Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 166 : Obito: My goal is to become Hokage! (Subscription required)

Although Black Zetsu, the earthworm halfway through Minato’s Nine Tails,

But fortunately, everyone knew that Naruto was not dead, so they didn't worry too much about his ending, just put more thoughts on Uchiha Obito.

Everyone was suffocated with Obito's ability to answer the questions on the screen correctly, all staring wide to see how he saved Naruto.

[In the lens,

Black Zetsu just cut Nine Tails, and Six Paths Madara flew over.

At this time, Black Zetsu wanted to break away from Obito.

But he soon discovered,

In some places he doesn't come as he wants, and he can leave if he wants to.

No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't cut off the connection with Obito.

Obito relied on the strongest will in the ninja world to leave him abruptly, and did not let him give Rinnegan to Uchiha Madara.

Then Obito took control of the body and asked Madara, "What am I to you?"

Madara sneered: "What are you kidding me, I still ask such silly questions. You are nothing else to me, you are Uchiha Madara."

"You inherited my will and became the savior of this world."

"You are me, you are not Obito."

"Because Uchiha Obito owns Uchiha's Chakra, he challenged Kakashi to become Hokage in order to win Rin Nohara's favor. However, because his powers were all false, he eventually lost everything."

"This is hell, have you forgotten?"

"Come on, come here, Madara!"

As if being persuaded by Madara, Obito walked slowly towards Madara09.

In order to prevent Nine Tails and Rinnegan from being snatched by Madara, the Minato trio hurriedly used ninjutsu to stop them.

"Sand Mobo!


"Xianshu! Rasengan!"

I saw Minato use Rasengan to attack Uchiha Madara,

But Madara broke her arm easily, and Rui went back.

Obito walked towards Six Paths Madara again without any obstacles, like a devout believer. 】

After watching the exposed images,

The Ninja audience was once again shocked by this Obito, who has the strongest will.

According to what Black Zetsu said before,

Obito's body has reached the point of dying. If he hadn't possessed him, Obito might have died long ago.

But Obito, who was so weak that he was physically weak, prevented Black Zetsu from leaving.

Fuck is outrageous!

But this is not what surprised everyone the most,

Because Namikaze Minato has shown an extremely talented scene again.

In the chat group,

[Ai: Minato, didn’t you say that you are not good at immortality? But what is going on with Sage Mode this second?]

[Ohnoki: I thought Naruto could perform immortal skills fast enough, but his son is a son. Is he inferior to Laozi after all!]

[Hint: Jiraiya, one of Konoha Sannin, has entered the chat group. 】

[Ai: @ Jiraiya, you came just right, how do you teach the disciple? Can you make him be honest?]


[Oh Nogi: Modesty is a good thing, excessive modesty is pretending to be coercive!]

After everyone finished their bragging rights, they turned their attention to Obito again.

Judging from Obito's movements in the video,

He seems to be moved by Uchiha Madara's words, and it is very likely that he will hand over the Nine Tails and Rinnegan in his body to Uchiha Madara for nothing.

But think carefully about the previously exposed scene of Guy kicking Madara. Madara is still one-eyed. What happened?

There seems to be a little bug in everyone's heart, constantly biting them, making them crazy wondering how the answer came about!

[Video "Words from the Heart"]

[In the camera, Uchiha Madara stretches out his right hand to welcome Obito's arrival, and Obito stretches out his right hand to prepare to hold it.

But just when his hands were about to be held together, Obito put his hand directly into Madara's heart.

This scene,

Let Kakashi and others look stupid directly, and can't understand Obito's behavior at all.

Uchiha Madara said coldly, "You bastard, what are you going to do?

Obito cast a glance at Naruto, thinking of the conversation between him and Naruto in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he also remembered the promise to Lin.

"I heard that a person who wants to be a leader, even if he has to let others step over his own corpse, he must never step over the corpse of his companion."

Madara: "Then, in order to prove this, you must first become a corpse."

Obito: "I won't be overtaken by you. Letting others stand by their own name and give everything to others does not mean entrusting them to my companions. Now I finally understand this."

"I'm not you!"

"I am the one who used to target Hokage, Uchiha Obito!"]

The whole Ninja World was numbed by Uchiha Obito's last words.

have to say,

This sentence is so shocking that even those in the Ninja world who hate Obito can't be ridiculed at this moment.

When he said this, the firmness revealed in his eyes was enough to make people believe that he had really regained his childhood dreams.


Everyone thought of another teenager who shocked everyone when he opened his mouth.

Uchiha Sasuke,

Having defected to Konoha for many years, the first sentence that comes back to everyone's sight is to become the Hokage of Konoha Village

From this point of view, Sasuke and Obito are still a bit similar. They are both members of the Uchiha clan.

[Kakashi: Obito, you finally let yourself]

【Namikaze Minato: Obito!】

[Hidan: Why did Obito suddenly become handsome?]

[Angle: It's really different from before. 】

[Deidara: I hate the Uchiha clan the most! Hmm!]

【Sasori: Deidara, don’t spit here, they are all enemies. 】

[Chi-dai mother-in-law: @Sasori, grandson, let me catch you!]


[Ohnoki: @Deidara, where are you now?]

[Deidara: Old smelly man, do you care about me? I won't tell you. Um!】

[Heishi: @ Deidara, brother, don’t hang around outside, be careful to be killed by your own bomb!]

[Deidara: @黑土, I will go back when your legs grow to two meters!]

[Hei Shi: Cut! Now it's one meter nine!]

The chaos of Akatsuki members caused everyone’s attention to shift.

But the continued exposure of the image made people put all their minds on Obito.

[In the shot, Obito unexpectedly absorbed part of the Truth-Seeking Ball power from Six Paths Madara and turned it into a Six Paths tin rod, and then began to absorb the power of the tail beast in Madara.

"Do you want to take the tail beast from me to weaken me? You actually think you can beat me.

Obito ignored Madara's taunts and violently removed part of the power of One Tail and Eight Tails.

Then he shouted to Kakashi:

"Send Naruto to Time Space!"

Kakashi didn't hesitate after hearing it, and launched Kamui towards Naruto and Sakura, and directly teleported them both into time and space.

And Obito also wanted to enter time and space at this time.


Madara caught the weakness that his body would materialize when he took the initiative to transfer, and directly interrupted Obito's transfer with the ultra-fast Truth-Seeking Ball.

"Damn it, the space movement speed is too slow, you will be caught in the hole."

"unless ")

After watching this video,

The people in the Ninja world believed that Obito had rescued Naruto.

Although unwilling to accept this absurd fact, it really happened.

Obito has won part of the power of the tail beast from Six Paths Madara. Just send this part of the power of the tail beast to Naruto's body, and Naruto will definitely be able to live.

But the biggest problem now is that Uchiha Madara does not give him the opportunity to enter time and space.

His Kamui is not moving fast enough

In the chat group,

[Onoki: I feel like there is no real bad guy in Ninja, just like Uchiha Obito, who has done so many bad things all his life, but he actually planned to save Naruto in the end. 】

[Ai: What you said is wrong. If you want me to say, there are still a few real bad guys. 】

[Ohnoki: Who?]

【Ai: Shimura Danzō!】

[Hint: Konoha's strongest Hokage-Sarutobi Hiruzen has entered the chat group. 】

[Ai: @ Sarutobi Hiruzen, you just happened to come, we are discussing Shimura Danzō, the great villain in the Ninja world, you must be the strongest Konoha, Hokage has the most say!]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen:]

[667 Ohnogi: Third Hokage, is Shimura Danzō really bad guys!]

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt sweaty on his forehead, why did he give himself a proposition as soon as he went online?

How can he answer this kind of question?

Whether it is or not, his answer will affect his image.

no way,

Sarutobi Hiruzen hurriedly went offline.

[Ai: Let me say that defining a person should be divided into time periods. At least at this point in time, Uchiha Obito is a person worthy of everyone's respect, as for other times, let's forget it!)

[Onoki: I agree with what you said, the current Uchiha Obito deserves my old man’s praise!]

[Terumi Mei: Although my heart is upset, Obito's current behavior is worthy of recognition!]

At this moment,

Obito of Kawa no Kuni has dived into the chat group,

After seeing the heated discussion about his behavior, he just wanted to laugh.

He firmly believes that what he has done is right, whether it is the past, the present, or the future.

[Uchiha Obito: Everyone, I don’t need you to define my quality, so take care of yourself!]



[Kakashi: Obito, let’s talk in person, I have a lot to tell you!]

[Namikaze Minato: Obito, where are you?]

[Uchiha Obito: Teacher Minato, Kakashi, we are not suitable to meet now! Goodbye!]

Then everyone discovered that Obito was offline again.

But the sudden appearance of Obito also made everyone secretly guess whether Obito was about to change his mind?

Planning to imitate yourself in the video to atone for your sins?

Thinking of this question,

Many people in the Ninja world who were hurt by Obito began to ask themselves, can they really accept Obito's awakening?

Most people still hold a negative state in their hearts, but a few think it's okay. Very few people have already begun to admire Uchiha Obito.

At this moment, the screen also began to expose the next picture.

[Video "Sharingan Gathering Together"]

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Chapter 168: Sasuke and Naruto's previous life relationship! (Subscribe!)

[In the image]

[Seeing Obito being stopped by Uchiha, Kakashi hurriedly ran over to help him, "I sent Naruto over, and then you have to go over, Naruto can be saved, right? Obito!

Obito lowered his head helplessly. Kaidō: "It's true that you always look aloof. When you speak, you think it's true. That's how it used to be."

Immediately after that, Obito began to recall the plot between Kakashi and Kakashi when he was a child.

Finally, he said heavily to Kakashi: "I thought I understood you somewhat, but in fact, I didn't understand you at all at that time."

"I only understood this the last time I was on a mission with you.

"But this time I take the initiative, you come to help, Kakashi!"

At this time,

Six Paths Madara also shot two Truth-Seeking Balls at the same time and flew to Kakashi and Obito, but the shooting speed was obviously not faster than double Kamui.



The camera turns,

Obito has come to space and time, and has transported the Nine Tails in his body and the Chakra of One Tail and Eight Tails that he snatched from Madara's body. 】

The country of the river,

Uchiha Obito was looking at the screen seriously. At this time, he had thrown away the mask that had been on his head for so long, showing his true face.

When he saw that he had transported the tailed beast Chakra into Naruto's body, his brows changed from tightening to soothing.

At this moment, he did care about Naruto's safety.

Because on Naruto,

He can always see his shadow, or Naruto is his former self.


He is still not sure whether he wants to execute Project Tsuki no Me or not. He is like a person wandering at a crossroads. He doesn't know which way is the right one.

But he is no longer so anxious to make arrangements,

Because the video will tell him the real answer, all he has to do now is to wait for the screen to expose the ending of the war, and then think about what to do next.

at the same time,

The entire Ninja world also accepted the ending of Obito saving Naruto.

from their perspective,

Obito's rescue of Naruto is considered his own salvation.

Naruto's parents died because of him, and then Naruto's teacher Jiraiya indirectly died because of him, and Naruto's eldest brother-in-law Neji also died because of him.

Count it up,

He still owes Naruto so much!

Chat group

[Kankuro: I didn't expect Obito to guess the answer right, I was the stupid one. ]

[Temari: It’s not to blame you, after all, my father and mother leave IQ to Gaara!]


[Kankuro: Temari, you are too partial, I am your brother too!!!]

[Darui: Although Naruto was not saved by King Guy, King Guy saved Kakashi, King Guy's eternal god!]

[Hey: Nothing wrong!]

[Might Guy: Excuse me.. Who are you two?]

[Azabu Yi: I'm so ridiculous, Guy Guy doesn't even remember who you two are!]

[Kakashi: Guy, the two of them are Fourth Raikage's right and left hands. 】

[Might Guy: Fourth Raikage is really amazing, I can talk even with my hands!]


Although Naruto and Sasuke were rescued, the new power of their bodies is still an unsolved mystery.

Next, the screen should expose the origin of that power, right?

at this time,

Suddenly a new question and answer began in the middle of the screen.

Question: What is the previous life relationship between Naruto and Sasuke?

Reward: One chance to dye the name of the chat group (black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and gold)!

Punishment: None!

Condition: Within ten minutes, the top five who answered the question correctly will be rewarded.

Once the problem is exposed,

The whole Ninja world was another sensation.

The chat also exploded.

[Killer Bee: This is another sub-question! I can get it right with my eyes closed!]

[Han: Did you say the same in the previous question?]

[Naruto: I will be able to answer this question correctly!]

[Ya: I already have a bold guess in my heart!]

[Hinata: Isn’t the relationship between Naruto-kun and Sasuke companions? Isn’t it...)

[Ino: I can’t wait to say my answer!]

At this moment, the countdown began in the middle of the screen.

1,2,3, get ready, start!

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Killer Bee thinks that Naruto and Sasuke are so close, how could this be the case if there was no ambiguity in the previous life?

[Killer Bee: I am the "husband, "wife" relationship]

Seeing that Killer Bee was the answer, others cursed, so fast!

[Darui: I guess it's also a "husband and wife!" relationship]

[Greek: "Husband and Wife!"]

Most people in Cloud Shinobi Village were distorted by Killer Bee's thoughts and thought it was a husband-and-wife relationship.

Other villages have different views!


Onoki used his wise brain to calculate and analyze the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. He always felt that Naruto was too tolerant to Sasuke, and he felt like a father and son.


That's how it feels!

[Onogi: The old man thinks it is a "father-son" relationship!]

[Huang Shi: Dad is really wise, I also think it is a "father-son" relationship!]

[Akato: I followed the teacher, "Father and son!"]

[Hei Tu: No way, how can you think of father and son? Instead, I think they are "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law" relationship!]

When the people in the ninja world read the answers from the black soil, they called good guys,

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law made you think about it. Could it be that you are Iwagakure's crouching dragon and phoenix chicks?

Other villages also hurriedly began to say the answer,

Sunagakure also chose the answer with the encouragement of Kankuro, a clever fellow.

[Kankuro: I feel like the relationship between "uncle and nephew"]


[Kankuro: Think about our uncle Yashamaru, who is so good to us, only the relationship between uncle and nephew can make Naruto and Sasuke achieve that kind of close relationship!]

[Gaara: I believe you once ])

Seeing that Master Fengying had chosen this answer, others also hurriedly followed, I'm afraid they will fall behind.

[Baki: "Uncle and Nephew"]

[Chi-dai mother-in-law: I think the old woman is the relationship between "grandma and grandson"!]

[Ebizō: Then I guess it's a "sibling" relationship!]


Qing: "What's going on in other villages? Are you deliberately giving us the answer?"

Chojuro: "Senior Qing, do you already know?"

Qing: "Yes, everything is in my Master!"

Terumi Mei gave him a warning, a little suspicious of Qing's IQ.

Kaidō, Qing slightly interested: "According to my reasoning, Naruto and Sasuke have been entangled in love and hatred. You chase me. This relationship is more like a young couple in love.

"So I guess it's a couple relationship"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked!


It's really high!

Cloud Shinobi Village guessed that the relationship between husband and wife is obviously not cautious enough. The relationship between husband and wife should be harmonious, just like the love between Minato and Kushina.

However, the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke has been good and bad, and there is a feeling that there is each other in their hearts but they don't say it.

Think carefully,

Naruto is a boy and Sasuke is a girl.

Even Terumi Mei held up his thumb after hearing it, "Qing, you are finally smart once!"

[Terumi Mei: "Couple" relationship!]


[Cangjuro: "Couple!"]


When most people in the ninja world saw this answer, it seemed like an epiphany.

They did forget this relationship.

"Damn it!"

"Kirigakure has such a powerful person, this relationship makes him guess!"

"|I regret answering so quickly!"

Konoha Village,

On Hokage Square,

Ya hurriedly said there, "What are you waiting for? Only the relationship between teammates and companionship can be so good!"

Shino: "Brotherhood is fine too!"

Ya: "Brother? How is it possible! The relationship between the brothers is Itachi and Sasuke, Hiashi-sama and Hizashi, Hashirama and Tobirama, Naruto and Sasuke, do you look like brothers?"

"Naruto and Sasuke are at best companions, teammates! Trust me, you will live forever!"

Although Ya kept expressing opinions there, most people did not listen to him.

As for Naruto,

He has long regarded Sasuke as his own brother, so he chose "brother" without hesitation!

And the stupid Hinata is naturally what Naruto said, she followed what, after all, she wants to follow in Naruto's footsteps!

[Naruto: "Brother"]

[Hinata: "Brother"]

[Shino: "Brother"]

[Neji: "Big Brother-in-law"]

[Teeth: "Teammate"]

[Kakashi: "Master and Apprentice"]


Ten minutes passed, and the answer to the question began to be exposed in the middle of the screen.

Correct answer: brotherhood

List of rewards: Naruto, Hyūga Hinata, Aburame Shino, Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke

Reward: One chance to dye the name of the chat group

After reading the correct answer, countless people thumped their chests.

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Fourth Raikage stomped on Killer Bee's face, and said angrily: "Don't fucking show IQ next time. I've been in a chaotic rhythm. If you don't know, Cloud Shinobi Village is an idiot for us. !'

at the same time,

Kankuro, Qing, and both were also blamed.


Onoki touched his beard and said awkwardly: "This question is unscientific, it's not good at all!

The rest are not easy to say, after all, it is the rhythm of their own video tape.

At this time, the chat group questioned this answer again.

[Killer Bee: I don’t believe it is a "brother relationship", Sasuke and Naruto are so affectionate, they must be a husband and wife!]

[Kankuro: It must be "Uncle and Nephew!", the relationship between "husband and wife" is simply something that can only be figured out by a bad brain!]

[Qing: Don't talk, you two should be "couples" according to the logical reasoning of normal people. There must be something wrong with the screen!]

Suddenly, Killer Bee noticed the whirlpool, Naruto's name turned golden, and Hyūga Hinata's name turned white.

[Killer Bee: Good guys, these two people are already matched with gold and white!!!]

[Kankuro: That should have been my chance to dye!!!]

Live in Konoha Village,

Little Sakura looked at the dyeing opportunity in her hand, and stared at Sasuke's name blankly.

She also wants to change the color of a couple with Sasuke, but for some reason, Sasuke hasn't dyed it for a long time.

at this time,

The image began to expose new content, and the origin of the answer was announced.

At the same time, the source of the power of Naruto and Sasuke must be unlocked.

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