"Ji-Ji-Ji ..." However, shortly after a few people walked, all of a sudden the sound of ghosts was heard from all sides at the same time. I don't know when, batches of ghosts and pawns have poured out from all directions like tide , Directly surrounded them.

"Be careful, it is not good!" Lin Fei's consciousness has been fully unfolded. The first is that he noticed that the enemy is not good. Every group of ghosts and pawns has thousands of people, and all have a ghost. The leader personally leads the team, and each ghost leader is a strong muscle, which looks abnormally oppressive. According to Lin Fei's estimation, some ghost leader's strength is stronger than the legal body's Huang Wei.

After listening to Lin Fei's reminder, everyone was nervous. After seeing the endless ghosts in all directions, Huang Wei's face was completely gray. He knew in his heart that most of them are now fierce and fierce. Inevitable.

"Afraid of anything, fight with them! The big deal is to die here today." Zhang Lie is bloody. Although the ghost soldiers have thousands of troops, he is not afraid of it. One [笔 趣 阁 www.biqugew.xyz] The deputy must follow the opponent's appearance. Although Wang Huan didn't say a word, he had clenched his fists tightly, and his fighting intentions were rising. Obviously, he was already ready for battle.

As for ghosts, it is quite a chicken thief. Lin Fei saw at a glance that the words were no longer traced and secretly arranged the defense organs and traps. With this guy's character, whenever he lives, it is the most important.

On the other side, Lin Fei saw that the ghost did not urge him to join the defensive battle, which was quite gratifying. There are traps of ghosts. Although there are a large number of ghosts and pawns, it is obviously not so easy to get close to them. of.

Lin Fei was not worried about himself. In his strength, he could not say that there were several teams of ghosts. Even if a few ghosts were coming, he was sure to slap and let his opponents die out, but the brothers Wang and Huang Wei were different. If the pawns were close, several of them were bound to fall into a bitter battle. Although Lin Fei had no idea of ​​rescue for Huang Wei's mean people, he could not watch the Wang brothers fall into a trap.

If Lin Fei still needs to spare his time to protect others, then the real move is bound to be affected, but now that the ghost is there, Lin Fei is less worried.

Lin Fei, the organ trap of ghosts, had seen it before, and even his strength was almost inadvertently a big loss. According to Lin Fei's estimation, even if he is a big man with a ten-level ghost general level, if he does not take it seriously If you do n’t want to ask for anything cheap from the ghost.

"Several of you stand here, don't move, and the next thing will be left to me." Lin Fei said a few words to several people, and then jumped out and jumped out.

"Lin Daoyou!" Zhang Lie went up and wanted to say something, but was left by his brother Wang Huan. Wang Huan was clearer than Zhang Lie. He obviously already knew what they could not help Lin Fei in the next battle. If you are busy, it would be the biggest help if you do n’t add trouble to Lin Fei.

Huang Wei watched Lin Fei leaping, and suddenly he was a bit dumbfounded: "He ... how did he go out alone." Huang Wei stuttered for a long time before saying such a very uncultured word, but no one responded at all. he.

This made Huang Wei extremely dissatisfied.

Now when I saw Lin Feimao, I rushed out, and Huang Wei only died when Lin Fei was dead. After all, with Lin Fei's strength, how can he deal with so many ghosts? But after Lin Fei rushed into the ghost, Huang Wei knew that he had guessed wrong ...

Lin Fei was full of sword spirit, killing all directions in the ghosts. Almost every ghost he was staring at had no chance of survival. As for those ghosts, they died in Lin Fei ’s hands one after another, and there was no resistance at all. opportunity.

Huang Wei couldn't help but look dumbfounded ...

It was only at this moment that he discovered that Lin Fei was a hidden master. No wonder no matter what danger he experienced before, it seemed that Lin Fei could break it. And as long as you change yourself, you will always lose money ... and even the ghost around you looks at Lin Peima. Before, he thought it was only Lin Fei who had some kind of hole card in hand to control the ghost.

But now it seems that it is not a site at all, but Lin Fei has extremely strong strength ...

The previous cynicism of his own is undoubtedly that the offense of Lin Fei was not offended. If Master Lin Fei did not remember the villain, I am afraid that his strength will have been slapped to death.

Thinking of this, Huang Wei was already covered in cold sweat. Fortunately, he hadn't had a direct relationship with Lin Fei before, otherwise he would probably not be able to eat and walk around. Looking at the look of the Wang family brothers, it is clear that some things have been known for a long time, which makes Huang Wei resentful and resentful.

However, although Lin Fei may hide a lot of strength, it is still unknown whether he can compete with the big ten in the dead world. After all, in Huang Wei ’s eyes, the big men in the ten dead world are really terrible. Almost all are invincible.

Huang Wei's heart suddenly prayed to Lin Fei at this moment, and he suddenly began to yearn for Lin Fei's strength, because the more powerful Lin Fei's hidden power, the more he hopes to escape today. In other words, his little life is now completely in Lin Fei's hands.

Huang Wei sighed secretly. Fortunately, he did not choose to escape by himself. When he proposed to run, Lin Fei gave him a chance to choose. If he had chosen to escape by himself, I am afraid that Lin Fei has lost this haven. Without Lin Fei's protection, Huang Wei's strength is conceivable. I am afraid that he will be swallowed by the swarming ghosts as food in his mouth.

But this matter is indeed very dramatic.

Who would have thought that the monk who had been very disgusted before, now he has to rely on him ...

On the field, after Lin Fei killed several ghost pawns, countless ghost pawns swarmed furiously, trying to catch Lin Fei alive. However, when a group of ghosts and pawns approached Lin Fei's body at a distance of five meters, Lin Fei suddenly burst into a shocking sword spirit.

Sword Qi crisscrossed to form a huge turntable, directly blocking the ghost pawns from the spot. Not only that, the ghost pawns under the attack of Jian Qi simply had no way to parry, but directly flesh and blood flew up.

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