After the space was stabilized, Lin Fei looked at the monks below in the void. After getting the soul of time and space, Lin Fei had a clear feeling that as long as his heart moved, then this crack in space could be destroyed directly, and then he could send these tens of thousands of monks directly into the turbulent flow of time and space in.

In the chaos of time and space, no matter how capable these monks are, they will die in the chaos of space. After all, the chaotic area, even the real body, will fall at any time, let alone these ordinary monks here.

However, Lin Fei does not have such a vicious means after all ...

Although Lin Fei has mastered the soul of time and space, and at the same time, he holds all the lives of these monks in his hands, but Lin Fei has no medicine to solve the meaning of these monks. After all, this is tens of thousands of fresh lives. Completely resolved, then Lin Fei's heart is estimated to be uneasy.

Even such a heavy killing will affect his way sooner or later, so that his future promotion to Dharma will become less stable ...

It's just that these monks can't let go now.

So Lin Fei looked at these monks and finally came up with a compromise.

"Boom!" And at this moment, there are already many monks who want to escape from this space crack. Many monks join forces to gather Zhenyuan together, want to blast out a space crack, and then escape along the space crack Going, but after they blasted the cracks in the space, they accidentally discovered that after the cracks in the space, it was actually a chaotic air flow ...

In front of the raging space airflow, all the monks have counseled them. They dare not go out at all. Once they go out and are swept by the space airflow, the dead are faster than now ...

"Relax, you can't get out, I have now moved the space crack into the turbulence of the space. Here, even if the head of the Wan Bing tribe comes, I still want to find this space and control this space. . "

Lin Fei's voice rang between heaven and earth.

"God ..." After hearing Lin Fei's voice, the monks were all desperate. Unexpectedly, after becoming the master of this space, Lin Fei was actually able to move this space and trap all of them. In the turbulence of space.

Now, only the crack in the space where they are located is safe. As soon as they go out, they will immediately be swallowed by the turbulent flow of the outside space and cannot survive.

Now some monks finally regret it. They knew they had to unite together before. Why should they fight for the soul of time and space? And now leads Lin Fei to get the soul of time and space ...

Now it's all over ... these tens of thousands of monks can't fight Lin Fei ...

"But you can rest assured that I will not kill you, but you have to stay here. This space can be stable for at least a thousand years. There are also spiritual soil and other resources suitable for the cultivation of various spiritual things. I believe it is enough for you monks to live. Going down. "Lin Fei's voice sounded again:" However, if you can produce a monk enough to break through the void, maybe you will be able to take you out without having to stay here. These, also Even if it is a punishment for you. "

"Want to trap us here?" When the monks heard Lin Fei's words, all the monks were discredited. Although this space is not small, it is not too big. A monk of the French phase only needs one day Time, you can walk through this space crack.

Are they trapped in this projectile place now?

For a while, I don't know how many monks knelt down to beg for mercy, and pleaded for Lin Fei to let it go, but since Lin Fei decided to do so, he would naturally not change his mind at will.

In Lin Fei's view, he is already kind enough ...

If you come for someone else, the slightly hotter monks might be able to kill all these monks in this space, would they give them a chance to continue to live, so what Lin Fei is doing now is really worthy of these monks Now ...

Moreover, Lin Fei said that the time of a thousand years contains some exaggerated ingredients, just to scare these monks. In fact, there are many real-level monks among these monks. If they continue to practice, they may be Within a hundred years, they can join forces to escape from this space.

However, all this still depends on their own creation ...

This is Lin Fei's greatest gift to them.

After all, Lin Fei's current goal is not to destroy all the monks in this world of spirits. What he has to deal with is at most one Wanbing tribe.

"Well, goodbye." After leaving the last sentence, Lin Fei's figure disappeared.

After Lin Fei got control of this space crack, Lin Fei could enter and leave this space crack at will. Now Lin Fei just left his mind and left this space crack.

At that time, when Lin Fei transferred this space crack to the turbulent space, he already recorded the route. Now Lin Fei shuttled through the turbulent space and quickly returned to the Wanling Realm.

The figure also appeared in the spirit world.

Looking at the familiar Wanling Realm, Lin Fei smiled slightly, turned to look at the space crack behind him, and then his thoughts moved, and the space crack disappeared. He didn't worry about any other changes in the space crack.

He has completely got the space crack now. He knows all the changes of the space crack, even if he is outside of thousands of miles, but as long as the space crack has changed, he will know the first time, and at any time Can all go back to the space crack.

Now Lin flew out of the space crack and found a hidden place to choose to retreat. After coming to this world of spirits for so long, Lin Fei has not stabilized his strength for a long time, and now it really needs to be carried out.

After Lin Yun came out again, he found that the neighborhood was not far from the Fire Phoenix City, and it was heard that there were ghosts and ruins in the ground recently. It is said that even the Fashen sent personnel to find it.

Two days later, Lin Fei came to the area around the underground ruins.

Hundreds of miles away from the underground ruins, there are already ghosts patrolling around the clock. It is conceivable that once it reaches the nearby ruins, how tightly armed it will be.

Lin Fei's cultivation practice is too simple to hide from these ordinary ghosts. Just as Lin Fei was moving forward cautiously, and about ten miles away from the underground ruins, some French-level ghosts finally appeared.

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