Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 174 : A question and answer that made Black Zetsu entangled to death! (Please subscribe, sug

The reunion of the seventh class in the video really warmed people's hearts, but most people knew that this was a sign before the storm, and the real crisis is yet to come.

Perhaps in the next second, Uchiha Madara will come back with double Rinnegan, and then crush the seventh squad with invincibility.

as predicted,

The eyes of the crowd were sharp, and after less than ten minutes of staying warm in the seventh class, Uchiha Madara returned.

[Video "Fruit Ninja"]

[In the scene, the space is distorted, and Uchiha Madara and Obito return to the Ninja World. 1

[Naruto looked at Obito, and cried out with concern: "Obito!"

"It's a pity that Obito is no longer there. This body is mine now. This guy seems to want to settle his fault, he pleads like a child in his heart, wanting to entrust the future to you. How selfish Ah, it's like a wayward brat" Black Zetsu mocked.

Naruto said angrily: "You are not allowed to say that to him!"

At this moment, Uchiha Madara just glanced at Naruto coldly, and the little Sakura couldn't stop backing a few steps.

But thinking that she had fantasized about catching up with Naruto and Sasuke before, she gritted her teeth again, turned on the power of Baihao, and rushed forward.

"I'll accompany the attack, keep up!"

Seeing that Sakura didn't go according to plan, Naruto and Sasuke had to follow, but in the end they were all repelled by Uchiha Madara.

Sasuke reminded: "Naruto, that guy's shadow has increased to four."

Uchiha Madara said coldly: "The after-show is over."

I saw Madara flying into the sky with her hands folded "six seven zeros",

"Planetary Devastation!"

After a while,

A dozen huge meteorites appeared in the sky.

Madara said with satisfaction: "The raindrops are harder and bigger.

Then he held his hand for a while, and the meteorite hit Naruto and Sasuke like raindrops.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Naruto hurriedly used Shadow Clone to fight against Madara, the four-wheel tomb, and then rubbed a Tailed Beast Bomb spiral shuriken towards the meteorite.


The huge meteorite emits golden light from the inside out, and then directly turns into debris.

And Sasuke also turned on Susanoo, turned into a "fruit ninja", and smashed one meteorite after another like cutting melons and vegetables. 】

In the Ninja World,

After watching the game between Six Paths Madara and Naruto Sasuke, everyone's mouths almost fell to the ground.

They can understand that little Sakura was hit by her own illusion again, after all, she didn't want to be left behind by Naruto and Sasuke.

But can you discuss it with them in advance?

I rushed straight up, really thinking I was not afraid of death?

Maybe it's also relying on Naruto's presence, after all, Naruto's yang power is invincible in healing his injuries.

And then the operation of Six Paths Madara is even more exaggerated, using Planetary Devastation as a raindrop!

I really don't think of Whirlpool Nagato as a human being!

To know,

Nagato was struggling to pinch one at the time, but Madara was fine, just pinch a dozen or twenty...

Even if Six Paths Madara can pinch so much Planetary Devastation with Rinnegan's ability, everyone can't help but recognize it.

But Sasuke's operation is a bit too strong, right?

Previously, Naruto, Killer Bee, and Uchiha Itachi gathered the strongest long-range attack ninjutsu to beat Planetary Devastation. You start hacking like a watermelon. It really doesn’t give everyone face.

Anyway, everyone is speechless,

The strength of the three of them is no longer imaginable by ordinary people, and it has exceeded the cognition range of ordinary people.

In the chat group,

[Ohnoki: Everyone relaxes. Sage of Six Paths has said that the future of the Ninja world is determined by Naruto and Sasuke. Those of us can just watch the show. Whether it is to live well or become a slave to Uchiha Madara, it is no longer something we can decide!]

[Ai: Although I don't want to agree with this, but after watching their battles, I also know that there are some things that I can't force, so let's just follow the situation!]

[Terumi Mei: You two are really irresponsible for your words. Is it a value that a movie should convey? Listen to me. If you are not married now, get married quickly, and if you don’t have children, you can quickly give birth to children. Time does not wait for me, and the age is not for me!]

[Kakashi: You guys are really planning to lie down!]

[Oh Nogi: Didn’t you find that in the future you can only watch a play behind Zuoming?]

[Kakashi: This]

It's no wonder that everyone has the mentality of lying flat, the main reason is that they don't see the hope of working hard. No matter how hard you struggle, it won't help. Lying flat seems to be the best choice.

To them,

As long as you don't cause trouble to the Ninja world, you will be an excellent ninja!

At this time,

The screen begins to expose a new image.

[Video "Infinite Tsukuyomi"]

[In the camera, Uchiha Madara flies in the sky, then breaks off the horns on his head.

"According to the content of the stone tablet, when the owner of the power of reincarnation approaches the moon, the moon eye, which is used to realize the infinite dream, will open."

The next second, a red nine-hook jade Rinnegan appeared on Madara's forehead, and Madara whispered:

"Light up the world!"

"Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

At this time, the ground began to vibrate violently.

All the coalition forces looked at the moon in the sky in shock,

Onoki: "Look at the moon in the sky"

Tsunade: "Is this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "How can this be!"

at the same time,

Sasuke also saw the abnormal moon in the sky,

"Oh no!"

Sasuke stopped cutting the meteorite, but fell quickly in Naruto's direction.

Naruto said dissatisfied: "Sasuke, don't come down suddenly, otherwise you will even be caught by the spiral shuriken."

But Sasuke ignored him at all and landed directly on the ground, setting off a huge dust.

Annoyed Naruto yelled, "Hey! Can't you keep quiet when you land?"

Sasuke yelled, "Okay, don't say it. Don't move!'

I saw Sasuke put Susanoo's big wings on Naruto's body, and then quietly waited for the disaster to happen.

The camera turns,

Uchiha Madara made a seal with one hand, and the corners of her mouth raised, "Now, let's become one!"

Rinnegan directly above his head exaggerated a bit, corresponding to the moon.


What he didn't notice was that a woman's figure appeared in the sky, and the moon was in the center of her forehead, like Rinnegan embedded in her forehead.

Then the white light flashed,

The Ninja World suddenly changed from night to day, and the eyes of the person who was irradiated by the light became Rinnegan, standing still like a walking corpse.

Whether it is a ninja or ordinary people in other parts of the world, even animals are forced to enter the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Only the four shadows that came out of the dirty soil were safe and sound.

Tobirama looked at everyone and said in disbelief, "Did Uchiha Madara succeed?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tobirama saw huge tree roots emerging from the ground, and then entangled all those standing still, like zongzi. 】

After the exposure of this video, most people in the ninja world seemed to accept their fate, and they were not surprised by the result.

Uchiha Madara really won, the Infinite Tsukuyomi plan succeeded, and everyone in the ninja world fell into illusion.

All of them became Madara's slaves.

According to that, the end of the entire Ninja World is doomed, and the screen should disappear, right?

"Hey, thinking about the future outcome, although I feel unwilling, but helpless."

"Uchiha Madara's victory is doomed, no matter how much we resist, it will be useless!"

"The two of Sasuke and Naruto are also just a flash in the prefecture after all, and they don't have the ability to determine the fate of Ninja."

For a while,

The whole Ninja World was filled with frustration. Most people lost their fighting spirit and looked like they were eating and waiting to die.

The atmosphere in the chat group has also become cold, and no one wants to talk.

[Naruto: Hey, what are you doing like this! We still have a chance to change the ending!]

[Sasuke: Heh, a bunch of waste who only knows to die!]

[Normal Ninja: You did not stop Madara from turning on Infinite Tsukuyomi!]

[Sasuke: That's better than you guys who admit their fate, now Uchiha Madara hasn't been resurrected, you are afraid of being like this, it works!]

Sasuke's cynicism made everyone feel uncomfortable, but it also reminded them.

Although the ending is doomed, they still have a chance to change 0...

At least you have to work hard like the future, right?

[Kakashi: Obito, stop it! Outside are all ninjas who want you to look back. 】

[Jiraiya: Nagato, listen to my teacher’s advice, the water for the resurrection of Uchiha Madara is too deep, you can’t grasp it. 】

【Onogi: Uchiha Madara is too dangerous, you two must be cautious. 】


Obito and Nagato seemed to have not heard them, still waiting for the screen to disappear.

If the screen disappears,

That means that the end of Ninja World is like in the video, everyone is trapped in the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

If the screen does not disappear, then there may be a turnaround


It may also expose images from the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi

The country of rain,

Black Zetsu laughed from ear to ear after seeing the future Uchiha Madara series of operations.

Uchiha Madara's victory meant his victory, and he also vaguely saw the shadow of his mother, but he didn't know if anyone else noticed it.

I must not pay attention!

"Hahaha, these fools! I thought Madara was the real man behind the scenes."

The screen did not disappear, instead a line of text appeared.

Question: Who killed Uchiha Madara!

Reward: The opportunity to have any dead person in Impure World Reincarnation!

Condition: Within one minute, the first person to meet the condition can get the reward!

Seeing this problem, everyone in the ninja world yelled in excitement, it turned out that Uchiha Madara was not the final winner.

Someone must have killed him!

As for the rewards?

Everyone doesn't care so much anymore.

As long as Uchiha Madara dies, the entire Ninja World will return to normal again!

[Ohnoki: It's almost always the time to go, Uchiha Madara will die in someone's hands, this is great news!]

[Ai: How desperate I was just now, how happy I am now!]

[Terumi Mei: The question can be guessed at will, anyway, the result does not matter, we only know the established fact that Madara is dead!]

[Kakashi: Is it Madara who killed Naruto and Sasuke?]

[Gaara: It should be them, otherwise who has this ability!]


At the same time, Black Zetsu in Rain Shinobi Village froze in place after seeing the problem.

He was so happy when he saw that the reward could be any dead person in Impure World Reincarnation, because he finally had the opportunity to give Uchiha Madara out of the impure land, and then tried to conquer the world of Shinobi.

But I also thought that the person who killed Uchiha1.6 Madara was most likely to be himself.If he answered the question correctly, wouldn't he hit the gun?

For a while,

Black Zetsu's face turned green.

He does not answer, nor does he answer.

At this moment,

The answer countdown began to appear at the top of the screen.

3, 2, 1, get ready! Start!

Everyone in the ninja world began to answer questions indiscriminately.




"Little Sakura!"

"Uchiha Obito!"

"Sage of Six Paths!"

"Kishimoto's Ōtsutsuki a pleasure!"


Five answers were Eight Gate, but none of them answered Black Zetsu.

Black Zetsu hesitated and did not answer the question, because as long as he answered it himself, if the screen announced the answer to killing Madara, he would be finished.

One minute later,

Everyone in the ninja world began to look forward to the rewards of the screen.

But this time it surprised them, because none of the answers were correct.

The screen read: Reward: None!

In the chat group,

[Oh Nogi: Is there a correct answer?]

[Terumi Mei: Didn’t Naruto and Sasuke kill Uchiha Madara?]

[Kakashi: Who the hell is it?]

[Might Guy: Isn’t it Black Zetsu standing there like a fool?]

[Asuma: Shouldn’t it? Black Zetsu is Madara’s will]


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