This is called a different realm, and the things you see are completely different. Huang Wei's consciousness is really unable to bear the title of Zongmen genius. The grandfather of the elders came from the accumulation of Zongmen's resources. If we really talk about the gold content, it is really low ...

"Did you find anything?" After the ghost looked at the dark plain, Lin Fei asked out the situation for the first time.

"Strange, what a weird!" The ghost looked suspicious. According to his ghost eyes' prediction, the hidden area behind Diya World should be the ultimate destination of Diya World. According to the truth, all chance treasures should be in This is the right thing, but when they came here, they had nothing but a ghostly plain, which was obviously very unconventional.

Moreover, after exploring the surrounding environment with ghost eyes, let alone a treasure, there are no ghosts. This situation is obviously beyond the expectations of ghosts.

"Is this a trap?" Suddenly, a ghost in his heart hit him. He had always known that a few big figures in the Ten Dead Realms like to use tricks to deal with others.

I glanced at the few human intruders in front of me, and then looked at the strange environment around me. The more the ghosts thought, the more the world in front of me was probably a trap laid by the big men in the Ten Dead Realms.

"No, it may be a trap here!" In front of Lin Fei, the ghost did not dare to hide anything. After all, he and Lin Fei have become grasshoppers on a boat now. If he was caught in a trap in the Ten Dead Realms, then he would also face danger with them.

"Trap? How is this possible?" Huang Wei was the first to exclaim when he heard the analysis of ghosts. In his view, they walked carefully and cautiously, although some ghosts and pawns knew their existence, but they With such a weak power, the big players in the Ten Dead Realms will not lay down such terrible traps against them.

"No, it certainly will not be ... this should be a chance." Huang Wei's voice was already a little trembling. Obviously the speculation of ghosts had made him a little scared, because he was in this ten dead world. I still know something about it. If it is really like what the ghost said, then the only thing waiting for them is death.

Although Huang Wei feels that he possesses the power of a dharma body, and among the four people, he has the greatest chance of escape, but in the face of a ten-party ghost general, Huang Wei has no confidence in his own heart.

Zhang Lie and Wang Huan expressed a little silence. It was only their words that they would not cause such a big trouble. Apart from ghosts, the most likely cause of such trouble in their pedestrians is only the possibility of The unfathomable Lin Fei is gone.

Suddenly, Wang Huan remembered the vision of the meteorite that night when they first entered the Ten Dead Realm. At that time, they heard Huang Wei say that the meteorite represented the death of a peerless strongman in the Ten Dead Realm. That was probably Lin Fei's handwriting.

"Trap?" Lin Fei muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

In fact, long before the ghost came to a conclusion, Lin Fei had vaguely noticed that the situation was not simple. The ghost pawns were dispatched in all directions, and the blatant guarding of the ruins was really a bit tempting to penetrate the enemy.

If it was really because he killed the ghost ghost that angered the people in the Ten Dead Realms and thus laid down the killing, then three people such as ghosts and Huang Wei were really pitted by themselves.

But even if it is really a trap, Lin Fei has long wanted to meet other strong men in the Ten Dead Realm. Even the ghosts of the Ghost Ghost will not know that they will leave the Ten Dead. The method of the world, then if Lin Fei wants an answer, I am afraid that apart from the four ghost kings, there is really no one else to find.

However, although there are premeditated traps, most of the four ghost kings will not directly shoot. As the four masters of the Ten Dead Realm, they naturally have their own pride, not just a random intruder. Those who are qualified to let them do it themselves, although the Ten Party Monsters will be killed by one person, there are nine others that are not weaker than his existence. Having these people in town is generally enough ...

"It's okay, if you come, you'll be at ease." Lin Fei immediately applauded the crowd and saw that Lin Fei was still in a calm and breezy manner, and the Wang family brothers were relieved and nervous. Slightly relaxed. The ghost also felt that although there were big shots in the Ten Dead Realms, but there was such an unfathomable person like Lin Fei on his side, and it might not be a dead end.

But Huang Wei, a person who could not distinguish the status quo, was already scared. He sweated incessantly. After listening to Lin Fei Gujing Wubo, he was almost scared to death by Lin Fei's unknown life. In his view, even if Lin Fei really has some means, but also determined that it is impossible to compete with the big figures in the Ten Dead Realms.

"What's the matter, do you know how dangerous our situation is now, I think we still rush away." Huang Wei couldn't help but interrupt Lin Fei's indifference, and put forward the idea of ​​hurrying to escape, he tried to dissuade everyone He was almost crying, and he tried to persuade even the ghosts he was afraid of.

However, Huang Wei was surprised to find that no matter how he persuaded, everyone was a posture with Lin Pegasus first, could he really have any way to escape?

Although I thought it was totally an emergency, I was in a hurry, but now the situation is already in a hurry. Since everyone chose to believe Lin Fei, Huang Wei had to gritt his teeth and follow the crowd, because walking with everyone If something happens to him, there is at least one circumstance. If he acts alone now, he may be left with some danger.

"Wait ... wait a minute, I'll go with you." Huang Wei saw that everyone followed Lin Fei and rushed out in one direction, but even if he didn't dare to drop his foot, the dead-faced follower followed.

Seeing Huang Wei look like this, Wang Huan couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This Huang Wei weekday looked like a tall one. This is not really in danger. It's scared to be too fast. Unbearable. In contrast, Lin Fei, from the beginning to the end, looks like a cloud of lightness and lightness. Huang Wei lost Lin Fei more than 10% in this manner alone.

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