Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 165 : Earthworm Black Zetsu's cut!

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[Video "The Little Sakura Who Guards Naruto's Dream"]

In the shot, young Sakura is sitting on a sand mat to treat Naruto, but soon she feels Naruto's heartbeat has stopped.

"Why is medical ninjutsu useless?"

Gaara Shen Sheng Kaidō: "It should be because he lost Nine Tails!

"Isn't that bound to die?"

"There is still a chance, just find Fourth Hokage and let the other half of Nine Tails enter Naruto's body!"

Hear this,

Little Sakura suddenly realized that she used a Chakra knife to cut through Naruto's waist, and then reached in and started manual pacing. Her little hand kept pinching Naruto's heart, and then she started giving Naruto artificial respiration.

"Naruto, once your seemingly absurd dream, now has

"I won't let you die, never let you die!"

"Because your dream is already here!"]

The exposure of this section can be regarded as an explanation for the reason why Naruto did not die, but the most surprising thing is that Sakura's medical treatment is so superb.

At first, everyone thought that Sakura was going to buckle Naruto's waist, but the physical pacing in the next scene was really shown to everyone.

Even Chidai mother-in-law and Tsunade, who are good at medical ninjutsu, were surprised.

Inside the "Six Six Seven" chat group,

[Hint: Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, has entered the chat group. 】

[Tsunade: @小 Sakura, be my apprentice in the future!]

[Little Sakura: Really? Great! Thank you Tsunade-sama!]

[Ino: I also want to worship Tsunade-sama as a teacher...)

[Yamanaka Haiyi: @ Ino, there is a sequence of hearings, and there is a specialization in the surgery industry. You don’t have little Sakura calm, let's learn the secrets of the family!]

[Chōji: Yes, we are going to complete the combo technique "Yo-Yo Technique" to show Kamui in the future!]

[Shikamaru: Ino–Shika–Chō can't be without you, Ino!]

Hearing this, Minano had no idea of ​​competing with Sakura.

It was indeed that she was a little bit horny just now. She always thought that going to Sannin's door would make herself stronger, but everyone had their own way and could not choose blindly.

And her suitable path is to learn the extended ninjutsu of the Yamanaka clan's heart-turning technique, there is no need to take the medic route.

at this time,

Some people in the chat group with peculiar concerns are starting to show again.

[Killer Bee: I didn't expect Naruto to be kissed by a girl, this looks really makes people feel jealous, Oye!]

[Eight Tails Gyūki: It seems that Naruto's lips are no longer exclusive to Sasuke!]

[Naruto: Enough of you two, I... I am not exclusive to Sasuke!]

[Kankuro: Naruto, can you interview your inner feelings? Do you like Sakura more or Hinata more?]

[Neji: @ Kankuro, stop talking, otherwise don’t blame me for being polite!]

【Kankuro:?? ?】

[Temari: @ Kankuro, don’t mess up, the relationship between Naruto and Hinata is getting better now!]


[Little Sakura:]

Just when everyone thought that Naruto's life was really saved by Fourth Hokage, a question and answer option appeared in the middle of the screen.

May I ask who in the end rescued Naruto?

Answer reward: Chat group title modification opportunity once.

Answer the punishment: None!

Once the incident was exposed, those ninjas in the chat group who had no title suddenly became excited.

To know,

Every time they see those big guys in and out of the chat group, there are prompts, and they are envious to death in their hearts.

But they also know,

It is even more difficult to make a name in the Shinobi world by your own ability.

But now the screen actually gave an opportunity to modify the title. If you don't seize this opportunity, isn't it a big loss?

This matter not only attracted those without a title, but even those with a title felt that this was a good opportunity.

Because for them,

If you don’t have a title, you can enter the chat group silently, and you can dive freely without being discovered by others. This is an excellent opportunity to cover your whereabouts.

Especially those who are not easy to see the light,

Such as Black Zetsu, Obito, Nagato and other Akatsuki members.

Suddenly, a few words appeared in the middle of the screen:

In one minute, everyone has and only one chance to answer, and the person who answers correctly first gets the right to change the title once.

1,2,3, start!

The entire chat group was swiped at that moment, full of various names.

The one with the most names on the screen is "Namikaze Minato".

But there are also a few people who like to use the sword to slant and feel that things are not that simple. They start to guess that someone else saved Naruto.

"I guess it's Kakashi!"

"It's King Guy!

"It's the big snake Kabuto!"

"It's Senju Hashirama!

"It's Little Sakura!"

Finally, a person's name attracted everyone's attention.

"It's Uchiha Obito!"

Others are just stupid, and you can't guess the name of a person, right?

Obito is a small boss, big villain level, can he save Naruto?

The brain is not kicked by the donkey, right?

There is really no logic for these people to guess names!

It is really whimsical to want to change the title just like this.

At the end of the answering time, the chat group became lively.

[Killer Bee: This is simply a sub-question, I will also choose Namikaze Minato if I close my eyes!]

[Ai: Killer Bee, you are rarely smart once!]

[Killer Bee: Brother, I will change my title to "Ninja Rapper" in a while!]

[Ai: Be happy with you. 】

[Darui: I answered King Guy, I should be able to answer it right!]

[H: As long as you answer King Guy, we are good friends!]

[Kankuro: Which idiot answered Uchiha Obito? Want to laugh to death?]

Just when everyone started to laugh at some messy answers, the answer was announced in the middle of the chat group.

[Correct answer: Uchiha Obito.

Answerer: Six Paths Uchiha

Reward: an opportunity to modify the title. 】

At this time,

Everyone was surprised to find that

Obito has come to the live broadcast room silently, and has answered questions.

According to normal circumstances, Uchiha Obito with the title of Six Paths will be noticed when he enters the chat group.

But he took advantage of the chaos to enter, he is really smart, cunning and cautious!!!

[Killer Bee: How is it possible? The answer turned out to be Uchiha Obito? And he answered it himself! Is this screen wrong?]

[Namikaze Minato: Perhaps it was Obito who rescued Naruto. When this question appeared, I began to suspect that such a simple question could not appear on the screen for everyone to answer. 】

[Kakashi: Obito, don’t go, I want to talk to you!]

However, everyone found that Obito had already been offline.

I'm afraid it will be troublesome if I want to find him next time. There are millions of people in the Ninja World. Without a title, he can easily enter the chat group, and others will not notice.

Inside a cave in the country of Sichuan,

Obito looked at the screen with no joy or sadness, and through this answer he verified what he was thinking.

The future self was convinced by Naruto,

Although unbelievable, it is true. But that opportunity to change the title is the best proof.

In that case,

Then continue to see how you saved Naruto.

But the first thing to do is to modify the title.

I saw Obito remove the title of Six Paths in front of him, and then re-mixed into the chat group.

The screen also began to expose the origin of the answer at this time.

[In the camera, Gaara brings Naruto to Minato's side.

"The Nine Tails in Naruto let me tell you, Fourth Hokage, transfer the half of the Nine Tails in your body to Naruto. Then Naruto can be saved!"

"Go and stare at Obito, I'll save him!"

Minato didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly sealed with one hand, placing his hand on Naruto's abdomen.

I saw a golden glow in Naruto's abdomen, and then the Nine Tails in Minato began to move towards Naruto's body.

But at this moment,

Black Zetsu suddenly stood in front of Naruto and cut Nine Tails Chakra.

Gaara was shocked: "How is Naruto? Isn't it?"


Little Sakura:"

Everyone in the ninja world is directly speechless,

No wonder Naruto was not rescued by Namikaze Minato.

This damn Nine Tails originally charged Naruto was charged to Black Zetsu, how can I play this? 1.6

[Fourth Raikage: How did I find that Black Zetsu is so disgusting? It's like an earthworm. 】

[Killer Bee: Fuck, Earthworm Black Zetsu]

[Namikaze Minato: Naruto, I'm sorry for my father)

【Kushina: Minato, don’t blame you, you didn’t have extra hands to stop him at the time. 】

[Kakashi: I am not optimistic about Black Zetsu. 】

[Gaara: I also have a responsibility ])

Outside the chat group,

Black Zetsu laughed triumphantly after watching his show.

Although he can't fight, but the whole Ninja world is no better than him in these small moves!

But he was still a little flustered,

The function of the screen is getting better and better, and his final plan may be discovered soon.

If there is another problem with the screen,

For example, who is the final boss in the ninja world, who is the most insidious person in the ninja world, then


Black Zetsu took a deep breath and didn't dare to think about it anymore.



I have been banned frequently recently, and I have been uncomfortable to death.

Regarding the question and answer, you can look forward to it, it will not have a huge impact on the Ninja world.

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