However, it is not so simple to want to **** Lin Fei into the black hole. The sword qi on Lin Fei's hands is raging, and then there is a sword qi. These sword qi gather around Lin Fei, and they sway like rain. Lin Fei suddenly set off a hazy feeling.

Tongyou Jianqi!

Lin Fei has gained a new understanding of all kinds of sword qi since he was promoted to the real body. The power of the original sword qi is not too powerful acquired sword qi. After being exhibited in Lin Fei ’s hands, the power is also the same. It's not worse than some real body methods.

At this moment Lin Fei's Tongyou Sword Qi just appeared, and he suddenly stabbed at that Lin Elder. Elder Lin was able to sense the powerful real element contained in Lin Fei's sword gas, and he did not dare to care about it at the moment. The skimmed black hole turned to deal with Lin Fei's Tongyou Sword Qi at the moment. Then, between the black hole and Tongyou Sword Qi, a dazzling light erupted, which directly caused the void to sway.

Followed, the black hole and Tongyou Jianqi disappeared at the same time ...

"It's no wonder that being able to deal with the real body and the physiognomy so easily is really remarkable." Seeing himself and Lin Fei tied in the first round, Elder Lin also showed a trace of surprise.

But then he saw that Lin Fei had reached the soul of time and space. ; Elder Lin's complexion changed slightly, but he didn't expect Lin Fei's speed to be so fast. Elder Lin followed him with an arrow. I just didn't expect Lin Fei to smile at him, followed the whole person into the soul of time and space.

The soul of time and space has now become very huge due to the continuous expansion before. Lin Fei collided so suddenly that the whole soul of time and space shuddered. What was shocking was that Lin Fei rushed directly into time and space. In the soul, the whole person completely disappeared.

Elder Lin was dumbfounded, but immediately, he rushed toward the soul of time and space without hesitation.

Although he didn't know much about the soul of time and space, he also knew that Lin Fei could not be too close to the soul of time and space, otherwise Lin Fei could get the soul of time and space. Even if he is stronger than Lin Fei, he will die in vain. Lin Fei's hands.

"Hehe ..." But what Elder Lin didn't think of was that at the moment when he crashed into the soul of time and space, Lin Fei's figure appeared beside him and showed a strange smile at him ... …

At this time, Elder Lin suddenly felt wrong, this is Lin Fei's trick!

But it is too late ...

He had hit the soul of time and space, and then he felt completely empty, and the soul of time and space that had expanded to a great extent, immediately absorbed the real element of Elder Lin greedily. Elder Lin was taken aback, not expecting that the soul of time and space actually had such a perverted ability. Now Elder Lin wants to struggle.

Previously, Lin Fei successfully struggled to open the soul of time and space, and his true unit has not been absorbed by the soul of time and space. Now the strength of Elder Lin is not weaker than Lin Fei, and he can naturally break free. But the current situation is different from that at that time ...

At that time, there was no monk around Lin Fei, so that he could leave safely, and was inexplicably teleported to the ground by the soul of time and space. But now with Elder Lin, there is Lin Fei ...

I saw that Elder Lin was about to break away from the soul of time and space, but Lin Fei had arranged several sword qi, and trapped Elder Lin dead there. Infinite sword qi surrounded Elder Lin. Can't struggle.

And at this moment, the soul of time and space finally began to absorb Elder Lin's true element. When the absorption started, Elder Lin ’s Zhenyuan suddenly flowed out of the body like a stream of water, and his strength was rapidly declining.

And when Elder Lin's strength diminished sharply, it was even more difficult to struggle to open Lin Fei's sword yoke. Moreover, Lin Fei has no influence, and he can take care of Elder Lin without hesitation. When Elder Lin also wants to prevent the soul of time and space from absorbing his true elements, Lin Fei can show off his sword spirit to deal with Elder Lin.

All of this made Elder Lin cry out, and for a while, he didn't know what to do, but now I know that Lin Fei brought him in, but it was a weird thing that he had long thought of, in order to let the soul of time and space absorb His true element.

"Drink!" While the soul of time and space absorbed a lot of Elder Lin Zhenyuan, Elder Lin was finally angry. After all, he was also a monk in the real life. After a anger, he exploded with all his strength at the moment, and his whole body was like an explosion. Generally speaking, after a loud noise, Elder Lin rushed out.

"Great." Looking at Elder Lin's embarrassed figure, Lin Fei smiled, but his hands were not idle, and he continued to have a sword spirit attacking Elder Lin, even under the influence of Lin Fei Zhenyuan. Qi has even evolved ancient clocks, and the power of the attack has increased by several times in an instant, all of which bombarded Elder Lin.

Poor Elder Lin, just struggling from the soul of time and space, due to the sharp decrease in the true yuan, now is the time when the body is extremely weak, but Lin Fei did not give him a breathing opportunity to continue to attack.

Elder Lin can only mobilize the remaining true elements to resist Lin Fei while cursing, but now his body is very chaotic, how can he exert all his strength to resist Lin Fei?

In Lin Fei ’s bombardment, Elder Lin was finally unable to withstand, and finally the ancient bell transformed by Lin Fei ’s sword gas hit the body hard, and at the same time, Lin Fei also arranged a sword gas The net, while Elder Lin flew out, Jianqi Net suddenly caught up with Elder Lin.

Following the Jianqi Net roaring past, Elder Lin's body was suddenly so full of holes that it turned into a cold corpse, falling straight down from high above the ground ...

"What ..." The monk was killed by Lin Fei. This scene suddenly surprised all the monks. Many monks faced a fear ...

Lin Fei actually killed Elder Lin of Wanbing Clan?

Everyone knows that this elder Lin has a decisive position among the Wanbing tribe. Among many elders, this elder Lin can also be ranked at least in the top ten. After all, he is already close to the real body. But now, such an elder elder, was so resolved by Lin Fei ...

As the so-called one stone stirred up thousands of waves, what Lin Fei did immediately frightened the monks of the Wanbing tribe.

And even the monks of the Wanbing tribe are the same. Then the monks of other schools are exactly the same. After seeing Lin Fei is so powerful, they are all dumbfounded. They just looked at Lin Fei obsessively. Step back.

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