Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 167 : Sage of Six Paths: Naruto, you are my son! (Subscribe!)

Seeing that the screen starts to flicker again,

The spectators in the ninja world all moved their small benches, picked up melon seeds and watched.

Most people are skeptical that Zuo Ming's previous life relationship is "brothers".

To say why,

Because they do not believe that human lives have previous lives...

Everyone knows that when a person dies, he will enter the Pure Land and cannot be reincarnated at all.

Otherwise, why can anyone bring those ninjas who have been dead for a long time to this world through Impure World Reincarnation Summoning!


The video begins.

[In the lens,

Naruto lay in his spiritual world and said to himself: "Am I dead?"

Suddenly, a very majestic voice came,

"What do you think is death? You can say that you are dead so easily. Be positive! Newcomer."

Naruto sat up, looked at the old man floating in the air with his back to him, and asked nervously, "Who are you?"

I saw the old man turn around, Kaidō:

"This is indeed a problem, but I am still a little worried about whether my name is the same as the one in my newspaper."

"I am the embodiment of tranquility and order, and my name is Yui."

After hearing his answer, Naruto raised his brows and muttered in his heart:

"What is he talking about? I don't understand at all."

"Sure enough, such an annoying old man still exists!"

Time seemed to stand still, and the two were very embarrassed for a while.

Suddenly, Naruto noticed the old man's eyes and said in shock:

"Ah! That eye, it's Rinnegan!"

Yui was not stupid when he saw Naruto, and praised: "It seems that you still have eyes to observe people!"]

This short video seemed to expose a loneliness to Naruto.

But the others were not as stupid as him. They had guessed his identity from the old man's dress, Rinnegan and the black tin stick in his hand.

He should be the legendary Sage of Six Paths!

Combined with the directly exposed images,

The clothes of Six Paths Obito and Six Paths Madara 667 are very similar to this old man, which indirectly proves the identity of the old man.


Isn't this Sage of Six Paths dead long ago? How could it still appear in Naruto's spiritual world.

The audience in the Ninja world became speechless,

The relationship between Naruto and Sasuke hasn't been figured out yet, and now there is another Sage of Six Paths that makes people not live!

In Konoha Village,

Naruto frowned and asked Shikamaru, "Shikamaru, you are smarter, who is this old man? I can't understand what I said, please translate it for me?"

Shikamaru's helplessness, Kaidō: "He should be the legendary Sage of Six Paths. As for the whole meaning of what he said is called Yuyi, please don't easily define that you are dead. Others are not very important. "

Naruto suddenly exclaimed, "Sage of Six Paths? The fairy in the mouth of the lecherous old man?"

Shikamaru nodded, "Yes."

Naruto wanted to continue to ask, but the picture began to come to light again.

Everyone concentrated on it, it seemed, because the old man’s speaking habit was really different from that of modern people, and he was very awkward.

[In the video, Sage of Six Paths begins another nonsense of Barabara.

"You are not dead yet"

"This is your spiritual world..."

"It's useless to be anxious now."

With a cold sweat on Naruto's forehead, he shouted helplessly: "Can't you be more popular, and then speak simple, ordinary human words?"

Sage of Six Paths was unmoved, still talking to himself:

"I am because of the disparity of the times"

"I have a great disagreement with you on many points of view."

"It will make people feel the huge gap between the two."

"Although I have also learned the language"

At this time,

Naruto finally couldn't help it, stood up and pointed to Sage of Six Paths's nose and shouted:

"Ah, so annoying!"

"I'm not here now to listen to the strange old man talking nonsense,

Sage of Six Paths didn't seem to see Naruto getting angry, and said calmly:

"The study of language."

"Considering the current conceptual issues and materialistic perspectives."

Naruto pulled her face, with a mournful look, and asked:

"Are you an alien? Although it feels like you are very majestic"

Feather Kaidō:

"You're saying too much, right? What is an alien?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

Naruto was speechless on the spot, awkwardly not knowing what to say. 】

After this short paragraph was exposed, Naruto looked at Shikamaru eagerly, hoping that he could continue to translate it for himself.

But this time even Shikamaru was helpless,

Because the two people in the picture are completely talking to themselves, there is no serious communication at all.

Shikamaru patted Naruto on the shoulder and comforted:

"Naruto, don't worry."

"This time it's not just you, I'm afraid there are still many people in the Ninja World who didn't understand it.

"As for the information exposed in it, you can understand it as a dialogue between the scumbag and the tyrant, which is still unnutritious."

as predicted,

On Hokage Square,

Both Xiao Li and Might Guy started begging grandpa to tell grandma to know the content of the video.

I saw Xiao Li walk to Neji's side and shook his arm.

"Neji, I don't understand either! Tell me."

at the same time,

The emperor Guy also pestered Kakashi, wanting to know what the content was.


Neither Neji nor Kakashi came out. Although they understood, they seemed to be ignorant.

Because Sage of Six Paths just explained the reason why he couldn't speak well.

In the chat group,

[Killer Bee: Damn it, Sage of Six Paths turned out to be an encrypted language, I didn’t understand it at all!]

[Kankuro: The same for me!]

[Xiao Li: Teacher Guy and I didn’t understand either!]

[Normal Ninja: What? Even King Guy didn’t understand! This time the picture is really outrageous!]

[Ordinary common people: Guy didn’t understand, then I’m relieved!]


At this moment, the screen continued to be exposed.

All the little fools in the Ninja world began to look at the screen carefully, they no longer wanted to ask others cheeky.

[In the camera, Sage of Six Paths changed the way of speaking again.

"It's not too bad to say that I am an alien.

"return "

"Huh? Still don't understand? I didn't expect the dialogue to be so difficult.

Naruto finally understood, and said happily:

"Ah, no, no, that's just fine."

"It's just saying that it's too free and unrestrained, it shocked me!

Sage of Six Paths smiled with relief, "Then I feel like walking away, take care!"

But soon, Naruto sweated (ajbg) on ​​his forehead again, and said with some embarrassment:

"Uh, your tone and face can't match, it's so scary.

"Still a little bit old-fashioned..."

Sage of Six Paths tried to adjust the status again,

"How does it feel?"

Naruto was excited Kaidō: "That's it, OK! That's how it feels! I'm finally able to speak well!"]


In the Ninja World,

Countless people were a little sleepy listening to their conversation.

It has been exposed for so long without getting to the point. Should I say that Sage of Six Paths is an idiot or Naruto is an idiot? Or that they are both idiots?

[Shikamaru: Their languages ​​finally matched. 】

[Killer Bee: I can finally understand this time, Oye!]

[Xiao Li: Me too!]

[Kankuro: So Naruto can make Sage of Six Paths change the way of speaking, right?]

【Temari: Sage of Six Paths suddenly became kind and kind, without the legendary fairy posture at all. 】

[Gaara: This may be because Naruto has the ability to change others, for example, he changed me. 】

[Teeth: Actually, I can understand without changing it!]

[Shino: Ya, then you explain what Sage of Six Paths said before]

[Teeth: Uh, this and that)

As Naruto could hear Sage of Six Paths, everyone became more curious about the answer.

Why is the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke brothers, can it finally be exposed now?

In the eyes of everyone's expectation,

The image is coming.

[In the scene, Naruto asked seriously: "By the way, who is Grandpa? Since you know this well, can you teach me how to get out?"

"Don't ask so much in one breath. I am an ancient who has been dead for a long time. I only leave Chakra. In this world, the wanderers watch Ninzong go to the end of the monk!'

Then Sage of Six Paths solemnly said: "My name is Yui, I am the Sage of Six Paths who founded Ninzong!"

Naruto was shocked, "Ah, it turned out to be Sage of Six Paths!"

Sage of Six Paths: "You know"

"Do you know what to say, you are the first to create ninjutsu!"

Sage of Six Paths retorted: "It's not Ninjutsu, it's Ninjutsu!

"My Ninjutsu was created to create hope. Don't be confused with the ninjutsu that creates war!

Then Sage of Six Paths tapped the water with a tin rod.

The ripples spread to Naruto's feet, and a reflection suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You are my son Ashura"

"In short, the conditions are met."

"I have something to entrust to you!

Naruto's brain is in a hollow state, looking at him incredulously, "Ashura? Entrust it to me? Don't say it, let me go out first!"

Sage of Six Paths: "Sorry, this is not something I can decide, I just pass things on to you"

"Anyway, it's useless if you are in a hurry, you must listen to me."

"First of all about my mother and son"]

After watching this screen exposure, the entire Ninja World is also in a state of brain short circuit.

They can agree that this old man is Sage of Six Paths, after all, they guessed it.

However, the subsequent exposure of the relationship between Ninjutsu and Ninjutsu made them a little confused.

Aren't both of these passed down from Sage of Six Paths?

How do you feel that he hates ninjutsu?

But what makes everyone feel ruthless is why he said Naruto is his son Ashura.


This is too cruel for Namikaze Minato, right?

In the chat group,

[Ai: Minato, I don’t want to laugh, but I can’t bear it)

[Ohnoki: This kind of thing is too ridiculous, Naruto became the son of Sage of Six Paths]

[Terumi Mei: Could it be Kushina???]

[Kushina: Don’t talk nonsense, you two, I’m not sorry, Minato!]

[Namikaze Minato: Kushina, don’t be nervous, Naruto must be your son and mine! After all, he has the characteristics of both of us!]

[Kakashi: The talent in the reflection is Ashura from the mouth of Sage of Six Paths. Has he always possessed Naruto?]

[Might Guy: Naruto is haunted by ghosts? Go and ask someone to get rid of ghosts!]

[Naruto: Ah!! I am most afraid of ghosts!]

[Tooth: Naruto, don’t be afraid, with so many people, you can kill the ghost on your body by popularity!]

[Xiao Li: Naruto, let me help you. Look at the move! The evil spirits retreat!]

On Hokage Square,

Naruto shrank in fright, and went all the way to crowded places, looking quite funny.

But in Kakashi, Luku's eyes,

The man in the reflection should be Naruto's past life, so Sage of Six Paths would say that Naruto is his son.

It's just that this is also a guess, and shouldn't be true.

The real reason depends on the subsequent exposure.

PS: Ask for monthly ticket! Ask for flowers!

It’s a bit difficult to write here. It’s always memories, deletions, deletions, and subtractions. I can only pick the key points and show the video for everyone. .

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