang Wei whimsically feels that everyone in the Ten Dead Realms with a status should know The entrance to the Ten Dead Realms.

However, Lin Fei has already verified ...

Before Lin Fei's meeting at the Night of the Hundred Ghosts, he directly caught a commander of a well-known ghost pawn, but the other party knew nothing about the matter, and Lin Fei asked the Ten Dead Realm exit. Information, the other party immediately desperately, obviously in this ten dead world, it is an iron law to only allow in but not out.

However, the strength of Huang Wei and others is relatively low, and it was also because of touching the taboo inside the sect that he was accidentally transferred to this strange ten-dead world. If it were not their luck to meet Lin Fei, it would be impossible for them to escape from the Ten Dead Realms by the trivial means of the three of them.

The two brothers of the Wang family already knew some of Lin Fei ’s methods. Only when he left, he always felt that Lin Fei was just an ordinary person like them. Yes, Lin Fei met them. He still thought it was Lin Fei's luck.

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