Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 168 : Yile is actually from the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya clan?

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The news that Naruto is the son of Six Paths caused a violent sensation in the Ninja world like a blockbuster, but with it came another problem.

If Naruto is the son of Six Paths, then Sasuke, who is a brother of Naruto, is also the son of Six Paths?

As a party,

Sasuke's face was blue at this time, gritted his teeth and chatting on the screen, he didn't accept that kind of speculation.

to him,

He can only be Uchiha Sasuke, not what-the son of Six Paths.

"Old man of Damn it's Six Paths, don't let me see you, otherwise-I will kill you!"

The voice fell,

The screen continues to expose the image.

[In the shot, Sage of Six Paths uses the tin stick to tap the water again.

I saw a portrait of a woman appeared. She had pale skin, blue-white hair, no eyebrows, beautiful face, and a holy appearance.

Then Six Paths, like a history teacher, began to explain the development of the Ninja world:

"My mother Ōtsutsuki Kaguya came here from a long distance."

"Kaguya ate the fruit of the sacred tree, gained strength, and ruled here."

"After that, Kaguya gave birth to two children, one of them was me."

"Our two brothers fought Ten Tails and sealed it into our bodies in order to atone for our mother."

"After that, I also had two children."

"The older brother is called Indra, and the younger brother is called Ashura."

"But they have a huge gap in the future. One genetic factor that has my powerful strength, and the other is the opposite."

"Inheritance appears at two extremes"

Hearing this, Naruto couldn't understand.

"Can you sum it up?"

Sage of Six Paths said lightly: "That is, the excellent brother Indra and the ineffective brother Ashura."

Naruto was surprised by Kaidō, "It's not a tool, obviously my father is Sage of Six Paths!!

"No matter how good the parents are, their power cannot be fully inherited, do you know it in your heart? Because you are like that, Naruto." Sage of Six Paths murmured. 】

After watching this small video,

Naruto made a noise directly in Hokage Square,

"How can I be so clever as Ashura's reincarnation? Sage of Six Paths must have made a mistake!"

"I am the reincarnated Indra!"

"Sasuke is so stupid, he must be the reincarnated Ashura!'

But other people looked at him like a fool. Naruto is similar to Ashura in Sage of Six Paths's mouth. He is an ineffective younger brother.

And everyone also found that Sasuke and Naruto are indeed two extremes.

Sasuke is talented and intelligent, and has shown great talent since he was a child.

But Naruto has always been the tail of the crane in the class, and in recent times his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has the strength to confront Sasuke.

The most important thing is,

Regarding age, Sasuke is also a few months older than Naruto, which is in line with his brother's identity!

Naruto saw that everyone didn't believe him, so he had to go to the chat group to seek everyone's support.

[Naruto: I’m the reincarnation of Indra, everyone must have seen it? I believe everyone’s eyes are sharp!]

[Kankuro: Naruto, don’t die with a duck-billed beak, everyone in the room can’t tell that you are the reincarnation of Ashura?]

【Gaara: Although I really want to support you, I can’t speak without conscience. Naruto, you are indeed the reincarnation of Ashura. 】

[Killer Bee: Naruto, I support you, just because you can say rap, you must be the reincarnated Indra!]

[Naruto: Uncle Killer Bee, you are still smart! Understand my style! Oye!]

【Killer Bee: Big brother, tap, ah!!!!】

[Note: Eight Tails Killer Bee has left the chat group. 】

No need to guess,

Killer Bee is being cut by Fourth Raikage

Naruto's identity as Ashura's reincarnation has been stone hammered, but other materials exposed by Sage of Six Paths surprised the entire Ninja World.

One is that there is someone in Ninja who is better than Sage of Six Paths, and that is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya!

The second is that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is an alien, that is, a legendary alien.

The third is that Sage of Six Paths has a younger brother. As for the name and appearance, no one knows.

Fourth, Sage of Six Paths sealed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, which means that Kaguya is not dead, otherwise he would not use the word seal to express it...

But in Konoha Village,

Everyone has a fifth shocking point,

Everyone is rumored that Uncle Yile's surname is Ōtsutsuki, so what is the relationship between him and Kaguya?

Kakashi said to Genma on the side, "Invite Uncle Ikaku!

Xuanjian flees immediately after taking the order.

After a while,

Yile came over in a daze, I don't know why everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Suddenly, Yi Le muttered in her heart:

"No? Isn't it the secret improvement of ramen that was discovered recently?"

Kakashi didn't hesitate, and asked straightforwardly: "Uncle Yile, I heard that your last name is Ōtsutsuki?"

After a moment of joy, Kaidō: "Master Fifth Hokage, how do you know?"

This time it was Kakashi's turn to froze in place,

"Your last name is Ōtsutsuki?"

Yile nodded seriously, and then said word by word: "Actually, my full name is Kishimoto no Ōtsutsuki Yile! But because the last name is too long, I simplified it to Ōtsutsuki Yile!"

"Then do you know Ōtsutsuki Kaguya?"

Yile shook his head, indicating that he did not know.

Kakashi saw that Yile's eyes were blank, and knew that he did not lie, so he let him go back.

On Hokage Square, the vigilance against Uncle Yile was lifted,

Naruto said cheerfully: "Ms. Kakashi, you are too cautious. How could Uncle Yile be a member of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya!"

"I will eat a bowl of ramen for the uncle to cheer for!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kushina raised his ears and said fiercely: "Tenten knows about ramen noodles. Didn't you find that you are the shortest among your peers?

Suddenly, the image started a new exposure.

[In the footage, Sage of Six Paths continues to give Naruto a history lesson. 】

["You and Ashura are really alike, and you do the same thing."

"Indra and Ashura took different paths. The elder brother Indra had very strong pupil power and talent since he was born, and he was called a genius.

"No matter what things can be solved by himself, he realizes that his power is different from others, and believes that as long as he has power, he can get everything."

"On the other hand, my younger brother Ashura has not been able to do anything smoothly since he was a child, and can't do anything alone. He found that to get the same strength as his older brother, he had to rely on his own efforts and the help of others."

"Ashura made the physical Chakra bloom and bear fruit in the penance, and gained the same power as his brother. He believes that he can become stronger because of everyone's help."]

After watching this scene, everyone completely agreed.

Sasuke is indeed more like Indra in the picture. He has Sharingan and has been called a genius since he was a child.

And he does adhere to the principle of the supremacy of personal strength. When performing tasks, he always feels that one person can solve the problem.

The most important thing is,

He is handsome like Indra

Naruto is good at uniting everyone and getting recognition and help from others.

Among the exposed images, Naruto did get help from many people, such as Shiro, Kakashi, Asuma, Yamato, Jiraiya, Nagato, Killer Bee and others.

These people all contributed a lot to his improvement.

In the chat group,

[Ai: Through the characteristics of Ashura and Indra, I have made another amazing discovery!]

[Ohinoki: Bad boy, just say something, don’t sell it!]

[Ai: Do First Hokage and Uchiha Madara resemble the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra?]

[Oh Nogi: Ah, isn’t it? Hashirama-sama is so strong, it doesn’t fit the characteristics of an idiot]

[Terumi Mei: You don’t know what First Hokage was like as a child...)

[Ai: @Sarutobi Hiruzen, come out soon, you Konoha must have recorded First Hokage's childhood record!]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: This is the privacy of Master First Hokage, and I can’t say it directly. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen wiped the sweat from his forehead,

In order to establish the image of Konoha Village's strongest Hokage, he burned all the life records of First Generation and Second Hokage.

Even he didn't know the history of First Hokage's childhood.

at this time,

The image continues to be exposed.

[In the camera, Sage of Six Paths continues to class. 】

0…………Look for flowers,

["I learned in Ashura that only love can make everything possible, so I dispersed the power of Ten Tails in my body and gave them names."

"Finally, I made Ashura the heir of Ninzong."

"I thought my brother would help him, but"

"The long-term battle has begun. Even if the bodies of the two are destroyed, the Chakra created by the two has not disappeared, but has reincarnated over time."

Naruto smiled awkwardly after listening.

"It's like being possessed by a monster. It's really uncomfortable. Is it now also attached to someone?"

Sage of Six Paths looked at him and said, "It's you, Naruto."

"Presumably you are also aware of who Indra's reincarnation is.

Naruto was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Sasuke!"

The camera turns,

Sage of Six Paths also appeared in Sasuke's spiritual world, telling Sasuke what he had told Naruto.

"Presumably you have also noticed who Ashura's reincarnation is."

Sasuke said solemnly: "Naruto! Is that him?"]

After watching this scene,

The audience in the ninja world has completely hammered Naruto and Sasuke are brothers.

Because Naruto is the reincarnation of Ashura and Sasuke is the reincarnation of Indra.

So the two of them are in a state of struggle all year round.

When I was in the ninja school,

When doing tasks with Kakashi,

Even when Sasuke defected, Naruto had a big fight with him in End Valley.

In the chat group,

[Killer Bee: These two people are like two magnets, attracting each other when they are apart, but repelling each other every time they approach. 】

[Darui: This shows that someone sometimes becomes a female and sometimes becomes a male!]

[H: Opposite sex attracts, same sex repels each other, Darui, it’s easy to understand!]

[Naruto: Don’t talk nonsense, I’ve always been a straight man of steel!]

[Qing: It is said that one of the psychological traits of every two men is female. Since you are a straight man, Sasuke)

[Little Sakura:]


[Uchiha Itachi: Everyone! Please say less about such jokes, otherwise..]

[Hidan: Haha, even Itachi is blown out!]

[Deidara: Uchiha or something is the most perverted! I am also a female if I have a ferret mentality! Hmm!]

[Kisame: Itachi, should I continue to ask you to do a dozen Chisang, or a dozen Chisang? I'm serious. 】

[Angle: You guys, don’t keep going with Itachi. Anyway, they were all teammates before!]

[Sasori: Yes, Deidara, don’t go too far!]

[Nagato: Shut me up!]

On Hokage Square,

Most people ignore the jokes in the chat group.

They are all worried about the future of Naruto and Sasuke.

If Sage of Six Paths is right, Naruto and Sasuke are true rivals, and they will continue to entangle until one party dies.

So many reincarnated people before is the best proof.

However, both Sasuke and Naruto are their best friends, and it is unacceptable for any one to die.

It seems to be aware that everyone cares about themselves,

Naruto pretended to be indifferent and smiled: "Don't worry, Sasuke and I have such a good relationship, I will definitely not fight!

But everyone didn't believe what he said,

Because the previous battle in End Valley almost brought him on the verge of death.

With the improvement of the strength of both sides, as long as the fighting breaks out again, it is very likely that one side will die.

Little Sakura walked up to Naruto's face with a frightened face and said:

"Naruto, I beg you, don't fight with Sasuke!"

"I really don't want to see any of you hurt."

Naruto put away his smile, earnestly Kaidō:

"I promise you that not only will I not fight with him, but I will also fight with him to defeat Madara, and then bring him back to the village to compete fairly with him Hokage!"

Little Sakura cries Kaidō: "Thank you! Thank you, Naruto!"

At this moment,

The screen is also ready to continue to expose new images.

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