Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 164 :Orochi Kabuto's Redemption (seeking subscription)

As the screen began to expose the images of the two men before their deaths, everyone was shocked by the magic of the screen.

The screen seems to be able to hear the voices of their audiences, and will expose some of the pictures they want to know in time.


There are also many random exposures, for example, the death of Kisame was exposed before.

[Video "Unintentional Inserting Willows and Willows"]

[In the camera, Uchiha Sasuke is lying on the ground, and the whole person is in a state of dying.

But at this moment, an unfamiliar figure appeared on the screen. When the camera was pulled up, it was discovered that the person was Kabuto the Orochi.

Unexpectedly, Kabuto did not kill Sasuke, but squatted down to check Sasuke's injuries, and then used his own medical ninjutsu to treat him to save him from death. 】

After watching this short video, everyone in the Ninja World was full of emotions that the world is impermanent.

Who would have thought that the dying Sasuke was actually saved by the big snake Kabuto?

The scene of Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke teaming up to deal with Kabuto is still vivid, but Kabuto has become Sasuke's lifesaver in a blink of an eye.

Because of this, the chat group also exploded.

[Ohnoki: It should be the credit of Izanami, right? Uchiha Itachi said before that Kabuto can break through the illusion of circulation and return to reality only when he is on the right path. 】

[Terumi Mei: So, Uchiha Itachi saved Sasuke again in the dark?]

[Kakashi: Thanks to Kabuto's awakening, otherwise Sasuke will die at that time.)

【Killer Bee: The reason why Sasuke did not die has finally been found, but what about Naruto? According to normal circumstances, Jinchūriki will die without the tail beast. 】

[Gaara: I agree with this point. 】

Outside the chat group,

Sasuke also watched Kabuto save himself in disbelief.

So to say,

I owe Uchiha Itachi another life?

Shaking his head vigorously, Sasuke walked away distractedly.

Maybe it was a blunder, or maybe it was really destiny. He missed the moment when he was "green".

(Specifically, Sakura greened him, or Naruto greened him, and readers greatly evaluate it by themselves.)

PS: This chapter was originally a big chapter, but unfortunately it has been banned and can only be divided into two chapters.

The number of words in this chapter is less than a thousand, so your VIP points should not be deducted...

I'm so annoying that the next chapter is also banned. Let's wait until tomorrow.

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