Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 173 : Obito: Resurrect him! Then kill him! (seeking subscription)

Some people in the entire Ninja world want to know how Uchiha Madara killed Lin Ye Yuan,

According to normal circumstances, there is no deep hatred between him and Lin, why are they going to murder that little girl?


A ridiculous idea flashed in everyone's mind,

Could it be this plot designed by Uchiha Madara to deliberately let Obito Blacken?

Impossible, after all, no matter how smart Uchiha Madara is, it is impossible to calculate everything, and this fact is too cruel for Uchiha Obito

While everyone was still guessing, new images were already exposed on the screen.

[In the camera, Uchiha Madara directly controlled Obito, and asked in confusion: "The enchantment I set in your heart has disappeared. How did you remove it? You shouldn't be able to hurt yourself."

"Kakashi pierced my body and removed the talisman. Because if I want to become Ten Tails Jinchūriki, I must remove that thing. I made a bet with my life, and I won't let you do it.

Six Paths Madara chuckled triumphantly,

"No, your actions are fully in line with my plan. Even-exceed expectations."

Obito viciously Kaidō: "What's so ridiculous!"

Six Paths Madara put on a complacent look, and then presented his careful plan and account.

"If you try to erase the curse in the puppet's body, the curse will inhibit this action. You seem to know it? Obito."

"I have set a spell in your body, and you naturally cannot commit suicide.

"Because you are my important chess pieces!"

Obito asked emotionally, ""

"You two used exactly the same method to erase it, it's really interesting"

Hearing this, Obito was shocked.

Because Lin was also killed by Kakashi's Chidori, and he was also killed by Kakashi's Chidori...

"Yes, the plan to make that little girl into Three Tails Jinchūriki and make her run in Konoha was made by me, not Kirigakure. She used Kakashi's attack on the enemy and sacrificed herself to save the village, which was also mine. In the plan."

"To make you fall into the darkness and become my pawn.

Obito said angrily: "Asshole, you deliberately let me..."

"I deliberately picked the time for Minato to perform other tasks, leaving Kakashi alone, letting people capture Lin, and manipulating the Mist Shinobi ninja to chase them down. This is all my plan. The White Zetsu instigated you and happened to leave at that time. Underground, do you think it's all accidental?"]

The country of the river,

Obito knelt on the ground and hammered the ground like crazy. It turned out that all this was a conspiracy, and Lin's death was designed by Uchiha Madara.

He didn't want to believe that he would do so many wrong things for a culprit who killed Lin.

"I'm an idiot!"

"It turns out that Madara turned this world into hell!"

"I still help him do things like a fool!"

"Asshole! Uchiha Madara!"

In the chat group,

【Terumi Mei: Uchiha Madara of Damn it, my old lady really wants to kill him, so she dare to use our Kirigakure. 】

[Qing: Our village is really wronged. It was not only used by Madara, but also persecuted by Uchiha Obito. All the bad things are on us!]

[Cangjuro: I have forced so many seniors away, like senior Kisame, don’t kill seniors again])

[Ohnoki: Who would have thought that Uchiha Madara is so wise and close to the demon! Because of his plan, the entire ninja world has suffered too much damage. Everyone is a pawn. 】

[Ai: I don't understand why he wanted Obito? There should be many people in the Uchiha clan at that time? And Uchiha Obito should still be at the level of a crane. 】

【Kakashi: Because Obito is kind, caring, and loves Lin the most. When Lin died, he would become hopeless for the whole world because of the loss of hope, resulting in a huge reversal. 】

[Ohnogi: Kakashi, why are you so clear?]

【Kakashi: Because I am that kind of person too. Once I had a principle, that was to protect my companions anyway. But when my father was accused of committing suicide for helping his companions, I hated such behavior extremely. No longer caring about the safety of my companions, even if I die, I will give priority to the task. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen:)

[Utatane Koharu:]

[Mitokado Homura:]

[Kakashi: If it hadn't been for Obito to wake me up again, I might have been sinking forever. 】

Kakashi is right,

Just after he explained to Obito, the images continued to be exposed.

[In the scene, Uchiha Madara said contemptuously: "Obito, I taught you that if you want to manipulate the human heart, you must use the darkness of the human heart."

"There is no darkness to create. You think that only you are different. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Obito questioned painfully: "Why! Why did you choose me?"

"Because you are full of kindness and love for others from the bottom of your heart."

"Aren't you very good at taking care of the elderly? To Lin, to your companions, to Hokage, to the ninja, you love them deeply. Once you fall, these loves will turn into a deep hatred of the world, and the deeper the love , The deeper the hatred."

"I still need something to achieve my wish. Give me your left eye."]

The video ended, but everyone's mood was not sorted out.

Watching a Miyoshi youth be poisoned by Uchiha Madara to become a big boss, no one feels comfortable watching it.

But the two people who understand the most are Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi.

The two of them are the only Uchiha people except Obito, and they can better understand why Uchiha Obito's temperament has changed drastically.

The pain of losing the thing you love, the mental stimulation when Sharingan is turned on, and the subsequent dramatic changes in temperament are normal phenomena for members of the Uchiha clan after opening their eyes.

Obito has become so cruel and ruthless, they can understand, they are the same kind of people as Obito, but they are affected in a different direction.

As for the rest of the Ninja world,

Then began to discuss the deep thoughts of Uchiha Madara, the far-sighted

[Ohnoki: Uchiha Madara is so understanding of human nature, he can barely grasp Obito]

[Terumi Mei: He is indeed at the level of Patriarch in taking advantage of the darkness of the human heart!]

[Might Guy: It's sullen, like a mouse, it's disgusting!]

[Darui: King Guy is right, can I aim the head and kick again next time I kick him?]

[Kankuro: Kneel and beg King Guy to kick him again!]

[Kakashi: I have a foreboding that Uchiha Madara will be the victor of the Ninja War]

Kakashi's words made everyone nervous.

If it develops according to normal conditions, Uchiha Madara gathers two Rinnegans and can indeed have the strength to crush Naruto and Sasuke.

But everyone is thinking that this time the picture has been exposed, Uchiha Obito will not continue to resurrect Uchiha Madara like the one exposed on the screen, right?

As long as he is not stupid, he knows he has been used.

In this case,

As long as Orochimaru and Kabuto do not Impure World Reincarnation Uchiha Madara, and then Vortex Nagato does not need to resurrect Uchiha Madara with the Revolving Heaven Health Technique, all problems will not exist.

All of a sudden, the big guys in the chat group began to go crazy @ these characters.

【大野木: @ Uchiha Obito, @旋機 Nagato, @ Orochimaru, @ Kabuto, four bosses, came out to chat. 】

[Ai: You have also seen the future pictures of the Ninja World. If we continue to develop according to the original plot, we will undoubtedly become the pawns of Uchiha Madara and be enslaved by him, it is not worth it!]

[Terumi Mei: What conditions do you have can slowly mention, as long as you don’t let the ninja world look like in the video!]

[Uchiha Obito: I want to resurrect Uchiha Madara!]

[Kakashi: Obito, why are you?]

[Uchiha Obito: It was he who killed Lin. I will never let him live in that pure land world. Since he wants to be resurrected, I will fulfill him and then kill him!]

【Uzumaki Nagato: Obito, let’s cooperate, I also want to clean up Uchiha Madara. Because of his eyes, it has brought me too much uncertainty!]

[Jiraiya: Nagato, why do you follow?]

0......for flowers...


For a while, the entire Ninja World was speechless again, why these two little bosses wanted to do something again.

The risk of resurrecting Madara is too great, it is really unnecessary.


Unless there is a complete guarantee, for example, Naruto and Sasuke are capable of crushing Uchiha Madara.

Or to resurrect Senju Hashirama and let him suppress Uchiha Madara

But no matter how you think about it, this is risky, and if Madara's plan is allowed to succeed again, it will be a bit outweighed by the gains.

While everyone was still thinking about how to brainwash them,

The screen begins to be exposed for follow-up.

[Video "Long-lost Class 7"]

[In the scene, Sakura is healing Kakashi, and Naruto is also rushing here after clearing Madara's shadow.

Sasuke asked, "How is that guy's shadow?"

Naruto Kaidō: "I used Shadow Clone and Six Paths sticks to trap it to death."

Little Sakura was surprised to see what Naruto looked like, and some couldn't believe that Naruto opened a new Chakra Mode.


Naruto noticed Kakashi's physical condition and said to Sakura, "Sakura, can you step aside?"

"What do you want to do? Naruto!"

Naruto proudly Kaidō: "I'll know when I look at it."


Then Naruto gently put his hand on Kakashi's left eye, "Kakashi-sensei, open your eyes and try!"

I saw that Kakashi's left eye grew out of a normal eye that was intact, just like the right eye.

Little Sakura covered her mouth in shock, "Oh my God, how did this happen?"

Naruto touched his chin, "That is more complicated to explain in words. It is to get a part of Mr. Kakashi first, and then so what?"

Sasuke hurriedly reminded: "I just said that you can't take it lightly, Naruto."

"This is the first time I heard this sentence" Naruto retorted immediately.

Little Sakura persuaded from the side, "Okay, don't be arrogant at this time, Naruto."

Kakashi was pleased to watch the three chatting there. All the members of Class 7 gathered at this moment, as if returning to the first time they saw them.

At the same time, he thought to himself:

"Naruto, now you have become a hero recognized by everyone, surpassing Hokage, but you still aim to become Hokage."

"There is also little Sakura, your heart for Sasuke is different from then, right? Although you still like him, your heart is different. You still like the person who once wanted to kill yourself, no matter what happens. , You have not abandoned your beloved Sasuke. You think it is your responsibility to save him from the dark, you are such a kind girl."

"Sasuke, your dream used to be to kill Itachi, but now it is no longer there. What kind of thoughts do you have and where do you want to go? Even though I am your teacher, I have never understood you, and now and also"]

The image ends,

Although it was not revealed whether Six Paths Madara was defeated or whether Infinite Tsukuyomi was turned on, the audience in the Ninja world did not feel regret.

Seeing the reunion of the seventh class is a rare animated scene they have seen since they watched the video for so long.

It would be great if the future end of the Ninja World could be as perfect as the seventh class reunion.

On Hokage Square,

Ya, Chōji and others gathered around Naruto and praised:

"Your medical ninjutsu has surpassed Tsunade-sama!"

"Naruto, you are amazing!"

"Don't be afraid of getting hurt again, Naruto, be the medical soldier of our team!'

Naruto laughed and joked with them, but there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

Kakashi knew that Naruto should be the reunion scene of the seventh class in the enviable video..

Thinking of this, he felt a stronger sense of responsibility.

In any case, he will realize the reunion of the seventh class, as in the video.

This is his responsibility as a teacher in Class 7 and also a responsibility as Konoha Village Fifth Hokage.

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