Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2160: Solid space

The real-level monk who fought with Lin Fei before, after seeing Lin Fei's strength, is still breathing out the back of the spine, so lucky, really lucky, this monk Now there are only fears, if Elder Lin did not appear at the time, then it is not Elder Lin who is fighting him now but Lin Fei.

I originally thought that as long as Elder Lin arrived in time, this Lin Fei could be solved. But now it seems that Elder Lin is here to save everyone, it is clear that he simply saved his own life ...

This real body was afraid, and no longer dared to say that he was going to deal with Lin Fei. Without realizing it, he stepped back several meters.

"Hehe ..." Seeing the monks below, they stared at each other in shock, Lin Fei only showed a smile at this time. It seemed that the elder Lin he dealt with was indeed in a low position. , The effect is very good, and now it has such a good deterrent effect.

Now, there should be no need to worry about these monks coming back for extravagance?

Lin Fei looked at the monks underneath, and then did not stay any longer, but went to investigate the soul of time and space. Generally speaking, to get the soul of time and space, nothing more than establish contact with the soul of time and space, and then use absolute The strength of the time, forced the soul of time and space to follow, and then get the right to use the soul of time and space.

What Lin Fei has to do now is to establish contact with the soul of time and space.

Since the soul of time and space can absorb the true element of the monk, Lin Fei is not very good. Now he is close to the soul of time and space. This will cause the cultivation to be absorbed by the soul of time and space, so Lin Fei is just next to the soul of time and space. , And then infiltrate into the soul of time and space with his own spiritual power, and want to establish contact with the soul of time and space.

It's just that when Lin Fei's spiritual power penetrates into the soul of time and space, Lin Fei can clearly feel that the soul of time and space does not want to be manipulated by himself, and extremely shocking waves emerge in the soul of time and space. Your own spiritual power pushes your own spiritual power out of the soul of time and space.

However, although the power of reverse thrust is very strong, Lin Fei did not put this kind of reverse thrust in his eyes at all, and then increased the instillation of spiritual power.

In Lin Fei's mind, the soul of time and space is like a rabbit, wanting to avoid the manipulation of his spiritual power, and Lin Fei becomes a hunter, delusional to put the soul of time and space in his pocket.

Just as the two sides were so competing, a dazzling purple light suddenly erupted in the soul of time and space. For this purple light, Lin Fei was prepared earlier. Previously, he suffered from this purple light because he was not familiar with the soul of time and space. Now that Lin Fei is prepared, he is naturally not worried about this purple light affecting his vision.

Almost at the moment when the purple light appeared, around the soul of time and space, there was already a golden yellow Taiyi sword gas burst out. These sword light rays were masterpieces, suppressing the purple light emerging from the soul of time and space, Lin Fei is also increasing the suppression of spiritual strength, and wants to let the soul of time and space submit to himself.

At this moment, Lin Fei is no longer afraid of that purple light ...

The power of Taiyi Sword Qi is often powerful in Lin Fei ’s previous battles, and this is also true at the moment of confrontation with the soul of time and space. Under the suppression of Taiyi Sword Qi, the soul of time and space The purple light has nothing to do with Lin Fei's influence, and under the suppression of Taiyi Jianqi, the purple light above the soul of time and space is gradually weakening ...

In the end, even if there is no longer any purple light leaked, Lin Fei can continue to use these Taiyi sword qi and shoot you with his own strength to suppress the soul of time and space.

In this suppression of Lin Fei, Lin Fei gradually discovered that the resistance from the soul of time and space is gradually weakening. At this time, Lin Fei already knew that the soul of time and space was exhausted ...

In the battle with Lin Fei, the soul of time and space is obviously controlled by Lin Fei. Although the soul of time and space can control the cracks in this space, it does not mean that its energy is endless. As early as Lin Fei was preparing to suppress the soul of time and space, he had blocked this party's connection with the surrounding spiritual forces.

It can be said that the soul of time and space cannot absorb any energy at this time ...

Now that the soul of time and space has gradually weakened, Lin Fei is also chasing Chen Sheng, and continues to use his huge spiritual power to establish contact with the soul of time and space.

"Click ..."

And at a certain moment, Lin Fei suddenly heard a clear sound. The soul of time and space was slowly becoming smaller, and finally turned into a light pouring into Lin Fei's palm. At the same time, Lin Fei suddenly felt that he felt more clear about this space crack ...

This kind of clarity is not the clarity in the general sense. Even though Lin Fei is just standing next to the soul of time and space, he has n’t looked at this crack in space, but Lin Fei can feel the flow of all spiritual forces in the crack , Including the true flow of many monks below, and even the subtle changes in the expression of those monks ’faces ...

"What's that?" When Lin Fei was immersed in this wonderful feeling, Lin Fei suddenly found that there was a breath that enveloped the entire space crack. The breath was extremely deep and powerful compared to the space crack itself. They are not weak at all.

But then, Lin Fei knew that this was a shocking breath ...

When he got the soul of time and space, the space began to become unstable. The whole world was shaking madly, and it seemed that he was already on the verge of collapse.

"Ah! Is this world about to be destroyed?" When Lin Fei got the soul of time and space, the monks knew that they would all suffer. Lin Fei can now be said to be the master of this space crack, as long as Lin Fei thought that all monks in this place could be killed directly at any time.

And now the cracks in space are shaking, the earth is cracking, and there are volcanic eruptions. Everyone knows that Lin Fei is going to start with these monks. Now Lin Fei's strength is so high, everyone knows that even if they unite, they are not qualified to compete with Lin Fei.

So after the appearance of this vision of heaven and earth, all the monks ran towards the rear uniformly, and they had to find a way to leave this space!

"Want to go?" But Lin Fei has been able to control the cracks in this space now, how could these monks leave the opportunity ...

Lin Fei just moved his heart and followed all the energy of this world to act and stabilize the areas that are about to collapse. Under Lin Fei's role, this space will be stabilized again soon.

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