Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 175 : Black Zetsu is about to be scared to death!

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Knowing that Uchiha Madara is going to die, the people in the Ninja world feel even more happy.

Even the ninja who was going to lie down was ready to do it again, feeling that life was full of hope.

"This time I must see who is the great hero who saved the Ninja World! I will give him a little red flower at that time!"

"I am willing to ask him to eat barbecue for a year!"

"I asked him to take a bath for a year!"

"I introduced my ex-girlfriend to him!"

"Good guy, what if someone is a woman!"

"Then introduce my ex boyfriend to him!"

"Cow! You take both sexes

The atmosphere in the Ninja world became active, and everyone wanted to see who the unsung hero was.

At this moment,

The screen also began to expose the image as they wanted.

[In the camera, Uchiha Madara floats in the air and laughs wildly: "Hahahaha. The world of Infinite Tsukuyomi is finally complete!'

Under the brilliance of Infinite Tsukuyomi, all creatures in the Ninja world have entered that world.

However, the light that was enough to penetrate the shadow and make everyone invisible did not penetrate Sasuke's Susanoo.

Black Zetsu on the ground was secretly surprised: "Sasuke's Rinnegan, is he above this trick?

Under Susanoo’s wings, Sasuke persuaded, “Don’t go out now. If you don’t have the Susanoo made with my eyes, you will be trapped by that guy’s illusion. Besides, there is still that guy’s shadow outside. If you and I get caught, Everything is over. Wait for the opportunity!"

Although Naruto felt angry, he was helpless.

At this time, little Sakura asked curiously: "How is it outside? Sasuke!"

Who knows, Sasuke said coldly: "What can you do if you know it in 09? Now you can't do anything."

"Sasuke, that's not the case. Naruto and I want to know the current situation, and also to analyze the next response strategy, little Sakura," Kakashi said hurriedly in order to take care of little Sakura.

But Sasuke doesn't give him face at all,

"Kakashi, you are the same as Sakura now, shut up first!"

Seeing that Sasuke didn't give Kakashi and Sakura face so much, Naruto said angrily: "Sasuke, you guy, talked about teamwork! Let's get to the seventh class together and kill Madara!"

Kakashi understands Kaidō: "Sasuke, I really can't do anything now. If you can analyze the external situation with your left eye, you should now be the commander of the seventh class!"

"I don't think this guy can think of a better strategy than Mr. Kakashi and Sakura. Although it might be better than me."

Hearing this, Sasuke also gave Kakashi face and explained: "In short, Infinite Tsukuyomi was launched successfully. Everyone outside fell into a dream. Only the four of us were spared!"]

In the Ninja World,

The audience has no hope for Naruto and Sasuke, because the previous answers have shown that neither of them killed Madara.

But now the four of them in Class 7 are alive and well, which makes them very puzzled.

If only the four of them survived, then one of them must have killed Madara, but why there is no correct answer.

They don't understand this point, they can only wait for the answer to the screen exposure.

But judging from this video,

Someone is really owed!

If you don't give your teammates and teachers a little bit of face, you will always be fierce.Who can bear this?

But after thinking about his strength at the time, everyone still endured it.

Sasuke's capital is no longer at the same level as the younger brother who was beaten by Killer Bee and let go by Uchiha Itachi.

His strength has been regarded as one of the top three figures in the Jōnin world, forming a superb, two hero pattern with Six Paths Madara.

On Hokage Square,

Little Sakura's expression was the same as in the video, her eyelids drooped, and she had no temper at all.

Faced with reprimands from her liking, she could only endure silently.

After all, I am really a small waste, the kind that can't help, and sometimes it may be a hindrance...

Kakashi didn't think it mattered. He had seen a lot of things and knew that Sasuke was such a person.

His ability to shelter four people is the best proof!

As for Naruto, he was jumping and jumping angrily, and couldn't help but want to punch Sasuke a few times.

"Damn it's Sasuke, it hurts Kakashi-teacher and little Sakura so much, it really owes you a beating!"

"When he comes back, I must use the secret teaching of Kakashi to make him suffer!"

Before Naruto finished his breath, the screen began a new round of revealing secrets.

[In the lens, the light of Infinite Tsukuyomi finally disappeared, and Sasuke also canceled Susanoo. 】

["Sasuke, how can I wake everyone up from the illusion?" Naruto asked.

"Rinnegan's illusion should be able to use Rinnegan." Sasuke frowned Kaidō.

Black Zetsu mocked: "Think beautiful! Then just deal with you and it's over!'


The voice just fell,

Six Paths Madara descended directly from the sky, and said triumphantly: "By my world’s salvation initiative.,

Sasuke hurriedly reminded: "Be careful, his four shadows have surrounded the country!"

I saw Six Paths Madara said in a relaxed tone: "I won't let you do anything again. I have cut off the cause and effect of this world, and isolated people's distress, pain and emptiness."

Naruto angrily Kaidō: "This is nonsense at all."

Madara looked at Naruto sympathetically, "Naruto, you are hindering everyone's happiness. You see, this world where all ninjas don't fight anymore. I, hell has turned into heaven, and Hashirama's mistakes have finally been corrected by me."

Little Sakura became curious, "What the hell did Master First Hokage make?"

"You Konoha ninjas would not want to admit that in the transformation of the ninja world, Hashirama really failed. In the beginning, Hashirama had the same goal as mine, and we are still acting together. We want to change even young children. The ninja world that had to go to the battlefield."

"We both established Shinobu Village, but this cannot bring real peace. People can't be honest with each other, fear, doubt, and hatred are impossible to stop.

"The world of ninjas has advanced towards Hashirama's ideals, but the result is that the fighting between ninjas has never stopped. The establishment of Ninja Village has improved the military power and the battle has expanded to the scale of a big battle. The first Ninja battle, the second The Ninja World War, the third Ninja World War, the war never ceases."

"But in the final analysis, I provoked this fourth Ninja World War!

Little Sakura: "Yes, you killed so many people!"

"I suggested that you surrender the tail beasts obediently! Now everyone is sitting in the sacred tree with all kinds of happy dreams. They have entered their ideal world."

Sasuke: "Is this your ideal world? You just gave everyone a false dream."

Madara's proud Kaidō: "I have eliminated the fight as a savior from the long history of ninja wars. Accept the reality, everything is over.

At this time, from the perspective of Naruto, Sasuke and others, Black Zetsu is walking towards the back of Uchiha Madara, who is still arguing, with a smirk.]

People in the ninja world couldn't help but reflect upon hearing Uchiha Madara's words.

Although I don't want to admit it,

But the fact is, as Uchiha Madara said, the Ninja world has not achieved real peace because of the establishment of Ninja Village.

On the contrary, the scale of the war has been increased, especially the battle between the big ninja village and the big ninja village has caused countless deaths and injuries of ninjas.

And those small Shinobu villages are one of the victims.

For example, the villages of Rain Shinobi Village, Takiin Village, and Cao Yin Village,

In the face of the Ninja World War, the ninjas in these villages did not even have the opportunity to evade. They had to be forced to join the battle and were shattered by the war's flesh-patterned pattern.

It can be said that Uchiha Madara's words awakened everyone in the Ninja world and gave them a new idea of ​​how they will come together in the future.

[Onoki: What Madara said is indeed a fact of Ninja, but it’s not easy to change it all at once!]

[Terumi Mei: I think it has changed now, because the screen is exposed, the entire Ninja world is united again, as long as it can be maintained in the future!]

[Ai: Lord Fifth Mizukage, you are too superficial. Now it’s because Uchiha Madara, the ultimate BOSS, oppresses everyone. Without him, the ninja world will probably become chaotic!]

[Gaara: Does this mean we are in an endless loop?]

[Kakashi: No]

Kakashi had already figured out 670, if Uchiha Madara died, then Sasuke and Naruto would be able to shock the Ninja world.

And Naruto and Sasuke's ideas are different from Madara, they will not let everyone enter the world of illusion.

If you count it like this,

The Ninja world will enter a long period of peaceful development under the oppression of Naruto and Sasuke.

The only thing to worry about is whether Sasuke and Naruto will be assassinated by others, and what is Sasuke's true purpose?

Do you follow the example of Madara or plan to follow the route of uniting everyone like Naruto.

At this time, some people in the chat group started talking curiously.

[Killer Bee: Look, why the corners of Black Zetsu’s mouth are so weird, I feel uneasy and kind!]

[Kankuro: I am afraid that I am happy to see Uchiha Madara going to kill Naruto and others. After all, he is such a yin and yang person. 】

[Hei Shi: I always feel that his behavior is a bit abnormal. 】

[Qing: Could it be Obito who has regained control of his body? Then he wants to attack Madara?]

[Ebisu: Very likely, Obito is the owner of the strongest will in the ninja world!]


For a while,

The whole Ninja world focused on Obito, and they finally knew why they didn't guess the right answer.

If I said the name "Obito and Black Zetsu", I would have gotten the answer right!

After all, they still didn't answer rigorously enough!

Damn it, missed an opportunity for a dirty family!

And in the country of rain,

Black Zetsu looked helpless at this time,

He knew that he must have done something to Madara.

But in this way, his identity as the main messenger behind the scenes was exposed.

How to do how to do?

Black Zetsu hurriedly circled the ground, but never thought of a way to prevent exposure.

this moment,

He who prides himself on the wisdom of the Ninja world can't help but feel frustrated.

"Mother, come and save me!!!"

"Mother, give me an instruction!!!"

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